What will it take for TNA to be successful?

some interesting info
In a scary stat, it is believed that the May and June TNA PPVs did approximately 8,000 buys each. Keep in mind they were doing 25,000 to 30,000 back when they had TV at 11 p.m. on Saturday nights. I cannot imagine Victory Road doing much more than that. That's a gross for the company of about $111,000, and if you consider the costs of running a live PPV they're now losing their ass on these shows. For a comparison, and for those trying to defend Vince Russo as a booker, I think WCW at the bitter, bitter end was still doing around 40,000 buys on PPV. It's bad enough that nobody is buying the shows, but worse, people care so little about TNA that statistically nobody is even bothering to stream them for free. According to a source in monitoring, there are usually 30 to 50 unique live streams for wrestling PPVs with an average of 1,000 viewers per stream prior to the streams being terminated. For TNA Victory Road last week there were only five streams across all the major live streaming sites (Justin.tv, Ustream.tv and freedocast.com). The show had less than 1,500 viewers total. WWE streams are in the triple digits with most averaging 60,000 viewers, and UFC tends to have live viewers in excess of 200,000.

The commercial sent to cable and satellite providers is listing the August 8th PPV as "Hardcore Justice: One Last Stand,” and at least at one point in the commercial the fans chant "ECW!" Keep in mind, years ago when Shane Douglas did his Hardcore Homecoming show WWE pitched a fit and demanded they edit out the fans' "ECW!" chants. TNA is walking a very fine line here in terms of the legalities of this angle.

Tommy Dreamer is booking the angle and apparently they've deviated strongly from whatever the original invasion angle was going to be.

They were busy calling former ECW stars this week to see if they would be interested in working the show.

TNA, after making life difficult for ROH in a number of ways, including demanding different finishes literally at the last minute in the past and charging large fees for talent, now needs a favor and wants Jerry Lynn for the August 8th PPV to bring back RVD vs. Jerry Lynn one last time. I don't know the contract status of Lynn, but he's very good friends with Cary Silken of ROH and the feeling from one person in the company is that contract or not, if Lynn wants to do the show he'll do the show. One thing to note is that Lynn was up for an agent job in TNA last year and they ended up giving it to D-Lo Brown, Pat Kenney and Al Snow.

Dreamer suffered a torn meniscus in the ECW angle last week. Old guys in getting hurt shocker there. He said he's not getting surgery.
some more info

It appears that Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn is a lock to main event.

- Johnny Swinger is expected to appear on the show, possibly in a tag-team match with former partner Simon Diamond.

- There is interest in Justin Credible but nothing has been confirmed at this point.

- There is talk about airing sit-down interviews with former ECW stars in between matches.

- The pay for non-contracted wrestlers is said to be around $500-$1,000.

- It is also rumored that TNA will do some ECW-style house shows in markets where ECW was most popular.
Talent we have confirmed that have been contacted to work and are expected to appear are Jerry Lynn, Sandman, Sabu, Spike Dudley, The FBI, Axl Rotten, Balls Mahoney and Swinger. That said, until contracts are signed, no one is 100% set in stone.

UGH! so.......So TNA started out under the NWA umbrella, a near dead and failed wrestling company. Then basically tried being WCW, a failed wrestling company. Now they're going to try being ECW, a failed wrestling company.

Can't wait for the Smokey Mountain TNA tour. :)
Randy Orton On Bryan Danielson: "I'm Sure He'll Be Back"
by Matt Boone
Jul 22, 2010 Top WWE Superstar and recent addition to the Twitter online community Randy Orton was asked the following question from a WWE fan about former WWE/NXT wrestler Bryan Danielson (aka Daniel Bryan) earlier today."What are your feelings about Bryan Danielson as a performer and his sudden WWE firing?"Orton responded, "I understand why it happened. But he def deserves to be there, I'm sure he'll b back. Very talented in my opinion."
Follow more Orton tweets on Twitter @ RealRKOrton.
lets hope rton is correct and hope danielson will be back as i believed this is a work but wwe wwe screwed him if not a work.bring back danielson and pull your head out of your a** vince
some more info

UGH! so.......So TNA started out under the NWA umbrella, a near dead and failed wrestling company. Then basically tried being WCW, a failed wrestling company. Now they're going to try being ECW, a failed wrestling company.

Can't wait for the Smokey Mountain TNA tour. :)

agree ice dont forget the awa too lol
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Latest news on the ECW storyline and Paul HeymanPosted by Corbin Nordhoff on 07/22/2010 at 04:57 PMCredit: F4WOnline.com
Sources indicate that in a recent meeting with TNA President Dixie Carter, Paul Heyman emphasized he didn’t believe in drastic changes, bur rather the way to go is with new talent as the key stars while using a few veterans to give them credibility, not unlike how he used Terry Funk in the original ECW. Ironically, Heyman did not support the idea of an ECW invasion when it was brought up, yet Carter went ahead and did it anyway, plugging Tommy Dreamer into the role that essentially would have belonged to Heyman (both on-screen and behind the scenes). Heyman is also said to have told Carter to her face that of the older legends they have under contract, she could keep one and get rid of the others, and she didn’t seem to understand why. Carter has been loyal to the stars of the past and has been resistant to giving anyone the authority to hire or fire people. This includes Vince Russo and even Jim Ross, back when they were making a serious play for him. While the Heyman deal is cold, it is nowhere close to being dead. TNA sees Heyman’s asking for points in the company as merely a negotiating tactic and is still hopeful a deal can be reached........................ i agree with heyman on getting rid of the dead weight and keeping 1 or 2 and going with the young stars and heyman can build young talent.dixie wake up and listen to heyman and let him run creative and thats it and go with you the young stars.
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By Dave Scherer on 2010-07-22 20:55:34
Thomas Stearns sent this item. ... I was watching Jeff Katz's internet show from Comic Con and he said that tomorrow from four to six p.m. he said that they will be having many guests, including "a man that TNA wants, WWE had and created EC"....Then the video cut out.

We can confirm that indeed Paul Heyman will be at Comic Con tomorrow.
i wish i was at the san diego comic con tomorrow
You know I watched most of the show last night, did not catch "Dixies explanation" but most of the wrestling was pretty good
You know I watched most of the show last night, did not catch "Dixies explanation" but most of the wrestling was pretty good
Impact: Tommy Dreamer speaks out NoDQ.com > Features > Impact: Tommy Dreamer speaks out this is whaty dixie said satjay.....Dixie made the backstage, about to go to commercial, walk... It’s main event…uh…promo time, and here comes Dixie Carter, complete with entrance music. She starts by kissing the fans’ butts by saying TNA has the best fans, and she’s always said this company is going to be for the fans. She’s loved meeting everyone and hearing what they have to say, and puts over her Twitter. There’s been one common theme brought up time after time, and that’s the fans’ love for extreme, hardcore wrestling. At this time, she’d like to introduce some men who made hardcore wrestling popular, and out come Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, Stevie Richards, Mick Foley, and Raven. She says she wants the ECW guys to tell the fans what they meant to this industry. Foley says this is the first time he remembers Dixie cutting a promo, and Dixie says it’s not a promo it’s her being real, and says that what Hogan meant to the 80s, ECW meant to the 90s. She pauses as the crowd starts an ECW chant. Dixie says it’s not about being hardcore, it’s about honor, dedication and respect, and not doing it for fat paychecks, but doing it because they love the business, their fellow wrestlers, and the fans, and they always gave the fans what they asked for and the fans will never forget that. Dixie has a history with four of the guys up here and she has a lot of respect for them and thanks them for setting the bar high. Foley says it should be them thanking her because last time he was here, he got fired, and he wants to thank her for giving them another chance. Foley points out Tommy Dreamer and says he’s as good an ambassador as there’s ever been in this business, and hands the mic off to Tommy. Tommy says he’s watched TNA since the beginning when they were in Nashville, and watched TNA grow. His friends kept telling him to quit his job and come to TNA, but he has a wife and kids and was scared to leave the security of his job. He saw many similarities between ECW and TNA: where unknowns became legends, where legends came to reinvent their career, and before Samoa Joe was dumping people on their heads, there was Taz, the Human Suplex Machine, doing it in the 90s. What Ric Flair did for Jay Lethal, Terry Funk did for him and Mick Foley. There was Francine and Beulah, and he when Dixie invited him to Slammiversary, he got to see what TNA did for passion, for the love of the business, and what they do for each and every one of the fans. Tommy has to thank Dixie for reigniting his passion, because at One Night Stand, he got his closure…and then they brought it back, and he had to witness his friends get fired, get destroyed, and all for what…(silence from the crowd)…Tommy says exactly. It bothered him so much that he had to quit his job at 38 years old because he couldn’t stomach watching what they did with that company. Everyone else in the ring would talk to him, and Foley showed him all the similarities between what happened and they put this plan together, and only one person could make it happen: Dixie Carter. It’s not about an ECW invasion or them taking over, it’s about men and women who lost their jobs, it’s for the fans who chant it and the friends who lived it, so their legacy is not destroyed, and he begs Dixie for one night to show what they can do so their legacy is not destroyed forever. Dixie says that if everyone wants to do this, then we’ll do it…with one stipulation: Tommy and his people plan it and do it the right way, it’s got to be real and nothing that has to do with TNA. Sabu chant starts as Tommy tells the Impact Zone that we’re going EXTREME. He hugged Dixie and the show went off the air...
Twill's Two Cents: Dreamer is still getting teary-eyed about the old ECW and frankly, it still makes for good television. I am officially on board with seeing this for one night. Admittedly, I highly doubt it can match ONS 2005, but it will be cool to see these guys again, if only for a night.:):up watch the video satjay someone in the stands said vince sucks and dreamer goes exactly..lol..heres more from tnas website one rumour is rvd vs jerry lynn http://www.tnawrestling.com/news/item/2068-hardcore-justice-august-8-on-ppv
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You know I watched most of the show last night, did not catch "Dixies explanation" but most of the wrestling was pretty good

Yeah the overall wrestling wasn't bad. Dreamer's promo at the end really felt like it was from the heart. I'm not crazy about TNA doing this PPV, but perhaps they will put on a show as good as ONS 2005 or even better. The problem I have is that most of these guys are well past the prime of their careers. Plus, you should really be putting over your main roster of talent.
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Yeah the overall wrestling wasn't bad. Dreamer's promo at the end really felt like it was from the heart. I'm not crazy about TNA doing this PPV, but perhaps they will put on a show as good as ONS 2005 or even better. The problem I have is that most of these guys are well past the prime of their careers. Plus, you should really be putting over your main roster of talent.

:upagree maybe this ppv is break and heyman is signed and doing creative writing already after this ppv to set up feuds but wishful thinking:)
Yeah the overall wrestling wasn't bad. Dreamer's promo at the end really felt like it was from the heart. I'm not crazy about TNA doing this PPV, but perhaps they will put on a show as good as ONS 2005 or even better. The problem I have is that most of these guys are well past the prime of their careers. Plus, you should really be putting over your main roster of talent.

Yes, the original one night stand was about as perfect as you can get. CENA/RVD was classic (the crowd was)

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