TNA Impact, PPV's discussion

TNA Star Breaks Collarbone, Backstage Snickering Over Matt Hardy
Posted by Daniel Pena on January 17, 2011 at 10:40 PM
– Motor City Machine Gun member Alex Shelley reportedly suffered a broken collarbone at yesterday's TNA Wrestling live event in Hagerstown, Maryland.
– Some in the TNA Wrestling locker room instantly began snickering over Matt Hardy upon his debut last week at Genesis. One wrestler felt that Hardy looked out of shape and compared his modified appearance to Raven's. Wrestlers were also chatting about his state of mind throughout the day.
Though it was largely believed that Matt Hardy would join TNA following his departure from WWE, some within the company were surprised he was signed. Management indicated they had a full roster and weren't looking to acquire new talent.
sources:, Pro Wrestling Torch
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I was at my bro's home helping him fix his car. He is a wrestling fan and had TNA on in the garage. I am not a TNA fan and don't watch it. I am suprised that this program is still on.

While listening to the tv, I heard Jeff Jarret talking when I turned to look at the tv. He was in the ring with what I thought was either a drag queen or tranny. Nope, my bro tells me, that person next to Jarret is a woman. She is Kurt Angle's exwife. She either got beat up by Angle one to many times or needs to stay off the roids!!!
well after last week I removed it from the series recording on the DVR....I can spend my time better than watching TNA
so have no clue (nor really care) about what happened this week
I agree Ice. I've also done the same after watching last night's episode. TNA is just an awful company that deserves to die. I usually don't post reviews of wrestling shows, but this one on PWTorch is pretty spot on.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Too much Angle-Jarrett-Karen taking away from the rest of the show. TNA needs to decide who their absolute, well-defined, "when you think of TNA, you immediately think (fill in the blank)," #1 top star is, but it's not Jarrett and it's not Angle in 2011. Since TNA's focus seems to change from month-to-month - one month it's on Anderson and Morgan and the next month they're both background players - the audience has no idea what to expect with a lack of consistency to the product. There are too many second-tier players and non-wrestlers on the field.

Some of the items on the show were fine and served a purpose, but this came across like one of those "second day of TV" episodes where the energy isn't there, talent is going through the motions, and the storyline logic holes are more evident than on the first Impact from a set of tapings. The lack of promotion and focus on wrestling matches continues to be part of their self-fulfilling prophecy that wrestling matches don't draw. TNA needs a creative shake-up or at least some new people with new ideas. This isn't working. And it hasn't been working.
I was at my bro's home helping him fix his car. He is a wrestling fan and had TNA on in the garage. I am not a TNA fan and don't watch it. I am suprised that this program is still on.

While listening to the tv, I heard Jeff Jarret talking when I turned to look at the tv. He was in the ring with what I thought was either a drag queen or tranny. Nope, my bro tells me, that person next to Jarret is a woman. She is Kurt Angle's exwife. She either got beat up by Angle one to many times or needs to stay off the roids!!!

lmaoooooooooo :)
Karen needs to take some acting classes too, because she is just cringe worthy awful.

Anyway, I've given up on TNA and don't plan on ever tuning in again after last night's show. I'm tired of seeing old geezers well past their prime, being featured prominently on a show.
Breaking News: Ric Flair Leaves TNA's Current Tour
Posted by Marc Middleton on January 25, 2011 at 6:14 PM
- It appears as though Ric Flair has left TNA's tour of the United Kingdom.The word is that Flair wanted a financial advance which was rejected by tour manager Craig Jenkins. As a result, Flair felt disrespected and decided to leave, not boarding the bus that was taking the TNA crew to the airport for their flight to Germany.One anonymous source said Flair "threw a fit" and "He was playing 'Nature Boy' on the tour and got pissed off and threw a tantrum. As far as we all know, he's in Dublin still. He said he wasn't coming and he wasn't in Berlin."TNA's head of publicity, Steven Godfrey has said, "TNA does not comment on personnel matters."To update on the Ric Flair incident in Dublin, Ireland, it is said that Flair allegedly played hardball, not getting on the bus after his request for a financial advance was refused. As this kind of thing has occurred before and with Flair refusing to get on the plane, a decision was made to leave him behind.One source revealed that because of Flair's outburst, members of the roster were in favor of leaving Flair, some even mocking him, using his "signature promo lines" after the bus left without him.There was also talk that Flair's legendary "partying" habits on the tour may have had something to do with his decision not to get on the bus.Finally, just to clarify, TNA management did not send Flair home. He was simply left behind after "blowing up" and subsequently refusing to travel, and is likely still in Europe.

Source: PWInsider
I can not stand TNA. It has the same crap that WCW in trouble. Too many has beens and nothing new and exciting. Mike Tenay's commentary gets on my nerves. Bischoff and Hogan acts haven't changed in years and is well outdated.
They are no competition to WWE.

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