Smallest EMWIN antenna

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Well,, more good news here, Got the dish(BUD)down and home yesterday. It is in PERFECT condx!!
Not a single dent, bow or ding. Now I need to find a 3.5 inch post/pole to mount.
From the above posts I have more ideas for feeds. Getting closer. Ohhh its 8 foot.
If I cant get a good signal with this I will give up!..haha
Trip - KT4WO
For those of you who missed it, here it is the EMWIN webinar:

This is a 280 MB file so it it take some time to download but it's the full audio of the webinar. If it needs to be uploaded again let me know.
All names except for the organizers and me have been edited.

Also here are the sildes for the webinar, the satellite coverage maps have been left out. You can download these and flip through them in order as you listen to the webinar.
title screen.jpg Pg1.jpg pg2.jpg pg3.jpg pg4.jpg pg5.jpg pg6.jpg pg7.jpg pg8.jpg pg9.jpg pg10.jpg pg11.jpg pg12.jpg pg13.jpg pg14.jpg pg15.jpg

My question got lost on the audio due to me tying to open my mic. in the process it cut off the recording of the webinar.
My question was:
With the national broad band plan have auctioned off the the L band have you considered how this will affect the L band downlink of EMWIN? Even moreso that even more of the L band is to be auctioned off.
They thought it to be a good question but had no answer at the time. More info was to come about it.
Thanks for this. I was unable to sign on today.

So I have two questions after this:
1) It sounds like the byteblaster service will be shutdown with everything switching to FTP. Is this correct?

2) What are the odds of the grid antenna (even the improved version) working with the new service?
So I have two questions after this:
1) It sounds like the byteblaster service will be shutdown with everything switching to FTP. Is this correct?

In time as it will not work with the GOES R services to what I understand.

2) What are the odds of the grid antenna (even the improved version) working with the new service?

According to what they said today it will. But the question will become how, if the L band has broadband transmitters nearby it will be touchy. Keep in mind that there is a new web page for EMWIN. It's in the slides that I have posted.
To go back to your first question doubleohwhatever the byteblaster will be shut down but there is a possibility of other ways to push products without it. As you have herd this is still in development.
So....When/If I get my system working....In a year or so I get to try again???

Did I get that right?

Trip - KT4WO
So....When/If I get my system working....In a year or so I get to try again???

It should be more than a year as GOES R will only have the new EMWIN format.
As long as the N-P satellites are there they should be transmitting the EMWIN N stream. They are not shure where GOES R will be put to replace the current series of satellites. In my thought it will prob. be 4 years before only the EMWIN HRIT downlink is available, but that's my thought.
They still have GOES P up there in storage so it can transmit the EMWIN N format.
Stay tuned to this Trip as I suspect more changes to come from the current plan.
GOES R is the new series of satellites that are like himawari satellite over Japan.
I got a bulletin on the feedback on services provided by NOAA, here it is.

NOUS41 KWBC 161343
Public Information Notice 16-12
National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC
943 AM EDT Mon May 16 2016

TO: Subscribers:
-NOAA Weather Wire Service
-Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
Other NWS Partners, Users, and Employees

FROM: John Murphy
Chief Operating Officer, National Weather Service

SUBJECT: Comments Sought by July 15, 2016, on National Weather
Service Philosophy for Impact-Based Decision Support Services

The NWS is soliciting comments until July 15, 2016, on a
description of the Impact-Based Decision Support Services (IDSS)
operating philosophy it proposes to adopt as it moves forward in
refining the scope of its products and services providing impact-
based decision support services to support a Weather-Ready

The NWS Roadmap 2.0 is focused on building a Weather-Ready Nation
(WRN), which means building community resilience in the face of
increasing vulnerability to extreme weather-dependent impacts.
For information on the NWS Roadmap see:

To implement our WRN Roadmap, the NWS is currently engaged in a
process of examining its operating philosophy and internal
operational structure to realign the NWS's resources,
organization, and processes to achieve its WRN goals. The NWS
aims to improve clarity about its intent, capabilities, and
capacities to provide IDSS as well as work within the context of
a broader Environmental Information Enterprise in meeting the
public safety needs of the nation.
At this stage, we would like to articulate our proposed IDSS
operating philosophy as we engage in providing these services and
seek stakeholder input as we form this foundation for building
further clarity on details of the NWS's plans for IDSS. A
description of the NWS's IDSS operating philosophy is available

This document describes our definition of IDSS and on whom we
will focus our services. The intent is for the NWS to focus on
building deep relationships with those government partners who
have a mutual focus on public safety and who possess the
authority for making public safety decisions and/or where there
is an existing mandate for NOAA/NWS to engage with these
partners. The NWS plans to work with these partners to understand
their operating needs and to become an integral resource
supporting their operations in support of public safety.

Input on this material may be provided by July 15, 2016 to
We plan to follow up with more detailed information on how the
NWS's plans to provide IDSS once we have had an opportunity to
incorporate stakeholder feedback on these basic concepts of our
operating philosophy. For those who have previously provided
input on the NWS's plans for IDSS over the past few years, we
appreciate your patience as we work to integrate those
operational plans within the context of this overall operating
philosophy and our internal review of the NWS's resources,
capabilities, and operating structure. Some of the content may
have changes from previous materials you have reviewed.

If you have comments or questions regarding this Public
Information Statement, please contact:

Wendy Levine
National Weather Service
Silver Spring Maryland 20910

National Public Information Notices are online at:

Yes....VERY quite!! ...
Life has got in the way of my dish....I did get the post in the ground and am ready to set the dish.
THEN.....hope for a nice strong signal to send Joe!
Maybe this weekend? Will let ya'll know.

Trip - KT4WO
Same here. Got busy with other projects. I got my downconverter from Down East Microwave last week. I was hoping to get outside today and install it but it's 94 at 97% humidity right now. Not happening. Maybe another day this week.
Well, I thought I was getting somewhere this time. I had a nice strong signal and could clearly see the datapackets. Then after coming back from dinner everything was dead (LNA, Downconverter, etc). I suspect the power supply. So now I'll be waiting on a new PSU to arrive. the dish up/mounted.....AFTER a incident with the father inlaw(he stuck his hand thru one of the mesh panels!!!)
Fixed that....My 1st feed : no signal at all.... Will try my 2nd homebrew feed today(if rain will let up)
Trip - KT4WO is up and I HAVE A SIGNAL!!!.....(pretty damn good one at that)
This was just temp'ing up the feed and NO PREAMP! to mount the feed/preamp perm.

I hope to get this done this weekend, then I will record a file for Joe to test.
Ohhh ...also a feed line to the shack,,,but I plan on doing a good job weatherproofing the feed so dont
have to rebuild in a year.

Will keep the group up to date!

Trip - KT4WO
Glad to hear you guys are still working on getting the EMWIN signal.
The power supply I use on my LNA is a 1A wallwart from radio shack and have been using it for 10 years now or near that. I put 1/2 A fuse inline as well with it.
My downconverter is powered through the coax by the EMWIN receiver.
The GVAR uses a wallwart to power the downconverter @ 15V DC 1/2 amp. The power supply it's self has not failed but the filtercaps in have gone bad more than once and cause unwanted noise on the signal.
I'd recommend to use a power supply 2 the 3 times the amps rated for the job.
So if your LNA and downconverter draw let's say 1 amp, then I would get a 3 amp power supply and use a 2 to 2 1/2 amp fuse in line with it.
Trip, with the 8' dish you should have no problem getting a great signal, I do use a preamp on mine as it does add to the gain of the weak signal. Use a good quality coax to go from the antenna to the house. I wouldn't suggest radio shack RG58 as that stuff is junk.
Try to find some Mini 8 known as RG8X as it has the qualities of RG8 but is as small as RG58, again this does depend on the length of the run.
I will be using dedicated power via 14ga waterproof line and the coax is RG-11 direct-bury (High quality stuff) low loss.
The run is less that 50ft so should not have any issues there. Life is still getting in the way,,,,haven't made ANY progress
since the last post. We just bought a 2nd home for the in-laws and have tons of work to do there.(they are paying for it..but
had bad credit due to sickness, so is in our name) This project may not move forward for many months at this point :( ....
This is not the only project that has came to a stop.....Like I said.....Life. I will keep the group up-to-date tho...
Trip - KT4WO
Sounds pretty good Trip,
Ya, there have been some tough times going around, hopefully you will get a little free time to play soon.
I know that you guys were talking about this before but just want to be shure that you're aware that coax is 75 ohm impedance.
Most of the systems I have seen are 50 ohm, it's not a huge mismatch but there will be one. I believe we talked about this before.
In this case it should still work fine.
Also I don't recall if you have a downconverter like doubleohwhatever, If you're going to send the 1.6Ghz signal directly on the coax to the SDR you will need a preamp at the dish.
RG11 has about 8 to 9 dB of loss at 1.6 Ghz.
Likewise it only has 2.5 dB of loss a 140 Mhz.

Here is a coax run loss chart:

A little more on power supplies, I prefer brute force supplies. Those that use transformers.
They tend to be more cost but also reliable. You can come across these type of supplies at radio swap meets or plain swap meets.
A simple 5A CB power supply can be found used at these for a reasonable price that will work fine for this use. I tend to refrain form buying something like this on ebay as you can't be shure that it works by just a picture.
Wall warts can be had by the box at one of these swap meets, just know what you're looking for. a handle on all that...will have a ton of mis-match,,,,but have a gud signal without the preamp,,so with
the "LNA4ALL" I should be fine.

Antenna is 75Ohm---preamp is 50, ---coax is 75 and RX is fun!!

Powersupply is RS-70M....I "think" that is large enuff?!?!....

RX is 1.6Ghz.....

And the RG-11 is much better than RG-58!!...haha.....I use it on a homebrew 440 yagi that is matched to 75ohm and it is killer.
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