Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

The original nurse Chapel character embodied more or less the then current view of women's roles, being reserved, respectful, and deferent to their male doctors. The new Chapel is her own person with an actual personality, whether one cares for it or not. She's potentially a memorable character in this reboot, with her own agency and storylines. I personally didn't even remember there was a nurse Chapel in TOS until I watched this episode of SNW.
People mature, but I am once again wondering about the Enterprise. There has to be another wave of Luddite paranoia that causes the Enterprise bridge and technology to get retroed out of existence and turned into something that looks like a cheap TV series from the 1960s. I thought Pike disliked the computers on the Enterprise and that's why it was being retrofit with more analog controls.
There has to be another wave of Luddite paranoia that causes the Enterprise bridge and technology to get retroed out of existence and turned into something that looks like a cheap TV series from the 1960s.
I predict they will just ignore their anachronisms and go with a more modern ship. :(
I predict they will just ignore their anachronisms and go with a more modern ship. :(
Probably, as this is sounding like Yet Another Reboot. "Star Trek: Enterprise" had a bridge that was a much more cramped affair even though it featured better User Interfaces than the Original Series bridge.

I'll be watching this series. I think that Uhura as a cadet is well cast (she sounds like Nichelle Nichols) and looking at the IMDB, the Chief of Security is La'an Noonien-Singh! As in Kahn's what? Aunt? Sister? Hmmmm…
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Chief of Security is La'an Noonien-Singh! As in Kahn's what? Aunt? Sister? Hmmmm…
Khan and his group launched from Earth in a sleeper ship in 1996. This series takes place in 2258 or 2259...

By the way, that means it must also be at least 9 years BEFORE Kirk and crew find Khan's ship and wake them up...
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Ah, right. But then, wouldn't Singh already have sent off Khan 25 years before the events in the 2nd season of "Picard"? I think we might have heard something about that…
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The new Chapel lacks the elegance that Majel brought. There's a certain spunkiness that seems out of place as compared to all other Trek nurses.
Well maybe because this is at least 10 years before the original Nurse Chapel played on the orignal Star trek series. This Nurse Chapel is much younger and probably would explain the spunkiness. She hasn't got beat down by life, Just kind of looks like it.
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Paramount announced in March 2022 that Paul Wesley has been cast as James T Kirk and is part of the currently filming Season 02.
I'm guessing they'll bring him in as a mid-grade officer (2nd officer perhaps), setting him up for his eventual captaincy when the current 5-year mission is over.

Seeing how he used "dramatic pauses" in Vampire Diaries, can see him easily imitating Shatner's Kirk quirk's.

Though this picture shows him wearing a captain's rank, so who knows. Maybe the Farragut is his "Stargazer" and they'll do a combined mission with the Enterprise.


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I watched it again with my parents and extended family because they knew nothing about it. My Dad was the one that turned me on to Star trek when I was a little boy. We used to watch it on our first 19 inch color tv. I remember we went to the store to buy a color tv and my dad told the salesman, if you can have it in my house before Star Trek starts tonight he would buy the $1000.00 Tv console with record player and radio. The tv showed up with 30 minutes to spare and we sat on the couch together watching the show with all the colors. We ended up with headaches because of we weren't used to seeing them on that "Big " tv my dad bought. ;)
The second episode was a let-down to me. Too much picking on Uhura and did not buy the inevitable outcome scenario. Too much of a high minded writers episode, IMO.
The second episode was a let-down to me. Too much picking on Uhura and did not buy the inevitable outcome scenario. Too much of a high minded writers episode, IMO.
It wasn't great, but looking at what has been announced, the vibe I am getting is that this is way more like the Original Series. Mostly just stand alone episodes. A "planet of the week". Some are going to hit, some are going to miss, but I much prefer this to the dreck that is STD and to Picard, which seems to be written based on who can do a cameo fan service, rather than for actual drama.
I actually liked this episode, and like was mentioned, it was a complete story unto itself.

This Enterprise seems like a cruise ship, with an Executive Suite complete with rib pit and bar. And more expansive hallways. Maybe the next Enterprise has cramped corridors and quarters because Starfleet blew their budget on Pike's flagship.
I actually liked this episode, and like was mentioned, it was a complete story unto itself.

This Enterprise seems like a cruise ship, with an Executive Suite complete with rib pit and bar. And more expansive hallways. Maybe the next Enterprise has cramped corridors and quarters because Starfleet blew their budget on Pike's flagship.
This Enterprise is supposed to be the same as Kirk's Enterprise.
This Enterprise is supposed to be the same as Kirk's Enterprise.
It sure hasn't looked that way so far.

This episode reminded me of the original series episode when they discover the planet holding the remains of the ancient civilization that had seeded Life throughout planets in the Milky Way. Who knows, they could have used comets? ;)
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This episode reminded me of the original series episode when they discover the planet holding the remains of the ancient civilization that had seeded Life throughout planets in the Milky Way.
I remember a STNG episode called, The Chase, which sounds a lot like what you describe. I loved it because it explained for the first time why everybody in known space was humanoid in body plan (other than the obvious reason). Was there another similar episode in TOS?
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I liked the first episode, but I keep wondering things like "why does he have such huge quarters, and what's a fireplace doing in there?" I guess I could buy an explanation that it's a holo fireplace, but nevertheless, it's a huge room compared to TOS style quarters...