TNA Impact, PPV's discussion

TNA reminds me of an old folks home. Only this place takes in old wrestlers. TNA's old wrestlers are like the old folks who refuse to give up their drivers license even after they driven down the wrong way of a one way street or have crashed their car into a 7-11. Or like the old folks who ride two in the car, the passenger tells the driver that the stop light is red, or needs to turn at the next stop sign. And the short driver who can barely see over the steering wheel telling the passenger "I know where I am going." They might have life left in them, but please stop driving, or in this case, STOP WRESTLING!!!
I can not stand TNA. It has the same crap that WCW in trouble. Too many has beens and nothing new and exciting. Mike Tenay's commentary gets on my nerves. Bischoff and Hogan acts haven't changed in years and is well outdated.
They are no competition to WWE.

And thats sad, becouse the WWE is so down right now and competion would be good!
Only this place takes in old wrestlers.
and guys who get fired from WWE.

see rule #129


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Speaking of the "TNA rule book" There needs to be a rule on how many times Scott Steiner can come back...I was a fan at one time, but come on.....
WWE Screws Up TNA Storyline, Against All Odds Main Events,Huge TNA iMPACT Tapings Tonight Posted by Marc Middleton on January 31, 2011 at 4:18 AM
- Current main events scheduled for TNA's Against All Odds pay-per-view on February 13th is Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy in a Ladder Match for the TNA World Title and Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett.
- TNA officials have been scrambling to re-write this week's TV tapings and current storylines after negotiations with Booker T and Kevin Nash have fallen through. Spike TV officials are worried about the Main Event Mafia's return as it is them who requested that TNA officials bring the group back in the first place.
- TNA will tape this Thursday's iMPACT tonight from Orlando. These tapings are important as important storylines are planned and Spike TV has requested them to be loaded for sweeps. Set for tonight is Hulk Hogan's return to feud with Dixie Carter, Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson for the World Title and the arrival of "they", expected to be the return of The Main Event Mafia.
Partial source:
How funny that TNA now has to rewrite storylines now that Nash and booker may have some role with WWE, any guess on what "they" was going to be
TNA Has High Hopes For "They", Nash Blows Off Carter, Sting Update
Posted by Daniel Pena on January 31, 2011 at 6:57 PM
– Former TNA Wrestling production manager Randy Ricci noted on his blog that a 'reliable source' informed him that top brass such as Dixie Carter, Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff are very hopeful that the "They" storyline "saves the company."Ricci adds that the storyline is being built off Karen and Jeff Jarrett's 'real live heat' with Kurt Angle and that any employee against the angle is considered to be working against the company and thus may be terminated.Booker T and Kevin Nash were in negotiations to return to TNA Wrestling as late as last week, but both grapplers instead opted to return to World Wrestling Entertainment. Booker T personally informed company president Dixie Carter that he had declined TNA's offer. Nash, however, did not. He verbally agreed to return to TNA and was slated to sign a contract this week. Carter discovered Nash bolting for WWE when the news broke online.
– Sting, who is rumored to be returning to TNA Wrestling, is not scheduled for this week's iMPACT tapings.
Ric Flair-TNA Update, Speculation on Flair Being Gone from TNA
Posted by Amish Patel on January 31, 2011 at 4:46 PM
- Ric Flair is not at today's iMPACT taping and is not scheduled for any episodes that are being taped this week.
Some are wondering if Flair has departed from the company after the incident in Ireland but there is no confirmation on that.
Latest News on Sting's Situation with WWE and TNA
Posted by Marc Middleton on February 2, 2011 at 6:25 PM- Well informed sources with World Wrestling Entertainment do not believe Steve "Sting" Borden has signed a contract. That's not to say Sting can't sign at some point, but it does not appear as though he has at the moment.It appears Sting is still a free agent as sources within TNA aren't aware of him re-signing with the company. For what it's worth, he's still listed on the TNA website roster page.
Top Star's Contract Expiring In August Posted by Daniel Pena on February 3, 2011 at 3:27 PM
– Kurt Angle stated during an interview this afternoon with The Fight Show in Canada that his existing contract with TNA Wrestling expires in August.
Matt Hardy Reportedly Wants To Bring Lita To TNA According to, Matt Hardy is reportedly trying to persuade TNA Wrestling officials to bring former WWE Diva Amy "Lita" Dumas to the organization so he can work a storyline with her.During an interview last October, Dumas expressed interest in returning to the squared circle "for fun," albeit not on a full-time basis. She was also broached on the subject of Hardy, to which she snarked, "Oh my god, what happened to that guy?" Dumas added that she feels he has maturity issues, but also acknowledged his professionalism during their 2005 feud.
Big TNA Title Change Nixed, Why Hardy Hasn't Won It Back Yet and More
Posted by Marc Middleton on February 6, 2011 at 7:33 AM
- Jeff Hardy was scheduled to win the TNA World Title back on this past Thursday's iMPACT, had his court case came to an end at his last hearing. Hardy received another continuance so the decision was made to keep the belt on Mr. Anderson. This is why Anderson is still using Hardy's Immortal belt, although a new belt is believed to be in the works. The current plan is to do Anderson vs. Hardy in a Ladder Match at Against All Odds. It's likely Anderson will keep the title since Hardy doesn't return to court for a while.
Kurt Angle Very Upset Over Current Storyline Involving His Children
Posted by Steve Carrier on February 6, 2011 at 12:16 AM
Kurt Angle made the following comments on Twitter earlier this evening:
The "Jarrett" segments on TNA Impact were appalling. It made me look like a dead beat Dad, which I am not (I can assure you). And it made Karen and Jeff look like the perfect American Family. MY kids were calling Jeff "Daddy Jeff". NOBODY will ever replace me as the Father of my kids. You want me to look like the bad person? Don't forget who wanted the divorce! I didn't walk away from my family, Karen did. So keep your little "act" going on TV. It's amusing to me, but don't think for a million years that my fans are buying this crap.
Sting Believed To Be Returning, Hall of Famer Added Back To Roster, More
Posted by Daniel Pena on February 8, 2011 at 2:23 PM
– Sources within TNA Wrestling believe that Steve "Sting" Borden is very close to reaching a new deal with the organization, reports this morning.
His profile was removed from the company website last night.
As of the middle of last week, WWE officials had not contacted Borden regarding an appearance at WrestleMania XXVII.
Locker Room's Opinion On Matt Hardy, Knockout's Release Confirmed, More
Posted by Daniel Pena on February 9, 2011 at 9:34 PM
– Initially, there was much concern amongst the TNA Wrestling locker room regarding Matt Hardy's state of mind—largely based on his oftentimes peculiar online videos. Many have since changed their tune on the former WWE Superstar as he's considered easy to work with and friendly.Concern, however, remains over his conditioning and wrestling ability.
– The Wrestling Observer Newsletter confirms that Alison Skipper (a/k/a Chelsea) was released by TNA Wrestling. Her profile was removed from the company website last week.
Desmond Wolfe has a medical condition—that has yet to be publicly disclosed—which caused company officials to drop his partnership with Magnus and Chelsea. Magnus reunited with Wolfe at television tapings in December, but a decision was made to not air the vignettes they filmed.

i wonder what desmond wolfes condition is they are hiding ...hmmmmm :)

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