Is anyone else having this problem? About 1:00 p.m. (EDT) I lose signal for about two hours. It's been happening for the last week.... 

How is the reception now that they have the new satellite? When did it go online? What part of the country are you in that it cuts out. Does anyone know how the reception is in the Chicago area ?
We are in the Philly area. Where "W 70" is. So if the one poster above is in NJ he is in basically the same area. And if for some reason we are in a dead zone - does it include NY?
I came here because I can't find any place else to complain!! Sirius has no one you call knows anything.... Every Single Day at 1:00 - Off.
Why can't they do this in the middle of the night??? Once I turn on the terrestrial radio or put in a CD, Sirius goes off. Not a good move on their part if it's happening to large amounts of people at one time....
I don't have a south window. Only north and east. :/ The north one is kind of northwest, so I never had a problem before. This is so frustrating. I haven't had Sirius today for the last hour.