I'm sure that over the next 5-10 years, you'll come to realize that you'll be owning electrics in the future. You will have no choice. Look at the laws being passed in Europe, China, California and the United States (wink).
It's already cheaper to own an electric over five years. By 2025, if not sooner, up front costs will be equivalent. By 2030, the writing will be on the wall for even the densist.
I like driving the safest vehicle on the highway. I like passing gas stations. I like how easy it is to recharge at home overnight, at my campground and even on the highway. I like the reliability, and the almost nonexistent maintenance. And I can out accelerate almost any gasser on the road. Merging options have expanded.
ICE vehicles will become harder to buy new, and more expensive to fuel. And fewer places will put up with their noise and pollution. Do you really want to continue polluting the air like we have for the past hundred years?
Just look at the New Green Deal, and what is likely to happen over the next four years. It is irreversible. Especially if there is one more battery breakthrough. Say, halving the cost of batteries. Oh, right- Tesla is on track with that. If Toyota pulls off their Solid State battery, game over, ASAP.
Lots of folks like gassers. But money will rule.
I suspect most of not all super successful people have unpleasant sides to their personality. But that doesn't mean they haven't done a lot of good.