TNA Impact, PPV's discussion

Hogan Signs a New Deal, Attendance for the TNA Tapings, New BFG Plans for Fans
- Hulk Hogan has signed an endorsement deal with Sports Nutritional Innovations to launch in October. The site will feature "feature thousands of products and top major brands, making it a one-stop shop where 'Hulkamaniacs' can fulfill all their nutritional needs."
- Not many details are known yet but TNA is planning to screen the Bound For Glory pay-per-view on closed circuit in movie theaters.
- The local NBC affiliate in Knoxville, Tennessee did a story last night on the TNA Impact Wrestling tapings that were in town. Knoxville Coliseum officials claimed that the tapings were a sell out with 5,000 fans.
By Mike Johnson on 2011-09-22 12:00:43
Lucha Libre USA personality Reby Sky, who is dating Matt Hardy, was interviewed by her former radio show "Busted Open" on Sirius XM radio regarding a number of Matt Hardy-centric topics. Highlights:
Reby on Matt Hardy's online videos: "Before he posts every video I give him a talk, and I don't want to feel like his mother or babysitter or council, but I say Matt maybe this isn't a good idea. I tell him what I think about it, why I think that way, and he will either take it and say "okay, maybe not" or he will put it up anyway. He's going to do what he's going to do. He's a very strong personality, and obviously that has gotten him to where he's at now, that's part of it. He does have a good formula, he takes it a little too far sometimes and gets a little caught up in the attention, but I think now he's going to be a little smarter about what he posts."

Reby on the rumors that she led police to Matt's drugs: "It's just so frustrating, because they just released something that was completely not what I said. It's pretty clear that Matt's been needing help, and the other day he was in a bad way and I called for help. Cops came, and all these reports are saying that I led them to some secret cave that contained prescription pills. They never found any prescription pills at all in the house, what they found was steroids. After having to go to the police station to sign all these papers, I come back to my house upside down, there is 5 men in my kitchen and I am being interrogated. Everything that they needed to find was already found. So it is just a whole bunch of hate mail: Reby you snitch, you're a rat. At the end of the day I just wanted Matt to get help, I called for Matt to get help, and guess what? He left this morning for WWE sponsored rehab. He is getting help."

Reby on the Jeff Hardy taser incident: "I have to laugh, because I guess just being in it, it was done for a project called the Hardy show, which you can find at It's a variety show with skits, and parodies and stuff like that, it's kind of like a Jackass program. That was filmed for part of a Hardy show episode. And I guess with all the Jeff stuff that was going on at the time, and the way it was spun, it was in retrospect maybe not the best idea for people who aren't aware of the Hardy show and the content that is on there. But like I said, from now on everyone is going to be a lot more careful with anything video wise or Twitter or anything going up on the net."

Reby on Matt Hardy returning to the ring: "A full time wrestling schedule is definitely not in the picture from now on. If you ask him, that's what he will say led to this whole thing, the full time wrestling schedule and the toll on his body and the sacrifices he had to make. Not that I am justifying anything he has done, because I am definitely not. I will say it over and over I don't support what he has done but I will support him in bettering himself."

Reby on Jeff's return to the ring: "The whole thing with Jeff, we try not to talk about it to not make Matt feel bad, but everyone is very supportive of Jeff and very happy for him. It's good that there is someone in the group doing good things, I don't know how to say it. Jeff is completely 180, just a real standup guy and has been so supportive in trying to help Matt in getting things right. So thank God that he is right next to us, thank God for Jeff."
Big News for TNA Bound For Glory, Updated Match Listing
Posted by Marc Middleton on September 25, 2011 at 3:38 PM
- TNA and Screen Vision have announced that the Bound For Glory pay-per-view will be shown live in over 100 movie theaters across the nation. For a full list of locations, visit this link. Screenvision - TNA Bound For Glory
Speaking of Bound For Glory, here is the updated confirmed card from TNA:
TNA World Heavyweight Title Match
Bobby Roode vs. Kurt Angle
The Immortal Battles The Icon
Hulk Hogan vs. Sting
Full Metal Mayhem
Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam
Challenge Match
Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson
TNA Knockouts Title Match
Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky vs. TBD vs. Winter
Hogan, Bischoff & Another Top Star Leaving TNA? Word is that several TNA contracts are set to expire in the next few months. While no names have been disclosed, it's said that one of the contracts expiring belongs to a current TNA title holder. TNA's current champions are Kurt Angle (World Title), Eric Young (TV Title), Austin Aries (X Division Title), Winter (Knockouts Title), Hernandez & Anarquia (Tag Titles) and Tara & Miss Tessmacher (KO Tag Titles).On a related note, the contracts of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff reportedly expire the week of TNA's Bound For Glory pay-per-view in just a few weeks. There has been no word yet about Hogan or Bischoff re-signing.
Matt Hardy Essentially Forced Into Rehab By Judge
Former WWE & TNA star Matt Hardy recently announced that he's entering WWE-sponsored rehab, but now a report by North Carolina's The Pilot newspaper reveals that Hardy's decision to finally get help was mandated by a judge.The Pilot reports that Matt Hardy was essentially forced to enter a rehabilitation program following his most recent arrest. Magistrate Charlie Smoak agreed to release the former WWE Superstar on a "promise to appear" in court that was tied to his undergoing treatment for substance abuse."That is only part of the release order," Krueger said. "It also states that he must comply with a treatment program or be placed in the detention center under a $1 million bond."On September 14, Moore County deputies searched Hardy's Cameron, North Carolina home and charged Hardy with possessing a controlled substance with intent to sell or deliver, possessing a controlled substance, maintaining a dwelling for use of drugs and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.Following their search at his residence, deputies said they had discovered "one hit" of the drug known as ecstasy and also found 20 vials of anabolic steroids.This was his third arrest within a month. On August 19, Hardy crashed his Cadillac into a guard rail on U.S. 1 in Southern Pines but was not cited. The next day, he ran his Corvette into a tree south of Vass. That resulted in a DWI charge.On September 12, police arrested Hardy outside RDU International Airport Monday afternoon and charged him with driving under the influence. He was given a written promise to appear at the Wake County courthouse in Raleigh on November 30.The full story can be accessed here. Former Wrestler's Release Tied to Treatment | The Pilot: Southern Pines, NC
TNA Title Holder's Contract Expiring Soon TNA World Tag Team Champion Hernandez's current contract will expire soon, reports employees aren't asking whether Hernandez will re-sign as much as they are questioning whether management will or should make him a contract offer. Company officials are no longer high on him as he has shown little improvement since returning from his Mexican excursion in February.
Luke sent word that at last night's UFC post-PPV Press Conference, Dana White responded to Kurt Angle's recent claims that the MMA company wanted him to fight Kimbo Slice.
White noted that Angle was unable to pass the UFC physical, ending any possibility of that fight. It would appear the timeline (and this is my conjecture) would be that UFC looked into Angle taking part in Ultimate Fighter the same season as Kimbo, but his physical failure prevented that.- MMA reporter Ariel Helwani interviewed UFC President Dana White this weekend and noted on Twitter that White revealed some tidbits on Kurt Angle. Angle apparently tried out for The Ultimate Fighter reality show but didn't make it because he failed a physical. White also told Helwani that he had no plans to book Angle vs. Kimbo Slice on UFC pay-per-view. Helwani wrote:"Other big news out of the post-fight presser Dana scrum, was Dana saying Kurt Angle didn't make it on TUF because he failed his physical. He didn't not want to elaborate but he did add that he never wanted to book Kimbo vs. Angle on PPV. That video coming later."
Hogan vs. Sting Stipulation, BFG In Theaters & More
- TNA issued a press release on Monday with movie theater company Screenvision providing new details on TNA Bound For Glory being shown in over 100 movie theaters across the United States. The theater showing of Bound For Glory is being presented by TNA's new sponsor, Direct Auto Insurance. All fans who watch Bound For Glory in the theater will receive a free 2011 Bound For Glory t-shirt.During the press release, it was revealed that Hulk Hogan vs. Sting at Bound For Glory will be a No Disqualification match.
- Speaking of Hogan, he's been added to the Main Event ticket for TNA's Bound For Glory Fan Fest on October 15th in Philadelphia.
Hulk Hogan Signs A New TNA Deal, Jeff Hardy Video
- TNA sources have informed us that Hulk Hogan has signed a new deal with TNA Wrestling. Hogan and Eric Bischoff's contracts were scheduled to expire next Monday, the day after Bound For Glory It's expected that Bischoff also signed a new deal as well.
- Prior to entering jail earlier this week, TNA star Jeff Hardy was interviewed by Damien Nelson of the Pro Wrestling Report. Hardy discussed his infamous Victory Road match with Sting and more. Check it out here: Hulk Hogan Signs A New TNA Deal, Jeff Hardy Video
Original Plans for Flair at Bound For Glory, Bischoff Staying in TNA?, Hogan
- As noted before, Hulk Hogan has re-signed with TNA. This means that Eric Bischoff will also be sticking around.
- After originally changing the Sting vs. Hulk Hogan singles match at Bound For Glory, TNA was planning on doing a three-way with Sting, Hogan and Ric Flair. Flair ended up injured and they went back to the Sting vs. Hogan match with a No DQ stipulation. Officials were hoping that adding Flair to the match would help with any problems that Hogan might have.
Robert Roode Talks Bound For Glory, Hogan-Sting, James Storm
Posted on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at 3:54 pm
Tagged with Robert Roode
Main Event Radio interview with Robert Roode
Host: Ryan Rider
Full interview available at

How does it feel to be the No. 1 contender for the TNA Heavyweight Championship of the World? "It feels great. It's been a long time coming. For the past 13 years I've been in this business sacrificing a lot. Paying my dues, honing my crafts. 9 years with Impact Wrestling has been a long time. I've seen a lot of guys come and go. There's nobody better to get in the ring with than Kurt Angle. My first opportunity for a world title shot in the ring with that guy, it's going to be something special."

What can we expect from the match itself? "It's going to be an amazing match. Kurt [Angle]'s record speaks for himself. A lot of people recognize me as a tag team guy from Beer Money and my early Team Canada days. The past few months I've made a name for myself. These past few weeks on Impact having solo matches against some of the best wrestlers in the company – Kazarian and this past week AJ Styles. My confidence level is at a high right now. I've been studying a lot of Kurt's matches. I'm prepared for the best wrestling match of my career. It's going to be a very special night for me and I'm really looking forward to it."

Roode on coming a long way from your Team Canada days to where you are today: "It's been a long road. It's been fun at the same time. Nine years in TNA; through the ups and the downs. Coming in as Team Canada was a lot of fun. From representing my country to where I am today it's been incredible. I'm living my dream. And you never know if I'll bring back one of my old hockey sticks for Bound for Glory. I'm a big hockey fan. Hockey was always my first love. There's always a hockey stick around."

Where do Beer Money and Fortune stand at this point with Roode becoming a singles wrestler? "There's always going to be Beer Money. Beer Money will never die. James and I have invested too much time and we've invested our heart and soul into the team. We literally were thrown together four years ago in a situation where creatively there wasn't a lot for us. He and I made the team work. We got it over; we made it what it is. I don't think there will ever be a time where Beer Money will ever go away. Beer Money will always be remembered – we've done a lot together. As far a Fortune, we've had our problems but Fortune is family. Sometimes family fights but Fortune will stick around."

Memories of teaming with James Storm: "The Best of Five Series with the Motor City Machine Guns will probably go down in history as one of the best tag team matches of all time. What can you say about the Team 3D matches? What made Beer Money what it was was our ability to adapt to different styles and have great matches with the X division guys like MCMG or heavyweight guys like Team 3D. Our ability to adapt to different styles and to entertain the fans at the same time. Beer Money will never go away. No matter how successful Bobby Roode becomes on his own or James Storm becomes on his own, Beer Money will always live forever. Some day we will always get back together whether it be a month from now, a year from now, or 10 years from now – bring back Beer Money the way it should be."

What happened with Chris Harris? "Honest to God, I'm not sure how it was supposed to pan out. There were some ideas thrown around. They brought Chris in for one match. Whether it was a decision made before or after the match they decided to go a different route. They tried it and obviously didn't like it for whatever reason and they decided to go a different way. That's all I can say about that situation."

What was it like working for the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair? "It's a dream come true. I've been a Nature Boy fan my whole life. To be managed by Ric, to be mentored by Ric both on and off the screen was a blessing. It was an incredible feeling to see him at ringside, in my corner, to do the backstage interviews and to get to know the guy backstage. It was a great learning experience and something I will never forget. Ric Flair is one of a kind and he can take a beating and he is still ticking. 60-something years old and he lives and breathes the business."

Thoughts on his co-headliner, Hogan vs Sting: "It's going to be a big match, no doubt about it. It's been built up quite heavily. It's been quite documented how many back surgeries Hulk has had in the past year. Sting is still Sting; the guy has still got it. So it's going to be an interesting match. Whether you're a wrestling fan of the 80's, 90's, or this era you will be interested in it. Two of the biggest names in wrestling's history for one more time, probably the final time. This may be the last time Hulk Hogan ever steps foot inside the ring."
TNA Scouting for a New TV Show, Former Diva to TNA?, Dixie, Gut Checks,Former WWE NXT Rookie to TNA?
- TNA has announced new Gut Check workshops. More details can be found at their website:
- Some expect former Diva Gail Kim to show up in TNA soon now that she's free of her WWE contract.
- TNA is looking to produce a new TV show aimed at the Indian market. Sonjay Dutt and BG James recently flew to India to scout potential talents for the show.
- Former WWE NXT Rookie and FCW Champion Lucky Cannon indicated on Twitter that he will be speaking with TNA's Jeff Jarrett soon. He wrote:"@JeffJarrettTNA .. Looking forward to speaking with u"Cannon was released from his WWE deal in August of this year.
Vince Russo Removed As Head Writer Of TNA
Posted on Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 2:02 pm
Vince Russo has been removed from his post as the head of TNA's creative team, according to a report by has been replaced by Bruce Prichard, who is also in charge of TNA's talent relations.Russo is not entirely gone, as he'll still be one of the senior writers for the show along with writer Matt Conway, but Bruce Prichard will now handle the overall direction of the shows and has the final say on the scripts.This major change to TNA's creative structure has been in the works for several months and became official within the past week or so.There are said to be mixed feelings in the TNA locker room regarding Bruce Prichard getting so much power in TNA so early into his run with the company – but at the same time, Russo's demotion is sure to make many people happy.
How Much Does TNA Pay Hogan? Though he may no longer actively compete, Hulk Hogan still commands among the highest salaries in the professional wrestling industry.While discussing TNA's decision to renew their contract with Hogan on the October 5 episode of Wrestling Observer Live, Dave Meltzer stated that the organization pays the wrestling legend $35,000 per television appearance—potentially totaling over $2 million per year.
TNA In Negotiations With "Jersey Shore" Star To Appear On Impact
TNA Wrestling sources indicate that organization officials are in negotiations with Jersey Shore star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro to appear on multiple episodes of Impact Wrestling. A deal is close to being reached, if it has not already been signed.Ronnie is known as cast member who got into a major fist fight with Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino during the show's filming in May.Ortiz-Magro would be the first male member of the MTV reality series to appear for TNA. Jennifer "JWoww" Farley and Angelina Pivarnick have also appeared for the wrestling organization. NO WONDER TNA IS GOING DOWNHILL :)
By Dave Scherer on 2011-10-09 11:16:24
Ric Flair gave a status update on the planned surgery that he was to undertake to repair his torn triceps injury to Mike Mooneyham saying, "It's postponed right now, but I may not even have to have it. The doctor looked at it and said the thing was healing itself." You can read the entire piece by clicking here. MOONEYHAM COLUMN: Old School Wrestling in town next weekend | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment
Kurt Angle Talks Retiring, Compares Roode to Top WWE Stars and More
- TNA World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle recently spoke with this weekend to promote Bound For Glory. Here are some highlights:Thoughts on Bobby Roode:"You know what? I have had 5 star matches my whole career, and what I see in Bobby Roode is a talent that can go as far as he wants to go. I'm talking about Shawn Michaels. I'm talking about Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Triple H. Bobby has something about him that could make him a huge superstar. Now, at Bound For Glory, that doesn't mean he's going to win. I can guarantee the match won't be short. And I can guarantee that it will be very competitive."Sting vs. Hogan and his match at Bound For Glory:"Hulk Hogan's wrestled Sting so many times already. It'll help the pay-per-view, but fans are more interested in what's going to happen between Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode. I hope that we go on last, because it won't be good for them if they have to follow us. Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode will be putting on a hell of a performance."
Training for the Olympics:"Honey, listen. I'm trying out for the Olympics next year. The pressure is nothing compared to trying out for the Olympic team at 43 years of age. I've lost 30 pounds. I've gone from 245lb down to 215lb. A lot of people will say I look smaller than the referee, which is kind of degrading, but it's funny too. I am in the best shape of my life. Thank God TNA gave me a lot of time off to train. I have been home for three weeks now, training solely for the Olympics. I'll be at my best when the Olympic trials come around. I feel good. I'm healthy, there's nothing that's going to hold me back. I know there's one guy in my weight class that I have to beat – the #1 guy – his name is Jake Varner, he's a world silver medallist. But I'm very serious about making the Olympic team. I love professional wrestling, I love TNA, but I've always wanted to do something that no-one's ever done, and to win an Olympic medal at the age of 43 is far beyond anything anyone's done before."His future and TNA's future:"The best development is that we've got a lot of our own homegrown talent. The worst is that we're not growing them fast enough, or pushing them hard enough. You've got Samoa Joe. He had been undefeated. I walked in and beat him on my first match. I didn't like that. Then I had AJ Styles, and he went to main event status. Then they backed off from him. Then we've got Beer Money – James Storm and Robert Roode deserve to be main event status. We have Crimson and Amazing Red – we have all this talent, that's never been touched. We need to elevate that talent. And you know who can do it? Me. And the other older talent. I'm not going to lie to you – I'm only going to be wrestling for 3 more years. Then I'm retiring. My job is to get this young talent to replace Kurt Angle."I'm going to be with TNA forever. I won't be wrestling, but I will be there. I will be involved in the creative direction, training and development. And I want TNA to understand that we have a lot of homegrown talent that I think is better than the talent over in WWE. So why aren't we using these guys, when they're that good? The older guys – Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett, Sting, Kurt Angle – the list goes on. Guys in their 40's, 50's and 60s. It's time to let the younger talent shine through. If we do that, then we're a new company. We'll get higher ratings, and we can compete with the monster, WWE."
Hmmm… Why Won't Hogan Take Bumps at TNA's Bound For Glory?
- As noted before, a few hundred fans attended the Hulk Hogan & Friends event in Allentown, Pennsylvania this weekend.Hogan mentioned that he won't be taking any bumps in his match with Sting at TNA's Bound For Glory pay-per-view, which is likely why the No Disqualification stipulation was added to the match. Hogan then told a story about how The Rock wanted to map out their entire WrestleMania 18 match in an empty building while Rocky Johnson and Pat Patterson watched. Hogan said out of respect, but he only takes bumps if a lot of people will be watching.
TNA Knockout Mickie James recalls Vince McMahon's reaction to her hand gesture while wrestling Trish Stratus at WrestleMania, reveals who she originally wanted her character to stalk
TNA Knockout Mickie James recalled Vince McMahon's reaction to her making a hand gesture that implied oral sex during a WrestleMania match with Trish Stratus. "I came back through the curtain and Vince was really mad," Mickie recalled in a UK Sun interview. "In the moment it had seemed amazing to me. I thought 'Vince will love this'."'Crass' was the word I got. He didn't like it at all. He told me 'We're going to have to go back and edit that out. Do you know how much time (this will take)?' This was my first WrestleMania, my mom was in the audience, I'm freaking out already. I'm back through the curtain and I'm already in tears and an emotional mess. And I got yelled at." For more of the interview, visit
Powell's POV: Mickie also stated that she wrote 18 weeks of television based on her character stalking Lita. Of course, it was later changed to Trish, and she said the company didn't go with her lengthy storyline. She also discussed being released by WWE and diving off the top of the TNA cage in a match with Tara, among other topics

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