My main gripe about SiriusXM is all of the single artist and payola channels. If they want to have them, fine, but make them streaming only and bring back the exiled channels to the main line up.
Single artist channels:
18 - The Beatles
20 - Bruce Springsteen
22 - Peal Jam
23 - Grateful Dead
29 - Phish
30 - Dave Mathews Band
31 - Tom Petty
32 - U2
76 - Elvis
Plus the ones the payola channels for Kelly Clarkson, Christ Stapleton, Pitbull and countless others.
To get this list I'm looking at the online music player, I see Lady Googoo has a channel now, and channel 2 is something called Unwell Music with a description of 'Daddy's Unwell Soundtrack'. What in the hell is that supposed to be/even mean? Nevermind, I probably don't want to know.
I'll stream some of the Xtra channels at work, but they get repetitive. Today was Hard Attack and Level Up.
I still buy single tracks for songs I like on Amazon for $1.29 a pop. Sometimes I like listening to 'radio' and sometime II like listening to the collection I've built up with iTunes, Google Play and Amazon. Depends on what I feel like at any particular moment.