Star Wars Ahsoka

I need to rewatch this episode, I obviously wasn't paying enough attention to the end of Ahsoka & Anikin's fight scene. The Internet was going *#%<&|*@ over her eyes turning red as she battled with his lightsaber before tossing it away.

I was underwhelmed by the Purgill jumping away, though. I was expecting it to be more drawn out like they showed in "Rebels". Plus, I was hoping that Ahsoka would have been able to utilize The World Between Worlds to find Ezra in that particular time and space. The Internet is divided on whether she was "really" there, or just imagining everything in her oxygen-starved brain while underwater. And the Internet is also split on whether she is now "Ahsoka the White" as in Gandalf the White after his return in "Lord of the Rings".

The return to Ryloth and Mandalore to play out scenes from SW:TCW was great.

Of course for me the worse part was no one at work had watched the episode so I could talk about it! ;)
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Thrawn really let himself go. ;) Too much Nightsisters Stew, I presume…
Just watched.

First, the whales in hyperspace was a really cool scene, likewise when the big circle ship came out of hyperspace.

Second, seeing all these characters from the animated shows in live action is kinda weird and good, from the stars of the show, whales, Thrawn , Nightsisters, they all have only been seen in cartoon form.

Just strange that a franchise would pay that much attention to what came before in a cartoon, usually that type of thing gets ignored.

Glad they do not.
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First of all if you really love this show, good on ya. I don't want to dim your enthusiasm.

I'll admit it's pretty good, better that the Boba Fett and Obi-Wan ones. And, the main character deserves to be recognized by a wide audiences as one of the strongest connecting threads in the entire Star Wars franchise.

But that's all the good I'm gonna say.

The big problem with Ahsoka is the same problem I had with Obi-Wan Kenobi and the last season of The Mandalorian. The main quest of the season isn't the thing I want to see.

In fact, I'll go one further. In each case I started by hoping that the main quest (find Ezra, save Leia, unite the Mandalorians) was a side quest that would lead to something I really wanted to see. And of course I was wrong there. So what I felt over several episodes was a deepening sense of disappointment as reality set in.

At this point there has been enough online chatter to suggest that Disney's building another "Avengers" like movie where all the characters who are alive in this post-Endor period all band together against Thrawn. All this says to me is, there won't be any sort of meaningful conclusion to this season of Ahsoka.

The Star Wars universe has the potential to be incredibly diverse and tell really interesting stories that don't need to be tied to each other. I certainly understand the slavish devotion to characters from Rebels but seriously, are they the only characters in the galaxy? Do they deserve so much attention?
At this point there has been enough online chatter to suggest that Disney's building another "Avengers" like movie where all the characters who are alive in this post-Endor period all band together against Thrawn. All this says to me is, there won't be any sort of meaningful conclusion to this season of Ahsoka.
That was announced months ago at Star Wars Celebration, Dave Filoni ( creator of Rebels, Ahsoka, etc) is set to write/direct it.

Mark Hamill is rumored to be it ( dealing of course), along with everyone else from the TV Series'.
Yep Bruce ... I'm just not convinced that it's the right move. Disney seems to come under attack a lot for squeezing too much life out of its existing franchises and making it so you need too much backstory in your head to enjoy any of them.

Two articles I wrote, one from quite a while ago:

Plan to watch when all the episodes are available. But since I haven't and won't watch Rebels not sure I will understand what is going on. I did read the Thrawn books back in the 90's but not sure that will help much since that story is no longer considered canon.
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Plan to watch when all the episodes are available. But since I haven't and won't watch Rebels not sure I will understand what is going on.
Cartoon starts out good in the first season, becomes great in season 2-4, really gets into the canon of Star Wars, Vader, Maul, etc.

The same person who writes Ashoka and the co-creator of The Mandalorian was the show runner of Rebels.
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Can't please everyone. Either people don't like the season long story arc's or they don't like weekly standalone episodes.

Not really sure what everyone wants to see. The stories have played out pretty much as expected. It seems people can't just sit down and enjoy a tv show for what it is anymore. Everyone wants some Soprano's, The Wire, Breaking Bad drivel, which I think was some of the most uninteresting tv ever made. Right up there with the snoozefest that was Andor.

Having announced the movie project before filming and with the hints in Mando Season 3. I was already fairly sure the Ahsoka season would concentrate on bringing everyone up to date on those characters and getting Thrawn somewhat back into the main galaxy for everyone to deal with. No more, no less.

Maybe people will be satisfied with The Skeleton Crew or The Acolyte. Those will involve totally new Star Wars characters and parts of the Star Wars Universe
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Look everyone, this really is nothing new. This type of thing has been done since Jaws 2 hit the screens. It's what Hollywood (and various studios within) do. They make a movie and release it. If it does well and makes lots of money, they green-light a sequel. If the sequel does well, they green-light another and so on and so forth until they send the series out into space, where it dies.

The MCU series and the entire SWU (set mostly in space, so it doesn't die anyway) are these monolithic stories with literally dozens of characters that each have a huge history and a future.

So, it's up to the viewer to decide how much of that history and future stories they want to endure. Did I watch every MCU movie? Nope. I just enjoy the ones I want to watch and whatever backstory I missed out on, well, if I feel the need to find out what I missed, I'll find and watch it. Otherwise, no, I don't bother.

Same with the SWU. Did I watch Obi-Wan? Sure and I enjoyed parts of it, glad that it was only 6 episodes and a one-off series. Having enjoyed Rogue One, I'd like to see more Andor (whenever that happens). Boba Fett was ok. If they do a second season someday, I may watch it, or maybe not. Really enjoyed the first two seasons of Mando, the third season was a mix (and sadly, shortened).

The point I'm making is, it's up to the individual as to how much of it they want to watch. I'm watching and enjoying Ahsoka. Did I watch all the animated episodes to fill-in all the backstory? No, I watched 5 particular animated episodes to get the gist of who Ahsoka is and some her backstory. Do I understand who everyone is and what everything means? Nope, but when I've come across someone or something that I think might help me understand it/them better if I knew more, there's this enormous SWU wiki out there and within minutes, I can read a few paragraphs about who Thrawn is and with having spent 5 minutes (or less) of my time, I know enough about the character to know what a bad guy he is and a little of his past. I didn't need to spend several hours watching animated episodes to get his entire backstory. Do I feel like I'm missing something? Possibly, but I've got enough knowledge with a little research that allows me to know who's who and what's what.

That all being said, now I'm going to watch the latest episode of Ahsoka and I plan to enjoy it... :)
Watched it last night, love this show, hitting all the right Star Wars marks, lightsaber fights, space fights, on the ground fights, humor, bad guys, etc.

One more to go, I knew before watching this it was going to lead into a movie, so there was no way it would be a complete story, just too many loose ends to finish in only one more episode.
Just sad there won't be anymore Ray Stevenson as Baylan Skoll in the future. He has been great in the part. I'm sure there will be a recast as Baylon's quest seems to be a part of the ongoing story they've set up.
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Plan to watch when all the episodes are available. But since I haven't and won't watch Rebels not sure I will understand what is going on. I did read the Thrawn books back in the 90's but not sure that will help much since that story is no longer considered canon.
Those and other books were never considered canon. They were part of the Expanded Universe back then. Now I believe they are considered Legacy once Disney took over. :(
Those and other books were never considered canon. They were part of the Expanded Universe back then. Now I believe they are considered Legacy once Disney took over. :(
Not so. Back in those days the Lucas organization coordinated the stories amongst the various authors so a consistent story line existed between the movies and the books. All was tossed when Disney took over.
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Not so. Back in those days the Lucas organization coordinated the stories amongst the various authors so a consistent story line existed between the movies and the books. All was tossed when Disney took over.
Yep, started with Shadows of the Empire, which was meant to be canon, Lucas did that to keep the IP out there until the (ick) prequels came out.

Then he sold it, tossed by Disney, to be honest, it should of been tossed, the prequels and the last 3 should be tossed also.

Favreau and Filoni have done a much better job with what happens after Return of the Jedi.

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