Has anyone been successful with DISH installing Hoppers using previous (older) premium RG-6 coaxial cables? Several years old and would not think it would be rated 3,000 MHz. When did that rating become available? I have a built-in powered distribution cabinet located in the garage full of unmarked RG-6 cables about 10 years old. From what I read these cables are fine for Joeys, but the newer cables must be used from the dish to the Duo Node for install of two Hopper and three Joyey. Since these 3 cables would require a new run to the garage from the roof, to be installed after the present installed power booster. Has anyone been successful having the installer leave the present cables in place, and at least try not replacing them? Would they work? Hate to have the home present distribution wiring disturbed I designed when building this home that has over 20 runs available, that is now in place. Thanks for your comments.