Yeah they do... Lionsgate is the only (relatively) large Blu studio that never said they did not receive any money from the BDA.I still think Lionsgate will switch to HD DVD because they don't have the funds to keep doing Blu Ray

Yeah they do... Lionsgate is the only (relatively) large Blu studio that never said they did not receive any money from the BDA.I still think Lionsgate will switch to HD DVD because they don't have the funds to keep doing Blu Ray
Wow, talk about folks daydreaming on the keyboard! Just so that some of you can look at this in the real world -- Warner has shown HD-DVD the door. After June 1st they will not only not be providing any new HD-DVD content but as their current HD-DVD content sells out there will not be any more pressed. Why is this important -- Warner is the top seller of HDM on both formats. They account for 33% of all HDM disc sales. I am sure that their percentage of HD-DVD disc sales is much higher considering that there were only 3 majors supporting HD-DVD when Warner announced their choice.
No smaller studios nor any of the big BD studios are going to go HD-DVDs way. In fact, every week some small studio somewhere either here in the USA or in Europe annouces BD only support. The reason that this is happen is simple, Toshiba BOUGHT Paramount and Dreamworks for two titles and those did not carry the day for HD-DVD. But it did do something very important to the format war - it let the BDA know that Toshiba would stop a nothing to prevent BD from succeding. And why not, as long as DVD is selling Toshiba is making money but once DVD dies so does Toshiba's cash cow over the last 12 years. The BDA now knows that they have to attack DVD -- to convince the consumer that BD is better than DVD and if they can succeed and getting the prices down then they just might succeed.
Sigh, that is what happens in busness. My only amazement is how some keep pushing Sony's name in there to stir the pot when they KNOW that Sony is only one of over a dozen CE manufacturers that support BD. And it was not Sony by themselves that came up with BD or the specs but the majority of CE and Studios that did. It was Toshiba that took the I can do it alone road. Well, they can't, couldn't and won't. Warner, who by the way was one of the first studios to work with Sony, Pioneer and Samsung along with Buena Vista and Fox on the specs of BD finally put an end the their support of HD-DVD. And no amount of wishing -- especially with the 83% to 17% discs sales ratio and 65% to 35% of standalone sales favoring the BDA. These numbers continue and the only thing left is for the BDA to PAY Toshiba to quit.
I favor this very much as it would finally put an end to this rediculous format skirmish and would perhaps help Toshiba to save some face. See, they could say they were bought out and not beat. Makes sense, the BDA needs to get on it.
Those hoping for a turnaround or some other studio to come to their aid are just wishfull thinking. Nothing wrong with that but life just doesn't work out that way.
On another note, what I am trying to address is all this Sony hating. It is clouding the debate. If you don't like Sony you have multiple choices and you also have alot of studios to select your movies from. This I am never going to watch another HDM on disc if it is BD again sounds just like a teenager whinning because they did not get their way. Sorry, but it just does.
Lets not forget that Warner selected HD DVD based on ALL THE FACTS but because they couldn't get another studio to join them they stabbed HD DVD in the back. Also you forgot to mention why their 33% of HDM, because they were the only studio releasing in both formats.Wow, talk about folks daydreaming on the keyboard! Just so that some of you can look at this in the real world -- Warner has shown HD-DVD the door. After June 1st they will not only not be providing any new HD-DVD content but as their current HD-DVD content sells out there will not be any more pressed. Why is this important -- Warner is the top seller of HDM on both formats. They account for 33% of all HDM disc sales. I am sure that their percentage of HD-DVD disc sales is much higher considering that there were only 3 majors supporting HD-DVD when Warner announced their choice.
No smaller studios nor any of the big BD studios are going to go HD-DVDs way. In fact, every week some small studio somewhere either here in the USA or in Europe annouces BD only support. The reason that this is happen is simple, Toshiba BOUGHT Paramount and Dreamworks for two titles and those did not carry the day for HD-DVD. But it did do something very important to the format war - it let the BDA know that Toshiba would stop a nothing to prevent BD from succeding. And why not, as long as DVD is selling Toshiba is making money but once DVD dies so does Toshiba's cash cow over the last 12 years. The BDA now knows that they have to attack DVD -- to convince the consumer that BD is better than DVD and if they can succeed and getting the prices down then they just might succeed.
Sigh, that is what happens in busness. My only amazement is how some keep pushing Sony's name in there to stir the pot when they KNOW that Sony is only one of over a dozen CE manufacturers that support BD. And it was not Sony by themselves that came up with BD or the specs but the majority of CE and Studios that did. It was Toshiba that took the I can do it alone road. Well, they can't, couldn't and won't. Warner, who by the way was one of the first studios to work with Sony, Pioneer and Samsung along with Buena Vista and Fox on the specs of BD finally put an end the their support of HD-DVD. And no amount of wishing -- especially with the 83% to 17% discs sales ratio and 65% to 35% of standalone sales favoring the BDA. These numbers continue and the only thing left is for the BDA to PAY Toshiba to quit.
I favor this very much as it would finally put an end to this rediculous format skirmish and would perhaps help Toshiba to save some face. See, they could say they were bought out and not beat. Makes sense, the BDA needs to get on it.
Those hoping for a turnaround or some other studio to come to their aid are just wishfull thinking. Nothing wrong with that but life just doesn't work out that way.
I agree. It's childish. I don't like a lot of the things Sony has done, but that doesn't mean I won't buy things from them. I prefer the Panasonic BD players. So? Doesn't mean I won't buy a Sony released disc. That's just stupid.
I agree that Blu Ray is in the driver seat at this point because of Studio support, but I find it interesting how it is bad that Toshiba "bought" Paramount and would do anything to avoid Blu Ray from succeeding when it was OK for Sony to blead cash on every single PS2 and that they reportedly paid a whole lot more to Fox and Warner to prevent HD DVD from succeeding.
That I'd love to see happen...The BDA now knows that they have to attack DVD -- to convince the consumer that BD is better than DVD...
Before you order a eulogy for DVD, make sure you order a casket for long as DVD is selling Toshiba is making money but once DVD dies so does Toshiba's cash cow over the last 12 years.
Lie. Sony created the physical specs. The CEs and studios had a hand in adding video/audio formats to was not Sony by themselves that came up with BD or the specs but the majority of CE and Studios that did.
Lie. Warner was one of the last studios going BD.Warner, who by the way was one of the first studios to work with Sony, Pioneer and Samsung along with Buena Vista and Fox on the specs of BD finally put an end the their support of HD-DVD.
How many more times will you repeat this lie?Now they are breaking even or making a little on the PS3 when they did not expect to get there untill 2009.