It's a 2012 Mitsubishi After my last post. Lo and behold about an hour or so after, got a call from SXM Corporate Customer Care in S. Africa. Spoke with a gal. Questioned why I was getting a call from there and not from the USA.
Gave a bit of info. and was told that I was eligible for the same deal. Assured that the call was being recorded and took over the subject. Asked why after as many years of receiving daily emails of the same five dollar plus "deal".
From periodically calling them. Always requesting and getting in touch with a super. here in the USA.
Getting a final reply that it was the best deal they could give. But to "keep calling back and who knows".
And discovering that somebody out there was getting not only a price that I found favorable.
But an even better deal. After calling and calling and being put on hold, transferred, disconnected, etc.
And why we couldn't have just cut to the chase. And of course. Why I had been lied to.
Also discussed that the droves of people abandoning SXM due to facts of contract slamming.
Difficulty cancelling, difficulty suspending service and still getting charged.
And how the new secret deal that had up to this point been hidden. A bit of customer discrimination seemed to be apparent. Why instead of losing customers they wouldn't want to gain them.
After a bit of some radios aren't a candidate for the package. And asking why.
In the core of every single radio module. Ford, Chevy, Toyota, Ferrari, Kenwood, Pioneer, etc.
The module is a SXM radio. Period. Although due to my disinterest in SXM after the bad experience wasn't aware of any new car features. And that I couldn't take it with me when I parked the car.
All valid stuff.
Plus even though the deal sounded more like what I had used my valuable time over some 10 years of periodic calls to finally find was available (but misled on) .
I had been forced to purchase a prepaid credit card that cost $5.00 plus a loading fee to insure that my personal bank account wouldn't be hit with an unexpected automatic draft.
After my rant. A polite but to the point one. The lady asked me if I was ready to seal the deal.
I declined. Told her that it was a bit early to bring my car out of storage. And made sure that the offer would be open, received a confirmation number.
Then requested that she take the transcript and present it to the person or persons who sit in the softest leather chairs. In the nicest and highest building of SXM.
Then added that an offer like this to others. Without root canal. Could gain them 10, 100, 1000's of new or repeat customers left with a bad taste in their mouths. Instead of losing them daily. Perhaps get them out of future class action lawsuits, scrutiny from the authorities. And simply bad reviews from public forums and websites.
How do you like them apples?