I got a bulletin on the feedback on services provided by NOAA, here it is.
NOUS41 KWBC 161343
Public Information Notice 16-12
National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC
943 AM EDT Mon May 16 2016
TO: Subscribers:
-NOAA Weather Wire Service
-Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
Other NWS Partners, Users, and Employees
FROM: John Murphy
Chief Operating Officer, National Weather Service
SUBJECT: Comments Sought by July 15, 2016, on National Weather
Service Philosophy for Impact-Based Decision Support Services
The NWS is soliciting comments until July 15, 2016, on a
description of the Impact-Based Decision Support Services (IDSS)
operating philosophy it proposes to adopt as it moves forward in
refining the scope of its products and services providing impact-
based decision support services to support a Weather-Ready
The NWS Roadmap 2.0 is focused on building a Weather-Ready Nation
(WRN), which means building community resilience in the face of
increasing vulnerability to extreme weather-dependent impacts.
For information on the NWS Roadmap see:
To implement our WRN Roadmap, the NWS is currently engaged in a
process of examining its operating philosophy and internal
operational structure to realign the NWS's resources,
organization, and processes to achieve its WRN goals. The NWS
aims to improve clarity about its intent, capabilities, and
capacities to provide IDSS as well as work within the context of
a broader Environmental Information Enterprise in meeting the
public safety needs of the nation.
At this stage, we would like to articulate our proposed IDSS
operating philosophy as we engage in providing these services and
seek stakeholder input as we form this foundation for building
further clarity on details of the NWS's plans for IDSS. A
description of the NWS's IDSS operating philosophy is available
This document describes our definition of IDSS and on whom we
will focus our services. The intent is for the NWS to focus on
building deep relationships with those government partners who
have a mutual focus on public safety and who possess the
authority for making public safety decisions and/or where there
is an existing mandate for NOAA/NWS to engage with these
partners. The NWS plans to work with these partners to understand
their operating needs and to become an integral resource
supporting their operations in support of public safety.
Input on this material may be provided by July 15, 2016 to
We plan to follow up with more detailed information on how the
NWS's plans to provide IDSS once we have had an opportunity to
incorporate stakeholder feedback on these basic concepts of our
operating philosophy. For those who have previously provided
input on the NWS's plans for IDSS over the past few years, we
appreciate your patience as we work to integrate those
operational plans within the context of this overall operating
philosophy and our internal review of the NWS's resources,
capabilities, and operating structure. Some of the content may
have changes from previous materials you have reviewed.
If you have comments or questions regarding this Public
Information Statement, please contact:
Wendy Levine
National Weather Service
Silver Spring Maryland 20910
National Public Information Notices are online at: