The Flash

Even though this is getting a little too "meta-human of the week" for me, I do like to see the longer-term story arcs being built up week to week. In that way, this reminds me of how Arrow started first season, as he was knocking off people who had "failed Starling City" while we got more back story and the groundwork for longer-range plotlines was laid. I wasn't really sold on Arrow until the last several episodes of that first season.

I know what you mean about the Arrow. I am watching it again after giving up on season 1 after 4 episodes. I decided to watch it while I'm at work with nothing to do . I bring my mini i pad loaded with this show and others and watch in my spare time. I have to say that so far I am still not feeling this Arrow show. The FLASH I have liked since the first episode. Arrow is still to dark and brooding for my tastes.
Arrow is one that when it first aired I DVRd it, and watched the first episode. Then never made time to watch the rest so I deleted it.

Started watching on netflix this summer, got the second season, and now am watching the 3rd. I doubt I would be watching the Flash otherwise.
Enjoying them both.
Next Episode: S01, E04

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Going Rogue":
A villain named Leonard Snart (Wentworth Miller) gets his hands on a ``cold'' gun -- which could kill Barry; Joe gives Iris the silent treatment.

Damn Felicity looked hot as hell in that dress at the restaurant for Trivia!! :)
Next Episode: S01, E06

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Gen. Eiling (Clancy Brown) and the Army take over the case after a bomb goes off downtown, drawing Joe's suspicion; after refusing to stop writing about ``the streak,'' Iris receives a visit from the Flash.

Next Episode: S01, E08

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"The Flash is Born":
A new meta-human is able to turn himself into girded steel; Cisco has a plan to take Tony down; Iris gets in trouble over her blog on Flash; Joe seeks Dr. Wells help in solving Nora Allen's murder.

I was mentioning to my nephew that I believe the 3rd DC Comics show planned to be put out by CW will be based on Firestorm. When you see all of the actors involved in being Firestorm,it doesn't make sense for them all to be in just one,or maybe 2,Flash episode/episodes.
Next Episode: S01, E07

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

"Power Outage":
The Flash goes up against Blackout, a metahuman who can harness electricity; Tockman takes several people inside the police department hostage.

I have no idea what is going on with the doctor. He must be from the future since he has a super computer from the future in his hidden chamber. That and he has a newspaper from 2024, with headlines about a missing Flash. I know that he really wants to make sure that Barry survives and that the timeline is complete in 2024. He really freaked when Barry lost his ability to run super fast and the super computer said there was no references to the Flash in the future.
Next Episode: S01, E08

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

"Flash Vs. Arrow":
Barry is thrilled when a case brings Oliver, Diggle and Felicity to Central City; a metahuman named Ray Bivolo -- who causes people to lose control of their emotions -- infects Barry; Eddie wants a task force to stop the Flash, infuriating Iris.
