Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Episode 3 has me bewildered.
I thought it was this series take on "The Naked Time" with the uninhibited behavior being passed by contact with the infected crew member's sweat.

Away Mission? Check.
Breaking isolation protocol? Check.
Transporter Biofilters ineffective? Check.
Strange behavior by Away Mission members? Check.
Infection passed to additional crew? Check.
Warp Core shutdown? Check.
Enterprise threatened with destruction? Check.
It may have checked all the boxes, but nothing was resolved and all of the naughty stuff was quickly swept under the carpet.

We pretty much nothing of the alien race and apparently made no effort to communicate with them.
It may have checked all the boxes, but nothing was resolved and all of the naughty stuff was quickly swept under the carpet.

We pretty much nothing of the alien race and apparently made no effort to communicate with them.
Considering the aliens saved Pike and Spock you'd think there would be more of an effort. of course, a lot to cover in 42 minutes.
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They could have at least put up some form of Mr. Atoz rather than a scroll wall.

Taking on too many arcs doesn't let you finish them. There were arguably four (Una, Na'an, M'Benga, aliens) and only the Una story came close to being resolved (dismissed).

Finally, Una executed a pretty violent beat-down on Na'an. That seemed kind of out of character for Star Trek. Set phasers on stun.
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Well that beat-down was tied to being infected.

And according to the interview with Rebecca Romjin on Ready Room, the Una issues are far from resolved and will be playing a role throughout the season.

And look - we can either have long arc seasons, or episiodic Star Trek. I will take the latter, after suffering through some lousy "arcs" these past several years.
Well that beat-down was tied to being infected.
Una can't be infected and she was the one dealing out the super-human punishment.
And according to the interview with Rebecca Romjin on Ready Room, the Una issues are far from resolved and will be playing a role throughout the season.
Then nothing was resolved in this episode. Episodes are hard and it obviously represents a paradigm shift for the writers and the dozens of producers.
And look - we can either have long arc seasons, or episiodic Star Trek. I will take the latter, after suffering through some lousy "arcs" these past several years.
If the episodes aren't resolved, we're left juggling a bunch of small arcs.
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If the episodes aren't resolved, we're left juggling a bunch of small arcs.
Yeah. You might even call it a "hybrid" approach.

And... I enjoyed this episode and found it easy to follow, except for the out-of-the-blue Number One identifying herself as Illyrian. I don't remember the ST pilot showing Numer One as having any superhuman capabilities.
Most "episodic" shows these days have ongoing character arcs that span the season if not multiple seasons, while the episodic aspect concerns the serial killer, murder trial, medical emergency, etc. of the week. I don't see how it is in any way problematic that all Una-related matters weren't resolved in this episode.
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Yeah. You might even call it a "hybrid" approach.

And... I enjoyed this episode and found it easy to follow, except for the out-of-the-blue Number One identifying herself as Illyrian. I don't remember the ST pilot showing Numer One as having any superhuman capabilities.
Well, the Una is an illyrian is obviously a SNW writer creation. Nor have we seen superhuman capabilities from her until now.
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I'm more a fan of episodic stories that have a loose arc. The way DS9 did it.
I have no problem with a loose arc, but where we get contained stories and now a 10 episode run to understand something.

Some of the best Star Trek as science fiction stories are self-contained 1 or 2 hour pieces. Think Inner Light. 45 minutes of pure science fiction greatness. Or Darmok - his eyes open. Or Measure of a Man, or Who Watches the Watchers. OR Devil's Due, or Yesterday's Enterprise.... and on and on.

I'll admit I can't name DS9 or VOY episodes like I can TNG.
Think Inner Light. 45 minutes of pure science fiction greatness. Or Darmok - his eyes open. Or Measure of a Man, or Who Watches the Watchers. OR Devil's Due, or Yesterday's Enterprise.... and on and on.
Oh dear; I'm going to have to look those up. And you forgot my usual example: City on the Edge of Forever! One of the best Star Trek episodes ever IMNSHO.
Una can't be infected and she was the one dealing out the super-human punishment.

Then nothing was resolved in this episode. Episodes are hard and it obviously represents a paradigm shift for the writers and the dozens of producers.

If the episodes aren't resolved, we're left juggling a bunch of small arcs.
But she was also dealing with a security officer who was fighting hard. Think you are looking more into this than there was.

i bet if you went back to a lot of TNG episodes there are plenty of unresolved plot lines.
i bet if you went back to a lot of TNG episodes there are plenty of unresolved plot lines.
Yep, like Riker's Transport twin, which they had to resolve on DS9.

In one of the Making of Books, the writers had a storyline about him they were going to do in the last season, but they never got to it.
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I just rewatched the episode, the beat down discussed above was not a beat down, it was na'an throwing a punch, Una responding, several times, back and forth, and then the one last punch. It wasn't a show of super human strength. It was a fight. no different than a hundred others on Star Trek.
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When Una picked up the Chief Engineer in the transporter room and carried him down the cooridor to sick bay, even my sister, who has never seen an episode of SNW until today commented saying "she must be awfully strong to be able to do something like that"... I had to agree with her. That was out-of-the-ordinary kind of strength, IMO.

As for the fight, I agree, it looked like any other fight on Star Trek.
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