Video Game Deals

Well Gamefly has been good for me the past 7+ years and nearly 180 games I've received from them. And I think what helped them is that I've always been a big game renter and without any good alternatives GF was all there was. Finally, getting 15% off new games (rent it ASAP, then keep it) was quite nice as well and led to a number of good purchases. But now with games being so cheap with sales on Steam and Humble Bundles and various freebies from XBL and PSN+ there's literally never a time when a new game isn't easily and cheaply accessible. And my Steam Library is up to so many games, and doesn't even count all the games that have not been redeemed. I literally think I have more games in my possession than I could reasonably beat within my lifetime (given my schedule), which is cool and scary when you think about it. The Order will likely be my last game from GF for the foreseeable future.
The Halo Master Chief Collection is now $36 on Xbox Marketplace. Good price, and good timing for the big content update that will (supposedly) fix the majority of the matchmaking issues.

You can play Advanced Warfare MP for free this weekend.

Humble store is having a sale on various Deep Silver and Ubisoft games like the Far Cry series and Dead Island series. It's worth a look. The older FC games are DRM free, which is nice.
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Also you can get CoD: Ghosts for $7.99 from the Microsoft Store. This is the upgrade version, so you get a 360 copy as well as a One copy. I'm going to pick it up for the campaign and maybe some CoD on my One.

Well I ran into a snafu with this. What you're supposed to do is enter the code on your 360 and then it becomes active on your One as well. Well apparently this was a limited time offer, so it never got added to my One. I was able to get a refund, and I still have the 360 version, so I guess I have that going for me.
What I need is a PS Plus deal. Mine is set to renew in a day or two and I haven't seen anything much better than the standard price.
What I need is a PS Plus deal. Mine is set to renew in a day or two and I haven't seen anything much better than the standard price.

Before paying full price, at least wait until March's free content is announced. The delay could mean it will either be crap (they want to bury the news in a weekend blog post) or very good (they are scrambling to match MS's excellent March offerings after originally having something on the mediocre-ish side ready to go).
Before paying full price, at least wait until March's free content is announced. The delay could mean it will either be crap (they want to bury the news in a weekend blog post) or very good (they are scrambling to match MS's excellent March offerings after originally having something on the mediocre-ish side ready to go).

I'll end up keeping my subscription active either way. If I don't I won't be able to play COD: Advanced Warfare online with my college buddies. Not only that but when I do go to my Playstation platforms all of the games I'm currently playing the most came from PS Plus and I won't have access to them.
I'll end up keeping my subscription active either way. If I don't I won't be able to play COD: Advanced Warfare online with my college buddies. Not only that but when I do go to my Playstation platforms all of the games I'm currently playing the most came from PS Plus and I won't have access to them.

If you are committed either way, then you might want to jump on the next good deal that comes along to extend your membership even if you just renewed. I know people who have Plus memberships good for 3-4 or even more years because they took advantage of great deals. Last time I bought a Plus membership was on Black Friday 2013 (for $30) and I'll be good until mid-October this year.

uPlay is having a PC sale. Pretty much every recent Ubisoft game is discounted. Some of the prices are pretty decent. This sale does end tomorrow.

I know many people hate uPlay with a passion but I've been using it almost daily for Far Cry 4 and I have used it for other Ubisoft games in the past and I've never really had it cause any problems for me. It does get a little weird when you buy a game in Steam and you have to have both programs open to launch a game. That isn't an issue when you buy directly from uPlay or buy a uPlay code from a third party seller though.

Edit: I tried activating the Grow Home key they emailed me directly from the uPlay store in Steam and it actually worked. There would be no benefit to doing this for most of the games in this sale but Grow Home and South Park are two of the rare Ubisoft games that don't require uPlay on PC.

Grow Home even has Steam achievements and trading card support. I don't know if there has been a single Ubisoft game that had that stuff since I started gaming on a PC.
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Squishy: The Suicidal Pig is 14 cents this week.

This is crazy. I've never heard of this game but the reviews on Steam are all good and it actually doesn't look bad. For 14 cents I almost feel like buying it even though I will realistically never launch the game. I mean I could sell 1 of those worthless Steam trading cards and have enough money to buy this game.
In reference to the above sale, you can also get games for free. Apparently this is completely random. I was trying to buy a game at a discount and they suddenly said, "Critical Hit! YOu got this for free!" So I ended up getting Freedom Planet for $0. Also this may be a game keeping an eye on for a sale because it's received great reviews and is called "Shovel Knight for the Genesis" as it is a blend of Sonic and Gunstar Heroes.

Green Man Gaming has some nice deals right now. I'm pre-ordering Arkham Knight for $43.79. Evolve, Mortal Kombat X, and Dying Light are also available at this price and there are some other discounts available.

I usually avoid pre-orders but there are a few reasons I'm willing to make an exception here. The obvious one is the pricing. It will probably be at least a couple months after release before the game drops back down to this price again. The next big thing is the release timing. The game is coming out on June 2nd and there really isn't anything else coming out in that part of the year. Last, I'm a big fan of the series and I know I will want to play it when it comes out. I know that Arkham Origins had some problems but the games actually made by Rocksteady were great. I'm pretty confident that they will put out another solid product.

The pre-order bonuses of being able to play as Harley Quinn and the 4 extra challenge maps are just the cherry on top. I do think it sucks that the Red Hood story missions are a Gamestop exclusive though. Hopefully this is just a timed exclusive and we will be able to get it as DLC later because that actually sounds like a cool add on.
According to some people who have more free time on their hands than I, the following games are already showing up as free for PS Plus members, so these would be your free games for March apparently (since it still hasn't been announced):

Valiant Hearts (PS4)
OddWorld: New and Tasty! (PS4)
OlliOlli 2 (PS4/Vita)
CounterSpy (PS3,PS4,VITA)
Papo & Yo (PS3)
Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishments (PS3)
(I've now checked and they are all indeed showing up as free)

Decent month, but certainly not a huge blockbuster, worth-the-wait one.
According to some people who have more free time on their hands than I, the following games are already showing up as free for PS Plus members, so these would be your free games for March apparently (since it still hasn't been announced):

Valiant Hearts (PS4)
OddWorld: New and Tasty! (PS4)
OlliOlli 2 (PS4/Vita)
CounterSpy (PS3,PS4,VITA)
Papo & Yo (PS3)
Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishments (PS3)
(I've now checked and they are all indeed showing up as free)

Decent month, but certainly not a huge blockbuster, worth-the-wait one.

Not much for me since I already have Valiant Hearts on PC. I might give Counterspy and Oddworld a chance but there is nothing I'm really looking forward to this month.

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