TV1 reboots while tv2 is fine on 722

RB Bug

New Member
Original poster
Jun 22, 2010
This happens only in the morning toward lunch. I turn on tv1 and it begins looking for sat 1 of 5, then downloads the program guide. Then instead of viewing the channel after the guide it restarts finding the sat 1 of 5 again. Rinse and repeat until I do a soft reboot when it will work after downloading the guide the first time.

Meanwhile the kids are watching their shows on tv2 with no problem.

This never happens at night or first thing in the morning. My wife has said it has happened on occasion up in the morning, but mostly at noon when I turn it on.

Its frustrating because I come in long enough to eat and watch the noon news and by the time I get it going the weather is off.

Thanks for any help.
You can try leaving the rec on (power savings in standby are minimal) and disabling the inactivity standby timer.
Thanks for the suggestions. I turned off the inactivity timer and will also leave it on. We'll see how it goes.
Not sure if its exactly the same, but mine does something similar. I unplug both receivers in the house for about 5 minutes and then plug them back in. It clears up the trouble for a month or two. You have to unplug all of your receivers to get it to reset correctly.
RB Bug, if you are referring to TV1 and TV2 outputs of a dual tuner, then a reboot will reset the whole machine and both will disappear for a while. So there is some misinformation in your post.
Yes, you are right, KKlare, the soft reboot did reset both tuners at the same time. Yesterday I left it on all morning and it was fine at lunch. I forgot today and my wife had turned it on before I got there and tv1 was going thru the sat 1-5 and then downloading the guide over and over, while the kids were fine on tv2 no problem. I did the soft reboot, the kids yelled from the other room, and after it did its thing and downloaded the guide both tuners worked fine.

I will try to unplug it for a time tonight and see if that clears it up.
They are all connected at the switch or LNB. If one rec is acting up or getting power spikes/drops, it can confuse the switch and affect other recs

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