Video Game Deals

Green Man Gaming has changed out some of their VIP deals. Here are some of the new prices.

Battlefield Hardline pre-order - $49.99
GTA V pre-order $46.79
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood pre-order $15.59
Cities: Skylines $21.89

Some of the older deals like Arkham Knight are still in effect too.
I totally missed it in yesterday's store update post, but apparently it's a price change ... as in permanent. I wonder how much longer before it becomes a Plus freebee. Even indie games for $5 are hard to come by these days.

Strange... It's still listed at $39.99 on both Steam and directly from uPlay. It's rare for console pricing to be better than PC. I bought it on Steam for $12 during their winter sale and I have seen it at that price a few times now.
2K Games is having a big 10 year anniversary sale on Steam. Some good deals, like the Bioshock Trilogy for $11.

I'm really tempted to grab Borderlands: The Pre-sequel + season pass bundle for $40.50 but I still think it will probably drop lower than that before I have time to play it.

They are kind of being weird towards PC gamers with this game though. The game plus season pass is normally priced at $90 on Steam. That seems like a rip off when you can buy the Handsome Collection on PS4/Xbox One for $60 and get The Pre-sequel + season pass and Borderlands 2 with all DLC. This $40 sale price for The Pre-sequel and season pass seems like it should be the standard price considering that this package doesn't include BL2 and all its DLC. Asking $90 for this package that has less content than the Handsome Collection is ridiculous.

I'm thinking about the Civ: Beyond Earth and Sid Meier's Starships bundle for $27 too. I want to check some reviews for both of them before making a purchase since they both got kind of a mixed reception. It seems like a decent price for the bundle though.
I'm really tempted to grab Borderlands: The Pre-sequel + season pass bundle for $40.50 but I still think it will probably drop lower than that before I have time to play it.

They are kind of being weird towards PC gamers with this game though. The game plus season pass is normally priced at $90 on Steam. That seems like a rip off when you can buy the Handsome Collection on PS4/Xbox One for $60 and get The Pre-sequel + season pass and Borderlands 2 with all DLC.

If you preorder with Amazon, you get Borderlands: GOTY edition for PC for free..

Amazon product ASIN B00SHXKC8M
South Park: Stick of Truth is $4.99 in the PSN store right now.

I totally missed it in yesterday's store update post, but apparently it's a price change ... as in permanent. I wonder how much longer before it becomes a Plus freebee. Even indie games for $5 are hard to come by these days.

"G-- Dammit!" -- in my best Cartman voice. I should've known this $5 price was either a mistake or temporary, even though it was listed in the PS blog store update post as the new price (rather than a sale price). Taking for granted that it would always be the price from now on, I didn't jump on it yet.

EDIT: Now the PS blog listing for the price drop has been annotated: *Due to an error, South Park: The Stick of Truth was incorrectly listed on PlayStation Store at an inaccurate price. We apologize for the error.

I was able to put it in my cart at the $5 price when I posted the deal earlier this week, so if I had checked out, I would've gotten that price until they fixed it.
"G-- Dammit!" -- in my best Cartman voice. I should've known this $5 price was either a mistake or temporary, even though it was listed in the PS blog store update post as the new price (rather than a sale price). Taking for granted that it would always be the price from now on, I didn't jump on it yet.

EDIT: Now the PS blog listing for the price drop has been annotated: *Due to an error, South Park: The Stick of Truth was incorrectly listed on PlayStation Store at an inaccurate price. We apologize for the error.

I was able to put it in my cart at the $5 price when I posted the deal earlier this week, so if I had checked out, I would've gotten that price until they fixed it.

Yeah, I had a feeling that was an error because everyone else was still listing the normal price at $40. Even if you buy a PS3 disc copy directly from uPlay it's still $40.
Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition (PS4) is the best buy in this Flash Sale, if you didn't get it when it was free for Plus members. I'm going to grab Sam & Max: Beyond Time & Space, the one Telltale game I didn't get during the last dollar flash sale that included a lot of full-season Telltale games.

EDIT: I just noticed a poor man's version of Sunset Overdrive meet Angry Birds in this Flash Sale. It's a relatively new game called Tennis in the Face, which is cross-buy on all PS platforms. Here's the description:
Help former tennis star Pete Pagassi save the city from an evil energy drink corporation Explodz. lol
I was at my local Target and noticed they had a bunch of games on sale. I ended up grabbing Assassin's Creed Unity on PS4 for $19.99. They had the PC version but the deal appeared to be only PS4/Xbox One so that's what I got. I know the game had it's issues but I liked Black Flag and I figured I would get my $20 out of it. Looking at the box, I see that I actually got the day one limited edition for that price.

Here are some of the deals I saw.

Assassin's Creed Unity PS4/Xbox One - $19.99
Assassin's Creed Rogue PS3/360 - $19.99
Far Cry 4 PS4/Xbox One - $29.99
Destiny PS4/Xbox One - $39.99
Dragon Age Inquisition PS4/Xbox One - $39.99
inFamous Second Son $19.99
Killzone Shadow Fall $19.99
Watch Dogs PS4/Xbox One $19.99

I think I saw some deals on NBA 2K15 and EA Sports games but I can't remember the pricing on those. I almost grabbed inFamous Second Son for $20 too. I've been itching to play that again and it's a decent price. The game is a year old at this point though so I'm sure I'll be able to get it for less than $20 soon if not free from PS Plus.
AC Unity is $19.99 on Amazon right now and will be at that price at Best Buy in next week's ad I heard.

Thanks for the tip. I would prefer to play it on my beefy new GPU instead of my PS4 so I think I'll take the copy I just bought back to Target and buy the PC version from Amazon. Luckily I haven't opened the wrapping yet.
Thanks for the tip. I would prefer to play it on my beefy new GPU instead of my PS4 so I think I'll take the copy I just bought back to Target and buy the PC version from Amazon. Luckily I haven't opened the wrapping yet.

True but don't forget, as of last I heard the performance is still nerfed regardless of your system. Hell Look at how it is for TotalBiscuit, and he has a Titan Dual SLI configuration..


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