Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

I figured this episode would turn it down a notch after the intensity of the Gorn episode, but I didn't expect something this entertaining. I loved the way it developed some of the main characters' personalities and backstories while also incorporating the high-stakes element of the negotiations. If it were bad writing, I would call it a throwaway episode. But I was not bored for one single second. I even stuck around for The Ready Room (which I didn't watch at all for the latest seasons of Picard or Disco).


In many ways, for me this was just as good as last week and thoroughly entertaining.

what I am not going to do is question everything that happens, in terms of context of TOS. This is a fantastic show, best trek in literally decades, and thats enough for me.
Finally caught up with episodes 3-5 this weekend. I love this show. Makes me really not want to watch Discovery season 4 and Picard season 2.
Finally caught up with episodes 3-5 this weekend. I love this show. Makes me really not want to watch Discovery season 4 and Picard season 2.
You have to watch season 2 of Picard. It has many elements of the Next Generation with Whoopie back as Gynan and there is Borg and time travel. I really liked the finale of the season too.
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Wow. Today's episode was just great. What I'd call a great science fiction story, in the best of star trek tradition.

But damn, only four episodes left? :(
That's ok, next we get the third season of Star Trek Lower Decks………….yay.
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I definitely felt like I've seen this story before, but I could probably say that about 90+% of the sci-fi I watch. It was well done and I loved the planet's "geography" if you can call it that. Reminded me of Bioshock Infinite (video game). But I totally saw it coming with all the secrecy about the ceremony. It was kind of an off-note that she would even invite Pike to watch the kid's "ascension." She knew it was wrong (admitted as much in her final scene), so did she really think Pike would be full of joy and hugs in celebration once he saw what really happened to the kid?
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Not only that but I find it preposterous that a child's brain is the only thing keeping their civilization going. What kind of perverse, even evil, mechanism is that? Who would invent such a thing in the first place? Is this centuries-old tech that nobody understands any longer?
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Not only that but I find it preposterous that a child's brain is the only thing keeping their civilization going. What kind of perverse, even evil, mechanism is that? Who would invent such a thing in the first place? Is this centuries-old tech that nobody understands any longer?
And not just any child. I got the sense the child chosen was extra special in some way, like finding the next Dalai Lama. We were never given a sense of what made this child so special unless it was his prodigy-like intelligence (or was that common among children of this highly technologically advanced society?).
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And not just any child. We were never given a sense of what made this child so special unless it was his prodigy-like intelligence (or was that common among children of this highly technologically advanced society?).
The process was detailed in the episode in the scene with Dr. M'Benga. IIRC, he was chosen in a lottery and enhanced with "quantum bio implants". It was clear that he was raised to fulfill the function.
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All I can say is that if Captain Pike gets any higher hair he should be called Capt. Bouffant.:eeek I swear he looks like a white cockatoo with his crown all raised up 5 inches high over his head. I am sure that hair style wouldn't fly in most military circles even in the future. They must of shellacked his hair in Helmet Head Hair spray to get it to stand up so high. I guess they need that for Space travel so no hair looses it's place. :laser
I think this is at least the second episode where the Captain has great difficulty remembering Number One's name. I'm wondering if this is supposed to be a running gag.
I think it's a reference that he calls her Number One almost exclusively. So when he wants to use her real name he has to reach for it.
Plus, Pike was having an emotional response to seeing Alora on the transporter pad.

Regarding this civilization using an advanced neural-net to run the planet, I hope Spock was taking notes. It will his turn in a decade or so…
Enjoyed this episode as well! If Pike's hair gets any taller though, the crew is gonna start calling him Spike! Sheesh! :D

This is a minor beef, unrelated to the episode...why can't they have a more musical intro to these shows? The voice-over with Pike (or Spike) is a nice touch, but like Discovery and Picard, SNW just has a overbearing beat and some touches of the TOS theme. Discovery, overly heavy bass beat and no melody to speak of. Same with Picard. I think of TNG, DS9 and Voyager (especially the latter two) which had really great melodic intros...
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