Video Game Deals

Apparently Amazon/Deep Silver heard me and my complaints about GTA V, because SR4 is now on sale for $30 on Amazon. I think I'm going to jump on this one. Just need to go to the supermarket on the way home and use Coinstar to give me some Amazon credits for my spare change (I keep a lot of it) and then I'm all over it.

Also there's a new Indie Royale Bundle. These are all Steam Greenlight games, so you probably haven't heard of any of them. Still, they froze the minimum price at $3.49 for 6 games, with 1 to be named later.

Yep, I picked SR4 up from amazon for $30 last week. I am still playing through ME3 to give me a break between SR3 and SR4. I'm still waiting on gamefly for GTA V. It might still be a while because the availability just switched from low to very low. That's ok though SR 4 is next.
Yep, I picked SR4 up from amazon for $30 last week. I am still playing through ME3 to give me a break between SR3 and SR4. I'm still waiting on gamefly for GTA V. It might still be a while because the availability just switched from low to very low. That's ok though SR 4 is next.
Actually if you look back I removed that from my post. At the time I posted that, it was $30. Then after 1pm it went back up to $40. I'm so pissed off. Maybe if I can get a good return on my change I may jump on it anyways because honestly GTA V is sucking the fun out of me and I have faith SR4 will infuse me again..

Update: Ended up cashing in the coins and found a spare $10 Amazon credit so I ended up paying just $13.68. Overall I'm satisfied. Can't wait to try this out tonight.
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Steam is doing a 2K games weekend from today until Sunday. It says up to 50% off the entire catalog with new deals every day. Today's big deal is XCOM Enemy Unknown for $9.99 and all the DLC is on sale too. They are also doing a free weekend on XCOM from now until Sunday. I already have this one as a free PS+ game and I like it a lot. I'm looking forward to see what their other big deals of the day are this weekend though.
Telltale's The Walking Dead has Episode 1 for free from now on on XBLA and PSN, and the whole season has been discounted down to $14.99 on PSN. This is likely to help build up some steam for Telltale's next big release, The Wolf Among Us.



Also there's a pretty decent Weekly Humble Bundle up. Nordic Games is doing the sale, with games that include Red Faction: Armageddon, Darksiders 2, The Guild 2, Painkiller: Hell & Damnation, and some others. Any price for 5 games, pay at least $6 for 4 extra games.

Telltale's The Walking Dead has Episode 1 for free from now on on XBLA and PSN, and the whole season has been discounted down to $14.99 on PSN. This is likely to help build up some steam for Telltale's next big release, The Wolf Among Us.



Also there's a pretty decent Weekly Humble Bundle up. Nordic Games is doing the sale, with games that include Red Faction: Armageddon, Darksiders 2, The Guild 2, Painkiller: Hell & Damnation, and some others. Any price for 5 games, pay at least $6 for 4 extra games.


I threw in $1 for Red Faction. I would have went with the $6 package if I didn't already own Darksiders 2.
Telltale's The Walking Dead has Episode 1 for free from now on on XBLA and PSN, and the whole season has been discounted down to $14.99 on PSN. This is likely to help build up some steam for Telltale's next big release, The Wolf Among Us.


They likely dropped the PS3 season pass price from $19.99 to $14.99, because you can now get the full first season of The Walking Dead, including the 400 Days DLC, for the Vita for only $19.99. Now the pricing for the first five episodes and DLC ($4.99) is the same for both systems. And I guess they in turn had to price it the same for XBox.
They likely dropped the PS3 season pass price from $19.99 to $14.99, because you can now get the full first season of The Walking Dead, including the 400 Days DLC, for the Vita for only $19.99. Now the pricing for the first five episodes and DLC ($4.99) is the same for both systems. And I guess they in turn had to price it the same for XBox.
Actually they didn't. The PSN version is cheaper than the XBLA version, which is $20 (4 episodes X $4.99 each)
If you're one of the 5 people out there that haven't played the Bioshock games yet, you'll be happy to know that now Amazon is selling all 3 games for $20 total. PC only of course, and unfortunately Bioshock 2 has Games for Windows crap to deal with. Don't make the same mistake I made and not create an account/profile, because if you do your progress won't be saved. Still, that's a small price to pay, and $20 is a small price to pay for what is arguably one of the best gaming trilogies of this console generation.

So yesterday I logged into Steam and checked my downloads. I noticed that for some reason, BioShock 2 (which I own) was downloading a 3.3GB update. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything online as to why a 3 and a half year old game was downloading such a huge package, but today I found out why and it's good news (mainly for me anyways.) With Games For Windows finally being wiped off the planet, 2K went and took all the GFW stuff out of the game, and for good measure decided to give people who purchased the game free copies of all the DLC. Presumably this was because it was easier/more efficient to do this than to try and merge their systems with GFW to track the purchases. For those who don't own the game, you have to buy them separate, but 2K discounted everything by 50%, so you can get BS2 and the Minerva's Den DLC (which many have stated is better than BS2 itself) for $15 total. I realize this isn't the BEST deal in the world considering the original 3 games for $20, but if you need a good excuse to enter/re-enter Rapture before we get the first batch of DLC for Infinite, this is a good way to do it. You can also get 1 & 2 for $20, BUT I've seen those 2 together go as low as $10 on Amazon at times, so unless you REALLY want to play 1 you may as well avoid that one.

Also Borderlands 2 is on sale for 10.19 on Steam.



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From now until October 11th Assassin's Creed III is on sale on Steam for $11.99. I rented this game a while ago on PS3 and set it back after only playing for about 2 or 3 hours. I wasn't really into it and there was something else coming out I wanted to rent so I sent it back. I think the main thing is that I am just a little burnt out on the series.

I didn't really give the game a chance though or bother making it to the fun part of the game. At this price I am thinking about buying it. From what I hear the first 5 or 6 hours are boring because they are trying to train us on everything for the 5th or 6th time of this console generation. Most things I have read claim that once things open up the game is a lot more fun and even from my short time with it I can tell the world is pretty great. Sometime over the next few days I'm going to read some PC specific reviews and forums about this game and decide whether or not I want to pick it up.
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Yeah I started to tire of AC during Revelations. I may pick this deal up but I'm not sure, especially with my current backlog.

Also, why are they selling a Season's Pass still? Isn't the "Season" over? Why would they be selling more AC3 DLC with AC4 (or whatever they're calling it) coming out soon?
I'm holding out on ACIII being offered free to Plus members at some point, since it was offered free to EU Plus members in Sept. I was a big fan of the Ezio series (even Revelations), but the colonial America setting of ACIII didn't appeal to me for some reason, and then when I heard the game was boring, the protagonist was a tool, and the game had a lot of glitches (when first released), I decided to pass--at least in the sense of paying money for it.

I am still excited for ACIV (pending reviews), however, as the setting really interests me. Apparently there will be some exclusive DLC content for the PS3/4 involving Aveline (from Liberation).
I just grabbed Dishonored GOTY from Best Buy, which is offering a $10 gift card with the purchase of that game on all systems (PC, Xbox, PS3). They mail you the gift card whether you buy for pick up or shipping (which is free). I couldn't find anywhere how long this deal will be offered, so it might just be for today.
Big bunch of deals for Steam this weekend, but the biggest is the 30th anniversary of Capcom, so almost everything they have is on sale. Sadly I have to say ALMOST everything, because for whatever reason, Ducktales: Remastered isn't on sale, at ALL. Still, it is a big catalog of games so you'll probably find something you like, except maybe a FPS.

Also, the Humble Weekly Bundle has been updated, this week with Focus Home Interactive.
This week's humble bundle seems pretty crappy. Every game I searched on IGN was in the 4-6 range for review scores except for Cities XL. It sounded like a decent alternative to Sim City. I was thinking about throwing in $1 just for that game but a quick look at the steam forums says it is unplayable after your city grows due to crazy memory leaks. People are claiming that you can only work on a city for about 45 minutes before the FPS completely drops out.

Steam does have some decent deals this weekend though. I think I will end up picking up DMC at some point this weekend. It is already 50% off and I have a feeling it will be one of the Capcom daily deals this weekend. If they drop it any more I will definitely pick it up. Either way I will probably get it Sunday at $24.99. I will probably pick up Lost Planet 1 for $5 too and if Resident Evil 6 gets an even bigger daily deal I might grab that as well.

Steam also has the Crysis franchise on sale for the weekend. This doesn't include Crysis 3 because that is only on Origin but it has 1 and 2 as well as the expansions.
This week's humble bundle seems pretty crappy. Every game I searched on IGN was in the 4-6 range for review scores except for Cities XL. It sounded like a decent alternative to Sim City. I was thinking about throwing in $1 just for that game but a quick look at the steam forums says it is unplayable after your city grows due to crazy memory leaks. People are claiming that you can only work on a city for about 45 minutes before the FPS completely drops out.

Steam does have some decent deals this weekend though. I think I will end up picking up DMC at some point this weekend. It is already 50% off and I have a feeling it will be one of the Capcom daily deals this weekend. If they drop it any more I will definitely pick it up. Either way I will probably get it Sunday at $24.99. I will probably pick up Lost Planet 1 for $5 too and if Resident Evil 6 gets an even bigger daily deal I might grab that as well.

Steam also has the Crysis franchise on sale for the weekend. This doesn't include Crysis 3 because that is only on Origin but it has 1 and 2 as well as the expansions.

Capcom released an "essentials collection" this week that includes DMC4, RE6, and a few other games. It's retailing for $60 currently, but I'm sure in a few weeks (certainly by Black Friday), you'll be able to grab it for $30-$40.
Capcom released an "essentials collection" this week that includes DMC4, RE6, and a few other games. It's retailing for $60 currently, but I'm sure in a few weeks (certainly by Black Friday), you'll be able to grab it for $30-$40.
DMC and DMC4 are not the same game. IT is not in that collection. Most of the games in that can be hit or miss. If he wants just DMC: Devil May Cry he's better off just getting that separately.

I'm not sure RE6 is worth your time or money, even heavily discounted. The time I had with it I felt like I was playing a complete mess of a game, like Capcom had completely forgotten the point of the RE series. It's a shoe-in for my "Most Disappointing Game Award" this year.

I'm debating whether or not to jump on Street Fighter or Street Fighter X Tekken.
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