Video Game Deals

I know a few people who bought Sunday Ticket subscriptions via PS3 last year. They won't be happy to hear this.
Turn them on to the Anniversary Edition deal.

I'm willing to bet the farm that the Xbox One will offer something similar exclusively starting with the next NFL season.
I think it's a sign of the Apocalypse..

EA/Origin is having a Humble Bundle sale...

Cool. Unlike most of these bundles EA isn't even taking a cut either. 100% is going to charity. I bought this even though I already own several of the games. It was worth it for Dead Space 3 alone. I have never played a Crysis game either so I'm looking forward to Crysis 2. Another plus. Each game comes with it's own code so I can give the ones I already have away without losing the ones I don't.

I already owned Battlefield 3 on PC and PS3, Dead Space on 360, and Mirror's Edge on PC. I want to keep Dead Space so I have the entire trilogy on PC. I haven't played 2 or 3 yet. If someone wants Battlefield 3 or Mirror's Edge they can have my codes though.

There were some weird choices for the included games. Why include Dead Space 1 and 3 but not 2? Luckily I already bought DS2 from amazon during one of their sales so now I can play all 3. Another weird choice was Crysis 2. I get not wanting to throw your newest Crysis 3 in but why not include Crysis 1. I'd say most people who are going to pay for that game already have at this point.

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To the Moon is on sale for $2.49 for 48 hours on Steam. Seriously, if you value a good story at ALL (even if it's at the expense of gameplay) this is a great price for what is a short but ultimately satisfying experience.


I have heard great things about this game and I'm definitely a gamer that appreciates story. I am sometimes willing to play a game just for story even if the gameplay is lacking.

There is really only one reason I didn't buy this game months ago. My dad has parkinson's and has had 2 brain surgeries in the last year with a 3rd coming up this fall. He is starting to experience dementia and maybe the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. It's all very difficult to deal with but he still has his good days where we can forget it for a while. This game's subject matter hits a little to close to home for me. I just think the story of a dying man reliving his memories and getting new ones implanted would be more depressing than fun for me at this point.

Maybe I'm over thinking it and it is more lighthearted than I am imagining but I have read that it is a pretty sad game. For that reason I think I'll continue to pass on it even though from what I hear it is a great price on a very good game.
Well, to be fair, the story isn't exactly along those lines of an Alzheimer's disease or someone losing their mind. The main plot is that the character says that he wants to go to the moon as his dying wish, but before they can do that, they need to dig deep into his memories to find out why exactly he wants to go. That's where the main part of the plot lies, and the twists and such resulting from it.

You never know.. the game may prove to be therapeutic.

Still, I can't force you to buy it, at least not until I get your login and payment information as well as your email tied to your account so I can bypass the verification code step. For everyone else though, definitely check out this game!
Origin is having a big sale right now. Some are decent deals, but really it's only worth it for games that are Origin exclusives and a bunch of DLC. Origin also has a bunch of non-EA games, but you're probably better off just waiting on Steam. Worth a look regardless.

It's cool to see them doing stuff like this. Maybe some day we will see something as cool as the steam summer sale from someone like Origin. I don't really see anything I need to jump on in this sale though.

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It's cool to see them doing stuff like this. Maybe some day we will see something as cool as the steam summer sale from someone like Origin. I don't really see anything I need to jump on in this sale though.

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Problem is that Origin doesn't have NEARLY the selection that Steam does, and I don't see that changing anytime soon as most developers/publishers seem to favor Steam, especially not while it doesn't have any sort of indie program. And even if it did, I seriously doubt any self respecting indie developer would hock their stuff on that service when they could use Steam, GoG, Humble Market, Desura, or just their own page with a paypal button.
Origin Humble Bundle updated with Command & COnquer: Red ALert 3: Uprising as well as Populous. Yes, the ORIGINAL Populous from 1990 that sadly EA owns due to their acquisition of Bullfrog all those years ago, which led to that HORRIBLE Syndicate remake of last year. Anyways more games!

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