Does she wake up when you stop breathing?I have a wife for that.
Yet like blood pressure/sugar and heart rhythms, Apple is pushing these health apps pretty hard and it seems at least as important that they be active during sleep as they are during the rest of the day.I don't stop breathing.
If you were to add more monitoring apps (especially ones that involve sensors in/on the watch), the charging frequency would logically increase.Got it down to a routine. In the settings I saw that my Tesla App that is running all the time is the highest consumption at 28%.
I'm only a jack of the trades I need to be. For example, the Ultra 2 has some really nice capability for scuba diving. But since I'm no longer diving for pleasure or professionally, that feature set is of no interest to me other than curiosity so those will never impact my use or battery drain. The Tesla app is the greatest drain as I have it running 24/7 for instant access to my two Teslas. I monitor the battery charge in the Teslas. I also have the stock actively polling the market constantly and this seems to be the second drain on the battery. But neither seems to be severe enough to complain about. It's like charging a Tesla on a road trip. I do it when I need a break from driving for food or restroom stop or overnight when I am at the hotel. I charge my AW when I don't need to be using it, like in the shower in the morning.The jack-of-all-trades approach may not be the best for those who have no monitoring concerns or those who have many.
It isn't even that close. Some are simple charging cables while others support more sophisticated charging and different levels of data transfer.Like using an HDMI v1 cable on a 4K HDR 120 fps gaming rig, it won't work the way you want it to.
Assuming any 3D TVs are still operating when they release the feature.It would be nice to be able to shoot in 3D and watch on a 3D TV set!
Spent quite a bit of time today developing a pathway of the 3D spatial video test clip into my Meta Quest3. But it is 2D. I did some digging into the mov video file and it appears to be using a special codec to save file size space making it incompatible with standard SBS 3D video format. Leave it to Apple to make life difficult.Let us know if it works! It would be nice to be able to shoot in 3D and watch on a 3D TV set!