The Blacklist

With Tom out of the picture, is there any chance that ?Liz will get a new love interest on The Blacklist?
It's possible! But it's not at the top of her to-do list. "I see her as somebody who has just gone through this horrible relationship and betrayal and I would expect her to respond to that in her own life," creator Jon Brokenkamp tells me. "Whether that's a rebound or finding somebody else or going off on her own, she's got some soul searching to do. Who is she? She's at a place now where Liz has to confront that."
I´m not so sure that Tom is dead, If my memory doesn´t fail me, the last scenes implied Liz killed him, however when the cops arrive on the scene they only found the body of the fake Berlin, Í didn´t see Tom´s body.
I´m not so sure that Tom is dead, If my memory doesn´t fail me, the last scenes implied Liz killed him, however when the cops arrive on the scene they only found the body of the fake Berlin, Í didn´t see Tom´s body.

There is no way Tom is dead...he dragged himself and his entrails out of the the building before the feds arrived.
I would like to watch season 1 during the summer ,but I can only find the last 5 episodes on hulu or hulu plus. Don't want to watch it unless I can watch from the beginning.
I rarely buy TV series. I did pick up Chuck not too long ago for dirt cheap. I'm sure the BDs will be less than paying by episode. I do notice (at least with Comcast) that titles show back up in Hulu, Amazon, OnDemand when the episodes are reaired.

While I do not like the price of iTunes/Amazon VOD for a current season ($2-$3/episode, blacklist cost $40), I sure like watching them. It is so nice to have the proper 5.1 sound, no screen graphics, no commercials, etc.

The locals here tend to down convert 5.1 to 2 channel with out of phase surround. They of course run maps of weather events all the time, plus put a channel logo on it.

So, I will buy the shows I really like to get them in pristine condition.
Guess I´m gonna have to refresh my memory on clues from first season, before watching season 2. I still think it couldn´t be as obvious as that.
It is going on hiatus for almost 3 months and then changing nights? Typical NBC...
It is going on hiatus for almost 3 months and then changing nights? Typical NBC...
Of course this is NBC and even if they create a potential hit in ratings , they always find a way to destroy it, by moving the show to a new night and/or going on hiatus for so long no body remembers what the hell it was about anymore. Look at Heroes & Revolution. They beat both shows to death with those kind of changes.

Good Omens 2 (Amazon)

Lazarus Project is on TNT
