Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

This World, Then The Fireworks - 3 stars : Smoky, boozy, sexy, stylish piece of film noir (I think - I don't actually know what "film noir" is, but it seems to fit!) with excellent PQ and a teriffic jazzy soundtrack of bass, bongos, and horns that contributes a lot to the film's mood. Listen to this one loud. Billy Zane is very good as a lunatic. Hall-of-fame sex kitten Gina Gershon is, well...Gina Gershon. Rue McClanahan is surprisingly nuanced as their mother. Beautifully filmed with some clever camera angles and creative lighting.
True Heart - 1.5 stars : Nothing really wrong with this movie really - just not my cuppa tea. Never got into it. I did enjoy the Native American (Native Canadian?) music featured in the soundtrack, and watching a young Kirsten Dunst do the acting thing. Zachery Ty Bryan (oldest son on Home Improvement) didn't impress me much. PQ was alright, but with such beautiful scenery, I wish it would've been better.
John Carpenter (doc) 5.0 Just brilliant... What a man... John Carpenter... The insight to his movies his vision, his desire to make movies is beyond comprehension.
American Psycho 2 : All-American Girl - 1 star : Pretty bad. Acting was as awful as the caricatures of characters they were attempting to portray. Shatner's kinda fun to watch. Mina Kunis is kinda cute. And the sound was good. Other than that, pretty useless movie.
Roger Corman's The Undead

Not many people seem to have liked this old Roger Corman flick but Tivo's guide gave it 3 out of 4 stars, and I enjoyed it. Roger Corman was known for being able to do quick pictures on a small budget, and the age of this film and some of it's cheap special f/x really show's, but it has a neat twist ending, and a good story in my opinion. The story has a bit of a shakespearian quality to it as they travel back in time using hypnosis, and the film uses a bunch of clever medieval dialogue. It's a great morality play that teaches that time honored tradition that one shouldn't dabble with things mystical.

imdb.com's biography of Roger Corman says this:

A running gag in Hollywood was that Corman could negotiate the production of a film on a pay phone, shoot the film in the booth, and finance it with the money in the change slot.

Although he did them cheap,
The Fly Papers 4.0 stars. This was just a fantastic documentary. It explains all the fly movies, their history, their making, and how they have become a classic. I hope Monsters HD can bring all 5 of them and play them in a series. It will be fantastic!

The Razors Edge 4.0 stars. Great great great movie. Not the best HD transfer and not OAR but the movie itself is worth watching. Really love the performance of Bill Murray. I thought in the beginning that it was going to be one of those movies which I was going to be bored with but Bill Murray left me with a great taste.

None but the brave 4.0 stars Excellent war movie with Frank Sinatra. It shows the cold hard facts of war in the American/Japanese war. The PQ was excellent and only wonder how great it would have looked OAR.

The Legend of the Swordsman 2.5 the story was ok but the dubbed sound made the movie difficult to watch. Quite bad dubbed. They should have subtitled the movie instead. The PQ was accepatable as it had its good moments and its bad moments. The movie is kungfu fantasy. Not too thrill about the flying moves.
Mahogany - 1 star : Didn't enjoy this one much at all. The acting was distractingly bad all around - especially Diana Ross, who was anorexically thin and quite simply too unattractive for me to believe her as a fashion model. Everything about this movie was predictable, and the PQ wasn't even very good - nor the sound for that matter. Early on, there were some artistically shot scenes with some nice cityscapes, so I suppose it's not a total waste.
The Legend of the Swordsman - 2.5 stars : So this a "Kung Fu" movie, eh? My first one. Have no idea what to make of it or how to rate it. On one hand, it is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Awful - AWFUL! - dubbing, equally bad acting, ridiculous special effects, borderline nonsensical story. So why couldn't I bring myself to change the channel? I do believe I was somehow entertained by this godawful piece of movie! I can't decide if this is genius or retardation or something in between. But it certainly ain't yer average Hollywood movie. I'll wuss out and give it a middlin' rating. Very good PQ, disappointing sound.
Um... Until now I was pretty sure it was called Swordsman II, but now you got me second-guessin' myself. . .

Here are some of the scenes that stuck in my head : early on a chick's horse gets cut in half by a sword - the long ways -- looked ridiculously bad.

The dude she's with can't enough of the wine he's drinkin' and has sworn to stop fighting and gets pissed when his wine bottle gets broken and challenges this other power-chick to a fight -- she's standing at the top of a tree at the time.

A little later they're at a cabin with a bunch of their buds and the chick ( they call her "Kiddo" )gives herself a new hairdo and they all make fun of her and they switch her makeup with chili powder and hilarity ensues. They all pretend to be dead when the army comes up to the cabin and it actually fools them.

Any of this sound like The Legend of the Swordsman?
The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training 3.0 not terribly bad. A little league team goes to Houston to play in the metrodome (not there anymore, I guess). In the process one of the kids reconciles with his father who he has not seen for 8 years. It is a fun movie to watch with kids.

The Magnificent Seven Ride! 3.5 I read a few review about this one and all of them were dow on this movie with Lee Van Cleef as Chris. I enjoyed this one in spite of the bad reviews. I love the western scene and the funny plot of the movie.

That Night 3.5 Very good movie with an excellent HD transfer. The story is not that hot but it has its good moments. I'll recommend to watch.
Chasers - 2 stars : Inane movie filled with situations contrived to showcase Erika Eleniak's hotness. Actually succeeds there. Everything else about it sucks. And what's with the 4X3?
Vampire Lovers - 3 stars : Pretty cool. And sexy. And it displays some creativity. Not exactly a classic, but not a bad way to kill some time either. More impressive when I consider how old it is - even older than I am.
The Wanderer 4.0 loved the movie and the music! The HD transfer was fine and in the openning scene there is a theater showing "Battle Cry" which it is now showing on HD Cinema. I found that to be funny. The movie has a very nice concept and story and makes good entertaining for a saturday morning.

The Vampire Lovers 3.0 I agreed with TheTimm. It was a good movie and it kept me watching it.

Look here for another review: http://www.satelliteguys.us/showpost.php?p=238792&postcount=4

The Last Man on Earth 3.0 stars. Vincent Price in this sci-fi/monsters b/w movie which is very similar to the Omega Man, was very good. Quite a good movie for its time.

For a few dollars more 3.5 stars really liked Eastwood and Lee Van Clief on this one. Not OAR made it less enjoyable but still keeps you laughing and smiling at the acting and the story. Great movie.

Natural Born Killers 4.0 Lots lots of violence on this one but the overall movie was good and keep you in your seats to what these maniacs were going to do next.
The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training - 2.5 stars: Sean hit the nail on the head with his "not terribly bad" take on it. Tanner himself might call it a cruddy movie about a buncha cruddy kids playing cruddy baseball, but I sure enjoyed it. I thought the coach (someone Devane, was it? William,maybe?) did a pretty good job -- and seemed like the only guy in the movie who ever actually played a game of baseball.
Blood Simple 4.5 stars if you haven't seen this movie, you have to watch it. It stars very simple and sometimes you think let me turn it off. But don't because it will pick up and it has a very amusing story and ending. Don't want to spoil the movie for anyone. Just watch it. BTW, the PQ was excellent!

The Night of the Generals 2.5 stars a war story about justice/murder. Found it a little bit long to tell the story but it was a good story nonetheless. The movie was not OAR but still the quality of the HD transfer was very good. You could see in the openning credits how good this movie looked OAR. Anyway, if you are not into war movies or history, you won't enjoy this one.
The Fly Papers - 3.5 stars : Good documentary on "The Fly" movies. Held my interest and entertained me even though I've only seen one of the five films. Hoping Voom brings us these in HD (at least the original or the remake with Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis)!

P.S. Sean, FWIW in the Index of HD Movies on Cinema 10 you listed my review of The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training under your name. Seems a little awkward because my review mentions you! :D

fixed. Trying to update them too fast :D

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