But am I reading it right ESPN2 ON 129? BUMMERgoaliebob99 said:YES EVEN ESPN 2 HD!!!!!!!!!! I GTG GOT MY EDUCATION APPT IM LATE FOR (class)
All of Dish Nets HD should be on 61.5 and mirrored to 129. There really shouldn't be anything on 110 that has to do with HD. KEEP everything simple.Lucky said:I think everyone should be able to get all these HD channels be it on 61.5 or 129. However, what I really mean is if there are limits, and they cannot fit all the channels on both, a channel like ESPN2HD should not be the one they leave off either of these two satellites. Leave off a less major channel like one of the VOOM 21, etc. To leave a lot of your customers without a major channel like ESPN2HD is plain dumb.
My wife enjoys watching HD programming, so no problems herebpasker said:yeah, that's my problem. My wife thinks I've spent too much on the HDTV, suround sound and all the dish I already get. Paying another $100 for another dish is like asking for her womb. WHY GOD, WHY MUST YOU TORTURE ME?
Stargazer said:Couldn't Dish upconvert the SD channels into HD until an HD version of the channels come about? That would be better than no HD at all for a while wouldnt it?
Stargazer said:Couldn't Dish upconvert the SD channels into HD until an HD version of the channels come about? That would be better than no HD at all for a while wouldnt it?
Stargazer said:Couldn't Dish upconvert the SD channels into HD until an HD version of the channels come about? That would be better than no HD at all for a while wouldnt it?
Prometheus23 said:Are you guys actually seeing these channels on your receivers? I did a check switch. Reset 942. Downloaded. Everything that I could posibally try. What gives?
TomD said:Did Fox Sports West 2 move from a spotbeam to a regular transponder?
FSW2 carries Dodger and Angel games, along with a good deal of UCLA and USC sports. Unfortunately, you couldn't get it if you were outside of Los Angeles due to the spotbeam issue.
Prometheus23 said:Thanks M Sparks. I am an idiot. But don't let that get out!
Lucky said:If ESPN2HD is only on 129 that is a pretty dumb decision. A lot us on the east coast cannot get 129. You can't put a major HD national channel like ESPN2HD on, and only have it for some of your customers. Even if they needed to move one of the VOOM channels off 61.5 they need to put ESPN2HD on 61.5 so everyone can get it.
Scott Greczkowski said:I believe Marks MPEG4 statement is wrong.
Guess we will find out soon.
CJPC said:Position: 110.0W Echostar 6 & 8 Frequency: 12.574 GHz TP 25
411 (FOXW2) Added
Suppose it may have? It was supposed to, and goaliebob's report said it moved!
Actually if they just returned the SD back to full bandwidth, I'd be happy with their quality. I still remember the crystal clear days of pre-must-carry.Stargazer said:Couldn't Dish upconvert the SD channels into HD until an HD version of the channels come about? That would be better than no HD at all for a while wouldnt it?