Uhhh they NEVER had an ETF because they NEVER made you sign a contract. The only 'penalty' fees they ever had was if you took one of their free radio promos and didn't keep service for at least 3 (maybe it was 6) months, they would bill you for the price of the radio. But as far as I know they don't even do those anymore since the merger.
Ummm... Your WRONG! They do have ETF fees or at least did. I got charged up with one when I went to cancel a radio I upgraded. After figuring out that it would be cheaper to pay the 3 months of service than the ETF, we prepaid for the length of the ETF, and set the radio to cancel after that. They want you to keep service for at least a year after an upgrade in radios, especially if your getting one on a discount from Sirius.