TNA Impact, PPV's discussion

TNA Star Lashes Out At Internet Fans, Homicide At No Surrender
Posted on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 2:12 pm
– Gunner lashed out at the Internet wrestling community on Twitter following last night's No Surrender pay-per-view, writing, "Amazing job from all Impact talent tonite! No Surrender was a success! SUCK IT DIRT SHEETS AND FAT COMPUTER MARKS AT HOME."He responded to criticism over his remarks this afternoon, writing, "So apparently the message boards are calling me an "egomaniac"! Ahhhh u guys are silly!! FAT COMPUTER MARKS…oooppss I did it again."The ten-year veteran continued, "Good thing the so called message boards don't really mean crap to me! My true fans are the ones who know we all bust our tails to entertain u all."He then added, "We need to get FATCOMPUTERMARKS trending!"
– Former X Division Champion Homicide was backstage visiting former colleagues last night at No Surrender. He parted ways with TNA in August 2010 after requesting his release from the organization.

Jay Lethal On The Original Plan To Use Macho Man In TNA

"Hogan came in and a couple of months from Hogan being there, he actually said he was talking with the Macho Man and working it with him to come in. Hogan actually sat me down and explained the whole thing he wanted to do too. He wanted to film vignettes of me going to Hogan, me getting Hogan pissed off, and Hogan yelling at me. Then the next time you see me, I'm at a bar and I'm talking to somebody and you can't really see him because they're in the shadows. But they have that Savage hat on. Eventually you hear Savage say that we're getting Hogan right where we want him. We're getting under his skin. We got him, got him, got him. So it was going to be one of those things where I'm trying to get under Hogan's skin because that's what Savage has me doing. Then Savage comes in and it was going to be a big attack on Hogan. That was the original plan from what I was told. I don't know if that was ever really going to happen, but that's what Hogan told me personally."

To listen to the full interview where Lethal talks about this topic plus ROH passing TNA and more. (46 Min Shoot) Jay Lethal: "Not only is (ROH surpassing TNA) believable to me, but it's very conceivable to many of the fans out there as well."
Matt Hardy Arrested Again, for Another DWI
Posted by Marc Middleton on September 14, 2011 at 1:23 PM
Former WWE and TNA wrestler Matt Hardy has reportedly been arrested again during the past week in Raleigh, North Carolina on another DWI charge. He is scheduled to appear in court on November 30. .......Hardy's arrest has been confirmed with police officials, according to clarify – this is a separate incident from last month's DWI in Moore County, North Carolina.Matt Hardy tweeted on Tuesday:"For the first time in my life, I was framed.. 0, 0, and O.. I'm truly appalled. This will not go down without a fight! Looks like I've got a bull's eye on my head."
Hogan To Make Major Announcement
Posted on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 11:14 am
– Hulk Hogan stated this morning on Twitter that he will be making a 'huge' announcement at tonight's Impact Wrestling taping (airdate September 29).He wrote, "Got a huge announcement tonight at the IMPACT Tapings. HH."

lets hope he says hes retiring from the ring but we all know hes going to fight sting at bound for glory.2 geriatrics one 58 years old (hogan) and 1 52years old (sting) but sting can still go whereas hogan needs a walker :D :)
Spoiler: Major Match Change for TNA's Bound For Glory PPV
Posted by Marc Middleton on September 14, 2011 at 6:17 PM
- Sting vs. Hulk Hogan for TNA's Bound For Glory pay-per-view in October was planned to go ahead after Monday's tapings when Sting earned the right to face Hogan by defeating Ric Flair.Sources report that officials have nixed the Sting vs. Hogan match, as of yesterday, and the two will now face off in a tag team match or a three-way match with another name who hasn't been named yet.We should have more details after tonight's Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando.
Source: PWInsider
By Dave Scherer on 2011-09-15 16:09:22
The Fayetteville Observer did a follow up story covering Matt Hardy's 9/12 arrest (which we covered here on the site, unfortunately). They noted that on 8/19, the day before his arrest for ramming his Corvette into a tree, Hardy was involved in a crash with his 2006 Cadillac on U.S. 1 in Southern Pines.On a video that he did a week or so ago, he had mentioned another accident that he couldn't talk about. It looks like that was it.
By Mike Johnson on 2011-09-18 11:31:50
Ric Flair suffered a burst bursa sack in his elbow in his first TNA match in months this past Monday against Sting. Flair told Mike Mooneyham of The Charleston Post-Courier that he suffered the injury taking a superplex. "It was brutal. I thought I had broken my arm on that spot. I don't know how I did it either," said Flair.Flair said that while one arm is twice the size of the other, he feels fine but was warned by his doctor to watch for infections.
Matt Hardy Says He Has Never Driven After Drinking Alcohol
Posted on Sunday, September 18, 2011 at 1:29 pm
Matt Hardy asked his Twitter followers Saturday to clarify Kurt Angle's blood-alcohol concentration level during his recent arrest in Virginia on driving under the influence, who claimed he was not legally drunk at the time of the arrest.Hardy wrote, "Please, help me out with this guys, I'm confused.. Did Kurt Angle at 1st release documented paperwork stating that his BAC was 0.06, & then the officers called him out and said he lied and that his actual BAC was 0.093 right after he got out from behind the wheel? Is this the truth??"Following news of the arrest, Angle issued a statement claiming that he did not fail a breathalyzer test and had a 0.06 blood alcohol content—safely below the 0.08 legal limit. Virginia state troopers fired back at Angle, saying he was legally drunk at the time of his arrest as he failed several field sobriety tests and had a blood alcohol content of 0.091. Angle was tested again when he arrived to the Front Royal police department, where he blew the 0.06.The Fayetteville Observer reported Thursday that on the day prior to Hardy's arrest on August 20, 2011 for driving while intoxicated in Moore County, North Carolina, he was involved in a car crash on U.S. 1 in Southern Pines. A North Carolina officer found that Hardy had run his 2006 Cadillac off the road and crashed into a guard rail near South Bennett Street. He claimed to the officer that a car ran him off the road, causing him to crash.Hardy offered an explanation for his automobile accident, and subsequent arrest for driving under the influence."My BAC's were both 0.00 and 0.00 -I was in a car accident the day before where a hit-and-run driver totaled my Cadillac CTS, flipping me over, and knocking me momentarily unconscious, giving me serious brain and head trauma. I was prescribed medication for my injuries to sleep, and that's why I was charged with having a "small" amount of lingering traces of xanax in my blood the next day. I shouldn't have been driving at all that day considering my injuries and the meds I was taken. Hence, the DWI."And of course, I've had vertigo ever since and completing the "road test" is pretty challenging my friends. Should i have been driving.. NO. And I accept that fact and whatever punishment may come with it."BUT I HAVE NEVER GOTTEN BEHIND THE WHEEL OF A CAR AFTER DRINKING ANY ALCOHOL! "And that's the truth-bottom line."Hardy was arrested again last Monday at Raleigh-Durham International Airport and charged with driving while impaired. A breathalyzer test was negative for the presence of alcohol. A North Carolina Highway Patrol drug recognition officer examined the former TNA Wrestling Superstar and determined that he was under the influence of drugs.
Guess Who Has More Power in TNA, Plans for Roode vs. Angle at BFG, More
Posted by Marc Middleton on September 19, 2011 at 8:56 AM
- Stan sent word that there was 39 minutes and 4 seconds of in-ring action on this past Thursday's episode of Impact Wrestling.
- Eric Bischoff has reportedly gained more power within TNA as of late as his relationship with Spike TV is said to be better than ever.
- The decision has been made to push Kurt Angle vs. Robert Roode big time as the top Bound For Glory main event. There were some within the company upset with TNA pulling the Sting vs. Hulk Hogan match that has been teased for well over a year now.There's still no word yet on what kind of match Sting and Hogan will participate in or who the third person in a three-way might be. For what it's worth, some still believe that Hogan will end up wrestling the singles match against Sting.
Partial source: PWInsider
Matt Hardy Arrest Update: Reby Sky Called 911, Matt Hospitalzed & "Strung Out On Pills"

Posted by Steve Carrier on September 20, 2011 at 5:29 PM

Earlier today, we reported that former WWE & TNA star Matt Hardy was arrested once again last week (9/14) on drug charges that include possessing a controlled substance with intent to sell or deliver, possessing a controlled substance, maintaining a drug dwelling and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia, according to a release today from the Moore County Sheriff's Office.

New details have now been made available regarding Matt's third arrest in the past month after published the arrest warrant obtained by police.

- Matt Hardy's girlfriend Rebecca Reyes (Reby Sky) called 911 last Wednesday and told police that Matt was "strung out on pills" and needed help.

- When police arrived at Matt's home, Matt "had trouble speaking" and was "very unsteady on his feet." Matt did not smell like alcohol, leading the officer to believe that he was under the influence of "some type of unknown impairing substance other than alcohol." EMTs were called and Matt was taken to the emergency room of the First Health of the Carolinas hospital.

- Reby Sky told police that Matt had a safe at his home that contained "numerous Vicodin" pills, which she told the police Matt did not have a prescription for. She gave police the keys to the safe.

- After a warrant was granted, police seized the following items from Matt's home:

(1) Empty Small Round Glass Containers of Blue Locus Extract

(2) Handwritten Note

(3) Vials of Liquid Substance

(4) Vial of Powder Substance

(5) Syringes

(6) Empty K2 Smoke Blend Packet

(7) $1,961 US Currency

(8) Small Blue Pill

Matt was not home at the time of search, so he was not arrested on the spot. He later turned himself in and is due back in court on Thursday.
Reby Sky Says She Was Coerced By Police To Implicate Matt Hardy

Posted by Daniel Pena on September 21, 2011 at 11:51 AM

Matt Hardy's girlfriend Reby Sky says North Carolina police coerced her into providing evidence against Hardy in order to arrest him last Wednesday.

The 25-year-old model tells TMZ officers "intimidated" and "threatened her" in order to gain information on Hardy's collection of prescription drugs after he was rushed to the hospital for an "adverse drug reaction." Her information to police was enough to obtain a search warrant, which led to Hardy's arrest.

Sky returned home from the hospital to find police at his house after conducting a raid. She says they "threatened her with jail" if she did not answer more questions following the investigation. She then showed officers Hardy's safe containing "numerous Vicodin" pills which he did not have a prescription for.

Sky, who called 911 because Hardy was "strung out on pills," tells TMZ she would have kept her mouth shut at the station if she knew police were accumulating evidence for the warrant—adding, she "would never do anything to put [Matt] in a compromising position with the law."

TMZ's story can be accessed here. Matt Hardy's Girlfriend -- I'm No Rat!!! |
TNA News: Ric Flair scheduled for surgery, injury more severe than originally diagnosed
Sep 22, 2011 - 12:03 AM
TNA legend Ric Flair is scheduled to undergo surgery next week to repair a torn left triceps. Flair was originally told that he had a broken bursa sac in his left elbow, but the injury turned out to be more severe. "I thought it was getting better, but the swelling just wouldn't go away," Flair told Mike Mooneyham of noted that the injury became worse when he threw out the first pitch at the Boston Red Sox game. "When I threw Tuesday, the arm blew up to about twice the size of the other arm. It's all black and blue."

Powell's POV: Flair blamed the injury on not working enough. Although that may have played a part, TNA officials should give serious consideration to limiting to a non-wrestling role. He's 62 years-old and he was just coming back from a torn rotator cuff.

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