The Orville on Hulu


My theory is that they planted a simulation in Isaac's brain, and none of this is real, just playing out inside there. Everything we've seen since they "woke him up" is fake.

I guess we will find out.
Anybody notice that Issac was the ONLY one with BLUE lights (eyes), the rest were Red.
That's so we can tell Issac apart from the rest.

I'm still surprised the Mercer seems to be onboard with this fleet of Earth-destroying bomb ships. He's like, "oh, hey, we don't want to lose any more named characters, stand down."

It seems the Kaylon have made their decision to destroy Humanity, why are they taking prisoners? Other than "The Orville" being a comedy, that is…
Ok guys, I was thinking; "How could they wrap all this up, and still have Isaac come back to the Orville". Then I figured it out when I remembered they opened him up and reprogrammed him back to "life".

That is what I thought as well. Isaac didn't really turn, the way Data didn't really turn to the Borg Queen.
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Good episode. I'm noticing a trend, the less Bortus, the better.

All along I assumed the robots were built by somebody and that somebody was dead, it's just too common a trope. And then the city architecture was too artistic for a digital race and those glowing red eyes were the dead giveaway. I'm sure Isaac is just pretending.
They mention how dangerous theta radiation is to organic lifeforms. They destroy all organic life, but LEAVE all the buildings, etc alone. Completely stolen from Star Trek

Theta radiation
The original Battlestar Galactica had an episode as well where a planet had empty cities due to a Neutron bomb being used.
I think it was "Greetings from Terra".

I googled it, it was actually "Greetings from Earth"
Greetings from Earth
Greetings from Earth - Battlestar Wiki
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The Orville guys were concerned earlier because they "detected theta radiation" they tracked them to those ships/mines/whatever they were being constructed. They mention how dangerous theta radiation is to organic lifeforms. They destroy all organic life, but LEAVE all the buildings, etc alone. Completely stolen from Star Trek

Theta radiation
Hey, you can't change the laws of physics, no matter what series you're in. Theta radiation is Theta radiation. :D
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Just watched "Identity, Part II". My God, now THAT is how you properly spend money on VFX. Did you guys see that fleet battle?

Unlike a certain other science-fiction show, it was so easy to tell who was firing at each other, between the Union, the Krill and the Kaylons, even with massive amounts of ships on the screen at the same time. The camera movements were so smooth as well. No lens flares. :D

It was like the Battle of Wolf 359 with Borg-like spheres, except extended VFX space battle scenes. And this episode didn't cost $10 million to produce either. Shocking, isn't it?!
And this episode didn't cost $10 million to produce either.
Are you their accountant? I'll grant you that it could have been knocked out on a couple of $2,000 rendering rigs, but there are a lot of people involved with the creation of the models, motion tracking, lighting, etc., and they all need to be paid. However, I'm in no position to talk, either, as the Internet Rumor Mill suggests that Seth MacFarlane runs a tight ship (no pun intended) and keeps the cost per episode lower than traditional one-hour drama series.

I'll say this for the Part II, it was well done, from the writing to the acting, to the epic space battle, all exciting to watch. Sure, a little formalistic in spots, but satisfying. The little bit of literal deus ex machina was "logical" as Issac's experiences shaped the decisions that were made in the crisis situation, and it wasn't so much a case of "Issac saves the day" as it was a necessary step to the course of the episode.

Way to go, everyone involved with "The Orville":clapclap
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Very good two part episode. I think most of us saw it coming that Issac would end up helping them. However it was done well not with something planted in his system as I thought it would be and him overriding the systems but instead with an unexpected Brut force. Great scene. For a second I thought Issac was going to use the "good of the many outweigh the need of the few" line when he decommissioned them all.

Side note.. anyone else not seeing this limited commercial break thing? You mean there could be more?
Commercials? What are commercials? I have a Tivo and it skips them for prime-time shows...

I thought it was pretty good, BUT, if it wasn't for Prime asking Isaac to terminate the kid, just when was Isaac going to finally do something? Hummmmm? He certainly was in no hurry.

As for me, WTF aren't they already heading towards Kaylon with planet-killer bombs?

BortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu' nay'!
As for me, WTF aren't they already heading towards Kaylon with planet-killer bombs?
For one, the Planetary Union fleet took quite the beating, and it takes time to fix this as well as build new ones. And you're assuming that the Union has planet-killer bombs. Perhaps the Krill might...

So, about those names… I'm assuming Yaphit, the amorphous blob is named in honor of Yaphet Kotto, who played one of the engineers aboard the Nostromo in "Alien"? Continuing on the trend, Dr. Finn's youngest is Ty, and I'm guessing for Col. Tigh from "Battlestar Galactica". Admiral Halsey is a nod to the Wings song "Uncle Albert".
Very good two part episode. I think most of us saw it coming that Issac would end up helping them. However it was done well not with something planted in his system as I thought it would be and him overriding the systems but instead with an unexpected Brut force. Great scene. For a second I thought Issac was going to use the "good of the many outweigh the need of the few" line when he decommissioned them all.

Side note.. anyone else not seeing this limited commercial break thing? You mean there could be more?
I think the Limited Commercial breaks is just a way for them to mess with everyone .... most of us that skip commercials regularly know how many pushes there typically are for the break, with limited, that changes ... they only have 2 commercials instead of the normal 3 in the early part of the show, then it seems that late in the show they have like 5 to make up for them earlier.

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