richmert, your remark is off topic, but since it is so offensive to this forum and its staff, it is hard to pass by. Let's set the record straight.
Here is your thread in which you linked to (Not exactly WSJ

). One of the mods decided to move it and change the title, which at that time seemed appropriate: It was a day or two after that famous CableVision's SEC filing in which CVC declared that it was no longer planning the spinoff of VOOM and would "pursue strategic alternatives". There were dozens of articles like the one you quoted published during that week, all trying to
speculate on what the future of VOOM would be.
As you may recall, you openly complained at that time, and the mod immediately apologized to you, renamed the thread back and even made it a sticky. You thanked him for that and even wrote this:
"I dont mean to be a pain. You guys have a lot to keep track of and you do a great job." It's all in that thread: have a look!
So, why do you have to bring this up again, almost a year later? Can't we just put this to rest?