Stargate SG-1 Discussion

Seen on the floor, had authentic looking patches ...


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Making my way through season 7 with mixed feelings knowing that the number of "true" SG-1 episodes will be short. Just finished Evolution I and II.

And decided to start watching SG:Atlantis to spread out how long it takes me to finish SG-1. I know I can start over again, but having fun with this several month journey through the whole show again.

And SG:A season 1 is pretty decent; oh, how I wish SG-1 was in HD like Atlantis is.
Dang it, I just watched the second part of Heroes, knowing full well ahead of time what the end result is, and I still got choked up at the end. Not a lot of tv can do that. Good powerful entertainment. (And I still hate Woolsey :) ).
Just watched Prometheus Unbound. Loved three things: 1) A pissed off George Hammond who wanted HIS ship back; 2) the dynamics with Vala; and 3) Daniel Jackson in the super soldier armor, "Who are you?" "Mr Olo. Hans Olo." Classic stuff.
I loved it at the end when he zatted her just to shut her up. Then again, if she had hit me in the nads with a fire extinguisher, I might do the same thing. :D
Just finished Moebius I and II; fun episodes. Loved the Upper-midwest accents, and the "sexy librarian" look. :D

And I know we discussed this in the past, but it sure looked as if they thought the show was ending after season 8. And in so many ways, I kind of wish they did. It would have been the perfect end to the series.
Sigh.... I started the Ori arc... after eight seasons of re-watching SG-1, its so disappointing to have it end like this. And not only is the intro to season 9 horrible (come on, in three episodes they have NOT explained WHAT Jack is doing yet), but the whole "Hallow the Ori" stuff is just dismal.
Time to start on Atlantis :)
I didnt like the Ori Arc either but we watched and then watched the movies after!!

On season 3 of Atlantis :D

I will finish SG-1, but its just not going to be nearly as pleasurable. I did enjoy season 8, although I must admit basically just having the four of them in the conference room making decisions without having Gen Hammond there, made it feel like SG-1 was pretty much free to do what it wanted, as Jack never truly seemed like a general.
Jack never wanted to be "The Man"...he always liked "sticking it to The Man". :)

I enjoyed the Ori arc. Parts of it were a bummer, other parts were funny. C'mon, when B'aal and Adria were arguing and Sam tells them to "get a room", am I the only one who laughed? ;) :D

To this day the woman who played Adria drives me nuts. Hated her on V, primarily because of her on SG-1.

I think you were the only one who liked the Ori Arc. :D