If they can come up with more episodes like that one, they could bury STD.
Second, maybe all the touchy/feely eps with static sets and low CGI (low cost) were necessary to pay for the intense (high cost) CGI for this.
I was finally able to watch Thursday's episode. After we finally get to see the Kaylon home world, I wonder about a great many things.The biggest is why such an intellectually advanced construct as the Kaylons would not have eliminated the humanoid form as being inefficient and too restrictive to allowing them to advance past their current physical form.
I figured Issac was shaped as he was to ease interactions with the crew of the Orville.
Galaxy Quest (Orville dragging Theta bombs) undertones.
Every time I hear Issac's home world mentioned, Kylon, I think of Kraylon ...
You've NEVER seen Galaxy Quest? What's wrong with you? Go IMMEDIATELY to wherever you get your videos, get it, and watch it. You are going to love it.
You don't remember the scene where the Galaxy Quest is dragging the space mines, and they use them to kill Sarris and his ship?
Oh yeah, forgot he beamed down on the stage, and they vaporized him.
Anyway, what does it matter whether the Orville was "dragging the mines" versus they are independently piloted? Still has GQ overtones.
OK, I watched the end again, and it did appear Orville was in the lead. If those are called theta bombs, I missed it.![]()
They destroy all organic life, but LEAVE all the buildings, etc alone. Completely stolen from Star Trek
Paint !I am unable to Google that one. Can you try expressing that thought again? (Galaxy Quest was the DVD I accidentally returned to Best Buy along with the crappy player I bought from them.)
Krylon the paint? Kryolan the makeup?