Smallest EMWIN antenna

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And my RG-11 is not "run of the mill" stuff.....its high spec 100% shield underground ...I'm sure its better than whats
listed on that chart. Will look it up. Outside diam. is .469 per my caliper ...I do have LMR400 and LMR600 but this is better stuff.
(well...maybe not better than the LMR600...:) )
Trip -KT4WO
Also forgot...the preamp is basically direct connect...maybe 2 inches..then to RG-11.
The antenna is homebrew folded dipole with corner reflector.
I can wind a 1.25:1 balun if I have issues ...thats how the 440 is matched to the 440 radio.
Not sure what core to use at 1.7Ghz...LOL!!!!
Have they (NOAA/NASA) decided what they're going to do in regards to the new HRIT service and the frequency? I haven't heard anything and can't find any new information. It seems kind of odd that they're leaving this up in the air this close to the launch.
Well, I don't want to speak too soon but I think I might have a usable signal now. See attached photo.


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Ya, that power supply can run several moderate power rigs and a small inverter, Nice.
I didn't think a corner reflector was a very good match on a dish, but it if will work use it.
I wouldn't worry about the balun, It would cause more headaches then needed.
Times microwave cable is worth it's cost as I have used it several times here. Just make shure that you choose the proper cable for the job and use the proper connnectors at said frequency.

The GOES R page has this info and can be found here:

I have heard nothing more on webinars or dialogue on it. There seems to be many issues with this satellite the one mainly being it's running way behind in schedule. Some of the info I have heard is of the nature (cross our fingers and hope it works).
You can do some research of the GAO not being pleased with the running of the GOES R program.
Also a little update on the SDR EMWIN receiver here, I found that with HDSDR using the lowest sample rate provided me with a fairly low error rate signal for about 20 Min. Less than a .2 error rate.
The signal level is sill very weak (which I believe that has something to do with the sample rate as that controls how much spectrum that the SDR sees) like a bandwith filter. But that main issue after 20min is the receiver begins to drift off frequency.
With any of this digital decoding it requires a stable source, usually uses a phase locked loop (PLL) to frequency. I am about shure that my SDR does not have this and it may be the main issue for my decoder unlocking from the signal. If your software and SDR have PLL feature I would use it as it will create a stable signal source.
Mabie the higher end models already have this built in.
Also your screenshot looks like a very good signal as it's around 10 dB above noise and you can clearly see the file headers. The final results will answer the question of signal quality.
Well, I had this working with viterbi down to around ~200 and then I was an idiot and upgraded the computer (more ram/bigger hdd) and reinstalled windows. Something seems to now be off.

Can anyone spot what I'm missing (screenshots attached)? The dish has not been touched.
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I see two major things right off the bat. First you don't have your offset set correctly. The LO is right in the middle of the EMWIN signal. That is that narrow signal right in the middle of the EMWIN signal, It should be there even when you remove the input signal.
Refer back to Outatyme's post on settings on page 11 post #206. It's easy to overlook.
In your post with the picture #344 you have a great signal, this is what you should be using as a reference. In your last post the signal looks a little weaker, check the dish make shure it's on the satellite, I know you said you didn't touch it but check it anyway. Check your settings in the software first. After you do this get back and let us know.
I just bought a NOOSDR dongle for around $30. This is supposed to have better stability so I may have a much better run with it then with the other SDR I have been using.
Eh, I don't have a clue what's going on. I've checked the dish and all seems to be okay. The dish is still aligned. I know this because I marked the mount with a sharpy when I had it peaked and all the lines are still lined up perfectly. The LNA is also working as it should.

The odd thing is that it seems no matter how good of a signal I manage to get, the viterbi always stays high. To show this I've attached two screenshots. One screenshot of the signal in SDR# using the AirSpy and the other using the AirSpy based demodulator.


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Have they (NOAA/NASA) decided what they're going to do in regards to the new HRIT service and the frequency? I haven't heard anything and can't find any new information. It seems kind of odd that they're leaving this up in the air this close to the launch.
What a mess this is. I was going to bite the bullet and purchase a professional system from Zephyrus Electronics model WX-14. With all the changes coming up I decided to wait. Sent an e-mail to them and asking what are they going to do when the new stream is live and the old one gets discontinued. Never heard back from them yet. All I know is that the ByteBlaster servers will go dark in December. Right now I use the NOAA Weather Wire internet feed but that stream has no graphic files and less products sent than ByteBlaster feeds. I don't have the space or the needed equipment to receive the NOAA Port signal from the C-Band signal. Unfortunately, micro buds just don't have enough gain and get hammered from adjacent birds. The current & original EMWIN feed is fine , does what it's supposed to do so why mess with it. I can understand new technology allows for more and more data which will require more complex receive equipment. Keep it simple, install a small dish/antenna connect to receiver and peak allowing the data to feed into the various software programs out there. Satellite and radar graphics are a plus, I want watches and warnings transmitted immediately.

Remember when EMWIN was available on Galaxy 19 KU (the satellite was called IA-5 or something else a few years ago) point your dish and voila weather data. I used KU for the main feed and the ByteBlaster internet stream when the satellite feed would go out due to rain fade. No monthly subscription fees, just the upfront cost of the receiver, dish, cable, etc. Had to pay the cable co. for monthly internet, but it was my ISP for other internet usage. EMWIN is a great resource offered by the NOAA free of charge to the public which is fantastic for people like me to forecast their own weather and get alerts extremely fast. Your experimenting with SDR's and different antennas are a huge help to the EMWIN community looking for ways to receive the signal with a few parts and lower cost!.

Thank you for investing your time, talent, effort, and equipment so all the weather geeks like myself can utilize this great resource!.

A quick story, back in 2005 or so before the official analog TV shutoff, our local PBS station installed an EMWIN system so they could get weather alerts for their crawl system. The data was free so that save them a buck. Their Chief Engineer actually put the 9600 baud data stream on one of the languages settings (I think the French one with the data in the left channel only) in their digital signal which mirrored the analog one. I purchased a 9600 demodulator that would plug into the parallel printer port on the PC to power it and a 3.5 mm audio jack for stream audio. I used a parallel to serial adapter and my old (new at the time) DirecTV RCA DTC100 as an off-air digital signal tuner and it actually worked!. I was the only one in the public that actually used their data stream and I was in constant contact with the C.E. for quality reports and if the signal had problems. They eventually dumped it a couple of years later, but by that time I had the KU setup and ByteBlaster servers at my disposal.
I was going to bite the bullet and purchase a professional system from Zephyrus Electronics model WX-14
Same here. I've been tempted but with the coming changes it just didn't make sense.

Sent an e-mail to them and asking what are they going to do when the new stream is live and the old one gets discontinued. Never heard back
They are HORRIBLE about replying to emails. I'm honestly not sure how they are still in business since they never reply to sales questions.

The current & original EMWIN feed is fine , does what it's supposed to do so why mess with it.
I can sort of understand why they want to combine them. The LRIT and EMWIN signals both carry the EMWIN data. It's a better use of spectrum to just transmit it once. It is a bit frustrating though. Smaller antennas are going to have a hard time with the new HRIT service. What I would have really liked to see would have been a higher bitrate stream with graphics and non-critical data and a smaller bitrate stream with nothing but text data (forecasts, warnings, etc). If the graphics-heavy stream faded out during rough weather it wouldn't be a huge deal. You'd still have warnings and the like.

Remember when EMWIN was available on Galaxy 19 KU
Yep. It was much easier back then.
A quickie from me as it's way too late here,
Anybody considering a EMWIN R (the new HRIT format) setup that does not got money to throw away or can get grants of the such...Wait.
I myself am not upgrading due to the issues I have herd about and the frustration I am seeing in the market for this.
First ,I want to see that bird get into orbit, then I want to see it work for a period of time as I am having cold feet over this.
Just as you guys are saying, there are whole lot of questions with little answers.
The biteblaster servers (I think have to do with the NWS info network) the servers that tend to be in WX message are private and should not be affected unless the providers (private) Non Gov. don't upgrade their systems. For ,to what I know.
Anybody considering an EMWIN N system as we have been building here, you can get the parts very reasonable and it works. By the way the NOOSDR SDR SMART device works great with HDSDR and I will have screen pics up soon.
Glad you got the problem figured out Doubleoh.
Supposedly the new HRIT/EMWIN transponder frequency will 1694.1 MHz (400Kbs data speed) and no firm decision where GOES R is to go, either E or W. Llike the previous poster said, East would be be more logical. EMWIN server goes away December 2016, ByteBlaster should stay fine. If the server owners have some kind of satellite downlink of sort then they can feed the ByteBlaster servers. WeatherWire will replace the soon to be kuput the EMWIN internet feed. I use WeatherWire and it fine. It only goes down when my ISP goes down. No word if a company will design a new HIRT/EMWIN satellite receiver. The current EMWIN-N satellite system will become obsolete at some point and I was going to buy one but not now. Werner Labs is one company who makes EMWIN-N sat receive systems, stopped selling them to new customers and won't make new equipment for the HRIT signal. Zephyrus is the other company, so far has said nothing. Hopefully SDR sticks could be used as a HRIT/EMWIN receiver. I don't know why NOAA is going to screw with EMWIN as it's good on what it does by transmitting important weather data and can be received by low cost equipment. Another option is NOAAPort receivable with a 10 or 12 foot dish but all people and places can't have such a large dish. I doubt a microbud would work.
Hopefully SDR sticks could be used as a HRIT/EMWIN receiver.
Definitely seems to be working for EMWIN. I can't wait until Joe/USA SatCom makes the lrit demodulator available!

Another option is NOAAPort receivable with a 10 or 12 foot dish but all people and places can't have such a large dish. I doubt a microbud would work.
Nope. A microbud will not work. I've never heard of anyone getting a reliable signal on anything under ten feet. That said, you could probably get a signal on a eight foot dish depending on the location. Unfortunately that's still larger than most people can find room for.
It seems I was not up on the changes coming!! I guess its good I haven't had the time to get my system on the air.
Oh well,,,,I think I will just sit back and wait.

Trip - KT4WO
Eh, it'll be at least a year before the changeover happens and that's assuming all goes well with the launch and assuming everything works during testing.

So I'd go ahead and get your setup going if you find the time.
In addition to my primary setup with my 1.2m dish, I decided to build one of the antennas Tim designed using the two 2.4ghz grid antennas and compare the two. Honestly, I'm quite surprised by how well it performs. I've attached two screenshots. One showing the antenna and one showing the demodulator running.

Please ignore the mount. This is a temporary setup just for comparison. So I used some PVC I had on hand. I wouldn't recommend a PVC mount for a permanent install but it'll serve my needs for a couple of weeks. I want to see how the grid antenna compares during rough weather. So far though, it works darn well for EMWIN. Once I get the LRIT demodulator, I'll see how it performs on the grid antenna vs 1.2m dish as well.

IMG_20160813_202957474.jpg Screenshot (49).png
In addition to my primary setup with my 1.2m dish, I decided to build one of the antennas Tim designed using the two 2.4ghz grid antennas and compare the two. Honestly, I'm quite surprised by how well it performs. I've attached two screenshots. One showing the antenna and one showing the demodulator running.

Please ignore the mount. This is a temporary setup just for comparison. So I used some PVC I had on hand. I wouldn't recommend a PVC mount for a permanent install but it'll serve my needs for a couple of weeks. I want to see how the grid antenna compares during rough weather. So far though, it works darn well for EMWIN. Once I get the LRIT demodulator, I'll see how it performs on the grid antenna vs 1.2m dish as well.

View attachment 119406 View attachment 119407

That is a great setup!!. If I did not have a 100 things to do, would like to build a system like yours
In addition to my primary setup with my 1.2m dish, I decided to build one of the antennas Tim designed using the two 2.4ghz grid antennas and compare the two. Honestly, I'm quite surprised by how well it performs. I've attached two screenshots. One showing the antenna and one showing the demodulator running.

Please ignore the mount. This is a temporary setup just for comparison. So I used some PVC I had on hand. I wouldn't recommend a PVC mount for a permanent install but it'll serve my needs for a couple of weeks. I want to see how the grid antenna compares during rough weather. So far though, it works darn well for EMWIN. Once I get the LRIT demodulator, I'll see how it performs on the grid antenna vs 1.2m dish as well.

View attachment 119406 View attachment 119407

That is a great setup!!. If I did not have a 100 things to do, would like to build a system like yours. PVC, what ever does the job for a bit. When I had a 8 foot dish, used a wood post since it was the correct diameter, it worked except when it was windy then the dish let's say moved around a bit. That setup was for a few weeks until I got a sched 40 pipe with the correct diameter. You gotta do what you gotta do!.
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