Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

The Purple Rose of Cairo - 4.5 stars: A character from a movie and the actor who portrays him vie for the affections of a married woman. Are you kidding me? What a great plot. What great movie-making! Clever, creative - pure fun! I can't believe I'd never even heard of this great picture. Now I know why Jeff Daniels' Purple Rose Theatre in Chelsea is called The Purple Rose. He's great here in two roles. Danny Aiello also does his thing very well as Mia Farrow's husband. Good stuff -- lots of plot twists and surprises.

Manhattan - 1 .5 star : And the full star is just because Mariel Hemingway is so cute. I know it has nothing to do with the movie directly, but I just can't get past seeing old Woody with such a young girl, especially with him talking about the morality of it! Ugh. But even worse than that is ... this is one dull movie. Booooorrrrriiiiinnnnnnnnnnng.
Purple Rose of Cairo 4.5 stars. I have to agree with TheTimm. What a great movie! I never saw it and enjoyed it so much. Do not miss this one. The PQ HD transfer is just excellent.
Lifeforce - 4 stars : "...a naked space vampire loose in London."? Yes, please! With a PG description like that, I had to at least give this a quick look. I found a gem of a surprise! Fun movie. Not your traditional vampire, but she sure is naked and from space. Tobe Hooper outdid himself here. Good pq and excellent, explosive surround sound.

Puppet Master - 1.5 stars : Well, there were a couple well-composed shots and an interesting effect or two, but that's about it. So dull and dumb I totally lost interest. Even fell asleep near the end. And there is some truly horrible acting.
I Confess - 2 stars : Didn't love it, didn't hate it. Just okay. Not Hitchcock's best work, although it was well-shot with cool compositions and lighting. Thought Karl Malden was pretty good, as much of the time I wanted to slap the crap out of him.
From Dusk Till Dawn 3 4.0 Quite a surprise for this one to show up in Monsters HD. PQ excellent. Action, vampires, nudity at maximum. Do not miss it.

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Battle of the Bulge 2.5 It is a long movie and some may not like it but it has good actors like Henry Fonda, Charles Bronson, Telly Savalas, etc. Just to look at them when they were very young is quite entertaining. The movie itself was not that great and of course OAR is the preference. Only watch it if you are into WAR movies like I am.
Russell Mulcahy's Tale of the Mummy 3.0 not a very good movie but it had its moments plus it was OAR (I gave .5 star for this). The transfer was very good and excellent in OAR.
Zelig - 3 stars : Woody Allen's a little creepy for my taste, but he sure does make some clever movies here and there. This is one of the clever ones.
I try to make it a point never to watch movies by people who marry their children !sadroll
Have Rocket will Travel 2.0 not the best of the Three Stooges. Their movies were not that great but their short comedies were great. I am a big fan of them. It was great to see this one re-mastered in HD but it was not that great of a film.
Blackboard Jungle 3.5 I liked the movie. A B&W movie with troubled kids in a school. A teacher tries to teach them but finds how difficult it's to get through them. One of those students is young actor Sidney Poitier. I have seen other movies of Sidney. He is a brilliant actor and this one was an ok performance but not his best. Hope to see more movies with Sidney.

The Two Jakes 3.0 Good entertainment and Excellent PQ. Great actors in this one but the story itself did not find very good. Jack Nicholson is a guy that I really love in movies. He was just great.

Silver Bullet 3.5 good movie. The HD transfer was a little soft, IMO. The movie itself I saw a long time ago but it was good to see once more. Nice movie.

Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein 3.0 This used to be my saturday morning marathon when I was a teenager. Great to see it. It was OAR and don't let the B&W fool you. It is special to see this in HD!
The Baroness and the Pig - 3.0 stars. Warning: this is an artsy-fartsy film, but it is shot using HD cameras so the PQ is outstanding; worth checking-out just for this reason. This is typically not my type of film, but I do appreciate artistic films when properly motivated. Anyway, I enjoyed this film after placing myself into the proper mindset; being imbibed with Yuengling Laber sure helps! If you enjoyed An Ideal Husband (Oscar Wilde version) then you should enjoy this as well.
Phantasm II 3.5 awesome if you like the monsters, blood, and just plain horror and scary situations. This movie gives me the chills. I have seen it a couple of times before and always liked it. The PQ was very good. This is one I think the DVD is not yet available if I am not mistaken.
Phantasm II - 3.0 stars. While it's certainly not as good as the original, there is plenty of scarily good blood & guts and they drive a really cool Hemicuda. Add to this it's on MonstersHD and what's not to like! HD transfer could have been better.
Scanners 3.0 Quite an interested movie. I have neve seen it before but the concept of being able to scan people and computers is quite imaginative. Imagine using your brain as a modem to comunicate through the internet with any computer in the world. Any way, it was quite good.
Amarcord 4.0 stars. This movie made me laugh. There's so much in it that it will keep you in your sit. Before watching it do some research on the movie so that you can understand where Federico Fellini is trying to convey. The scenes in the class room and the dining table are hilarious.
Amarcord 5 stars! One of my favorites! It's been long-long time since I watched this movie. It was great to re-discover it in High Def. Excellent transfer!
bad boys 4.0 stars this is the original one with Sean Penn. Never watched it before but Sean Penn was really good on this one. The story was very good. I finally caught it. Give it a try. I haven't watched the second one either so I hope to watch it and compare.

Bruce Lee: the Legend 3.5 stars. A documentary about Bruce Lee. Very old footage and some may not even HD. But the documentary itself is worth watching. It takes you from the early Bruce Lee to his death, funeral, and last and final footages of Game of Death.

The Way of the Dragon 2.5 stars I saw this one a long time a go in the theater. One caution - do not look for great HD picture. This film is in somewhat poor condition. Despite the quality, it was good to see Bruce Lee's kungfu moves. If you pay attention, they are the same moves in the Matrix Triology KungFu scenes. Also younger Chuck Norris was on this one. As I said not a great PQ, not a great story but the kungfu moves are what it is all about.
Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography - 4 stars : Very interesting documentary. Lots of examples of just what a cinematographer does, illustrated with many clips from classic movies. And for all you aspect ratio junkies, all the clips seem to be OAR. The first half or so was slightly less interesting to me because of its focus on old black and white (even silent) movies. But once they got into films I'd seen, found it fascinating.
Visions of Ligth the art of Cinematography 4.0 stars. A must see... That's all I can say.

A nightmare on Elm Street: the Dream Master 3.5 stars loved it. I like them all. The last scene is very special to see all the dead people coming out of Freddy's body.

King David 3.5 stars OAR! Yes! Great to see this classic bible story in HD OAR! you probably have come accross the bible story so I do not have to give you the plot. I liked it. I love those Bible stories for some reason.
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 : The Dream Master - 3 stars : What a pleasant surprise! I wasn't expecting much from a third sequel, but this movie really delivered. Well done. Good PQ, and great surround sound.

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