Polar Mount for a 1.8 meter Prodelin Offset Antenna


Prehistoric Satellite Guru
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jun 4, 2004
Montfort, Wisconsin
Just went through some old pictures circa 2010, and found a mechanical drawing of a commercially manufactured heavy duty polar mount once made and sold by Prodelin,
for their 1.8 meter offset Ku-band antenna. They quit offering these more than a decade ago, but if anyone has an offset dish of this type, the drawing below could serve as
a template on how it should be done. A huge job for a fabricator, but thought that creative minds on this forum might find it useful.

Prodelin Motorized Polar Mount for 1.8m Offset.jpeg
I have in storage a 1.2 m, heavy-duty, TX-rated Prodelin with the standard AzEl mount and reflector heater. I gave away the equivalent 1.8 m version. The 1.2's mount hardware is a beast; the 1.8 is worse! I declined when one of my clients offered me a salvaged 2.4 m version. A 10' or 12' mesh would be easier to put into service for the effort!

Two years ago, I conferred with a colleague/supplier near L.A. about the availability of a polar mount for the 1.8. The answer was "there is a custom part available if you know where to look. I don't think you'll be interested as my basic cost to bring it in is over $8000!". Yikes.

If someone reminds me in the spring after the snow melts, I could take some photos and dimensions off the 1.2 AzEl for a set of reference points.

What Snow?

