Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

I don't know if I still have my copy of The Starfleet Manual" that came with the Enterprise "blueprints"
I remember buying the Enterprise blueprints for my sister's Christmas present in 1966 or 1967. She's more of a nerd than I am. It came in a plastic envelope and it was pretty thick.
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One question: how much time did they lose going that close to a black hole? Technically, they should be behind the rest of Starfleet by a few years, at least (see Interstellar for a good reference)...
This effect only becomes significant if you get near the black part of the black hole. For reference, the time advancement difference between GPS satellites (20,200KM) and the surface of the Earth (6,371KM) is about one second in sixty years.

Obviously, the gravity of a black hole is much greater than that of Earth but it is all relative ;). The wasn't much size perspective given. The writers seem to favor leaving some of the most important details (like what the Gorn look like) to the viewer's imagination. There were some numbers thrown out, but the context wasn't entirely clear.
This effect only becomes significant if you get near the black part of the black hole. For reference, the time advancement difference between GPS satellites (20,200KM) and the surface of the Earth (6,371KM) is about one second in sixty years.

Obviously, the gravity of a black hole is much greater than that of Earth but it is all relative ;). The wasn't much size perspective given. The writers seem to favor leaving some of the most important details (like what the Gorn look like) to the viewer's imagination. There were some numbers thrown out, but the context wasn't entirely clear.
I would imagine that they had some time slippage, getting as close to the black hole as they did, but the writers left that detail out as they didn't want to deal with it.

As for what the Gorn like, well, we have an episode of TOS and Enterprise both that shows us what the Gorn look like. Enterprise did a better job, CGI though it was...
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I always thought the TOS Gorn was Hokey as Hell!
Sign of the times when it was made, here is the newest version, until it changes again-
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A great episode! Even with all the story threads going on, it felt well-crafted and everything fit together.

And yes, E-Bingo!;)
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I kind of thought this episode was a mish mash of the Original S. T. Spock and Tuprane episode on Vulcan, complete with the original music (that was used in Cable guy to create a parody of Star Trek) and the body swapping episode with Kirk and Janice Lestor plot except with Spock and Tuprane. The rest was basically filler showing the side characters doing silly stuff.

If they are just going to try to write this entire show as an extension of the original Star Trek, it will start to feel reductive or like a repeat of the original show. I think the writers feel they are locked into stories that lead just to the original show. We have had this episode and the Gorn episode both based on the original Star Trek. Star Trek Discovery did the same thing till they moved them into the far future last season. Now you got some new original stories and their is no limit to what they can write . Granted the Discovery show isn't as good as Strange New Worlds , they are at least not limited to following the cannon of the original show. So I count this episode as a throw away episode unless you like just seeing the characters interact and bond as a team on the ship.
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I figured this episode would turn it down a notch after the intensity of the Gorn episode, but I didn't expect something this entertaining. I loved the way it developed some of the main characters' personalities and backstories while also incorporating the high-stakes element of the negotiations. If it were bad writing, I would call it a throwaway episode. But I was not bored for one single second. I even stuck around for The Ready Room (which I didn't watch at all for the latest seasons of Picard or Disco).
