Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

The Road To Wellville - 2.5 stars: Didn't love it, but did find it pretty amusing at times. Great cast, and excellent PQ. Just got a little tired of the whole idea after an hour or so. And frankly, I found Anthony Hopkins and Dana Carvey to be very annoying.
Beyond the Poseidon Adventure 2.0 great cast of names - Michael Canes, Sally Fields, Telly Savalas among others but I found it the story to be just dumb. The PQ was excellent and according to www.imdb.com its OAR is 2:35:1 but I am not sure if that is the correct AR. Anyway, I did not like the idea at first that they needed to go down to find an exit. Of course, what did they expect?
The Wrong Box 3.0 A comedy with Michael Cane. A very young Michael Cane. Not your typical comedy. It makes you laugh in the beginning but is somewhat predictable but entertaining.
The Road To Wellville 3.0 This movie is quite a laugh. I haven't seen anything quite likely. I found it amusing and quite entertaining. Lots of nudity and sexual language. PQ was excellent!
Easy Rider - 5 stars : This movie makes me feel, makes me think, and entertains me all at the same time. What more could I ask for? Some teriffic performances - see Jack Nicholson, Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda at the top of their games. Very powerful final fifteen minutes or so. Excellent HD treatment, with very good sound to show off the top-notch soundtrack. A little more surround action would be welcome, but this isn't exactly a new movie. Overall, real close to perfect.
The American Nightmare: 4.0 This is a documentary with commentaries from George Romero, John Carpenter, Wes Craves, Tom Savini, David Cronenberg, John Landis, Tobe Hooper among others. It gives you an insight into what each director was thinking when making their films. Films like "Night of the Living Dead", "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "Holloween", "Shivers" among others. The documentary is OAR 4x3 with a lot of the footage not in HD but some of the commentaries from the Directors is HD while other is not. Anyway, if you are into horror films and want to find out what was in their mind in creating these films, it is a must see. Enjoy the show.
Thunderbird 6 - 2.5 stars: Well, I'm at a loss for words on this one...basically it's a puppet movie, much like Team America: World Police, that caught the attention of my 2 year old and that I found somewhat entertaining. It's kind of like a James Bond, British Sci-Fi, Thriller, Soap-Opera, with puppet thingies.

In a nutshell, a group known as the International Rescue is out to thwart evil-doers from the New World Aircraft. The movie follows the maiden voyage of Sky Ship One as the killers work to position a perfect trap for their passengers and members of the International Rescue.

Pretty good PQ, BTW.
Hitler - 2 stars: A 1962 B&W film listed as a biography, but it is more or less an ineffective look at Hitler's psychological profile and his relationships in the pre-war years. The acting is poor; the movie spends no time portraying his childhood or adolescence; the war years and his atrocities are barely mentioned. All things considered, this is a poor movie which did little to explain Hitler's profile or rise to power.

I've seen this movie before and HD does little to help. However, I gave it an extra 1/2 star because it has some Nazi footage and Sgt. Shultz (Hogan's Hero's) plays an evil Nazi. I would recommend seeing this film only for the following reasons: 1) seeing Sgt. Shultz, 2) laugh at the bad acting and 3) compare this version of Hitler to Moe Howard's over-the-top comedic portrayal.
The Architecture of Doom (Undergangens Arkitektur) - 4.5 stars: A must see! This is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen. This film does an excellent job explaining how Hitler turned his absurd ideology into a hellish reality; how the Nazi movement propagated beautification through violence and, ultimately, the extermination of those deemed undesirable.

If you're looking for an HD version of Hitler and the Nazi movement, then this movie isn't for you because the PQ is not very good and it contains a lot of 4:3 B&W footage. However, this films is more about "Stuff" than it is about "Fluff". I left this film feeling it was impossible to find any of the Architects of Doom guilty of War Crimes because, in reality, the Nazi movement was nothing more than a military guise for committing civilian murder.
Oh God! You Devil 2.5 not as good as the first movie but still very entertaining. HD transfer was grainy but it still was decent. George Burn was funny and quite good in playing both sides of the coin on this one. The other actors I did not care much about.
Hammerboy: 4.5 stars. I love this type of animation. The story was very good. The PQ was excellent and the sound was fantastic. I hope to see more of these since the story are mystical and I love that part.
Hammerboy - 3.5 stars : Somewhat ridiculous (what do you expect when you tune in to a movie called "Hammerboy"?), definitely entertaining. Just plain fun. With great PQ and surround sound. And it's something the whole family can enjoy. I'm not even really a fan of animated movies like this, but I still really liked it.
The Song Remains the Same - 4.0 stars. This documentary is a classic that shows some of the best musical performances by Led Zeppelin. A must see for any ROCK fan. The HD transfer and sound make justice to this jewel.
Benny & Joon 4.0 stars. I loved the movie. Johnny Depp acting was incredible in this one. The story is very touching and at the same time very funny. All in one give people a chance and don't make decisions for them. We all sometimes think that is what is best according to our point of view is the best for someone else. Especially when that someone else has some disability and we try to justify our thinking. Great movie and great PQ. I finally had the time to watch it and it was fantastic.
Castle Keep 2.5 I did not like it although one of my favorite gendre is War movies. I had a hard time following what it was all about. I guess it was about a castle. Don't know but maybe someone else can explain it better. Not showing it OAR hurt the movie but PQ was great.
FIGHTER -- This was an excellent documentary about these two old Czech Jewish men and how they coped with WW2 and afterwards. One escaped the Nazi invasion, and the other stayed on into the Soviet occupation. They met each other in the U.S. as older men. In this documentary they retrace the steps of the one who escaped earlier, hiding under a train, and they visit villages along the way, telling his difficult and intriguing story. Lots of discussion by these two guys about what they saw and how they felt, and how they feel about it today. Very honest and revealing footage. If you enjoy documentaries about WW2 survivors, this one is not to be missed!

I also plan to see "The Architecture of Doom". It is great to catch up on all these terrific documentaries. Thanks, Voom, for devoting a channel to this!
The Omega Man 3.5 stars I love Charlton Heston acting. He is very cool. This is your tipical sci-fi. I thought the story was great! It leaves you hanging at the end asking for a sequel but I guess a sequel without Charlton would have not made any sense. It was not OAR but it would have been fantastic if it had been.
Somebody Up There Likes Me - 2.5 stars : Not a very good movie, and the boxing scenes are atrocious -- but worth watching at least a little of it just to see the 1956 version of Paul Newman playing the punchy palooka. Newman's really fun to watch here. And the PQ's pretty good, too.
Napoleon - 1.5 stars : A cute puppy and pretty good PQ. Other than that, this movie doesn't have much to offer. I admit, however, that I am probably not its target audience. If it was good though, that shouldn't matter. It isn't good. But it is harmless and inoffensive, and perhaps there are some children that might enjoy it.
Stephen King's The Graveyard Shift 4.0 Awesome, Bloody, Rats, screams, etc. This one surprised me and it was quite excellent. PQ was great!

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