The Blacklist

Berlin: Conclusion - Season 1, Episode 22

Monday, 12 May 2014 (10:00 PM ET)

"With the crashing of the mysterious prisoner transport plane, the city is on lock down as the authorities are on the hunt for all the escapees. Meanwhile, with Red in custody, Liz uses her power to get him out since he is their best chance at finding all the suspects. Elsewhere, their main objective is to track down Berlin, a prisoner on the plane who is somehow involved."

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I agree it was really very good...
Red almost sheds a tear when talking to Lizzy about her dad; interesting story about Berlin's motivation; Cooper almost loses his head; nice torture session administered by Red; Tom shows his two-faces and Lizzy pumps 3-rounds into his stomach...and then lets him escape (I'm sure he will survive); Berlin and Tom are still out there lurking going-in to next season; Tom tells Lizzy that her father is still alive while Red dismisses that utterance; Berlin and Red both have a picture of Berlin's daughter, #79;

I went back and watched the final moments of The Stewmaker (Season 1, Episode 4) and noticed that Red took the picture of victim #79) from the Stewmaker's book of death and placed it into his pocket on the way out of the cabin. Okay, why does Red focus on #79? Did he have something to do with the girl's abduction, dismemberment, and psychological torture of Berlin? If not, why does Berlin think he was the man who orchestrated his daughter's death? Lets just say Berlin is going to be gunning for Red and Lizzy again next season. Oh, and could Lizzy possibly be another one of Berlin's daughters? Or is she Red's daughter and Red is merely speaking figuratively when he says to her that her father is dead? Also, what did Berlin do to Red in the past? Could he have been involved in bringing him over to the dark side, so to speak?
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Below is the photo mentioned before, from The Stewmaker episode,

I agree that theré´s still the possibility that Red is Liz¨s biological father, and that she could have been adopted by the "career criminal" mentioned by Red.

In episode 2 there were some hints indicating Liz was adopted, when her husband said Liz insisted on not having children but rather adopting.

Red and Lizzie´s adoptive father are keeping the secret from Liz, and Tom (Liz´s husband) is probably working for another top level criminal, that has something against Red. But then again, all these could be smoke and mirrors to hide a deeper secret.


I posted the above on November 7 2013, speculating about who´s Lizzie´s father, now wtih a complete season 1, I´m still not sure who the biological father is ;)
Looking back at this post I guess I was right about Tom, which was confirmed about 3 episodes ago,
I still have many questions, which is good for my looking forward to season 2
After showing us the scars on Red's back they sure want us to think Red is the dad. A little too obvious though, I think he is not. Red was somehow involved with the fire.
I posted the above on November 7 2013, speculating about who´s Lizzie´s father, now wtih a complete season 1, I´m still not sure who the biological father is ;)
Looking back at this post I guess I was right about Tom, which was confirmed about 3 episodes ago,
I still have many questions, which is good for my looking forward to season 2

I'll have to go back and watch some of the episodes over the summer, if I have time, because there are some 'things' that I just don't recall at present. Such is life. Also, another strange, but unrelated story, is that each and every one of these victims is photographed wearing the same facial express as me the morning after I wake-up after attending a bachelor party. Go figure! ;)
I'll have to go back and watch some of the episodes over the summer, if I have time, because there are some 'things' that I just don't recall at present. Such is life. Also, another strange, but unrelated story, is that each and every one of these victims is photographed wearing the same facial express as me the morning after I wake-up after attending a bachelor party. Go figure! ;)

:D LOL Oh and BTW, I also want to check again some episodes, hopefully I´ll be better prepared for next season, I still have to speculate about why Red went to that house that he blasted, what about his reminiscing of that little girl in that house and in the ballet, the date on the photo is the same christmas eve he was supposed to go back to his wife and daughter, he disappeared for 4 years, how come he went to the dark side, as you mentioned, why, why, why, etc :confused:
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These were the final ratings for this past Monday. (CBS had a NCIS repeat)

It´ll be interesting to see how next season ratings go, once NCIS LA is added to the timeslot.

The Blacklist - Season Finale (10:01-11PM)
Castle - Season Finale (10:01-11PM)

At least in the last weeks Blacklist has been in the range of 2.6 - 2.7 and 10-11, and NCIS LA in about 2.2 14, but of course is the 18-49 numbers what counts, if that remains the case it looks like The Blacklist shouldn´t worry much about losing numer one position in the timeslot.
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Good Omens 2 (Amazon)

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