Sirius Signal Issues


Original poster
Sep 9, 2009
Is anyone else having this problem? About 1:00 p.m. (EDT) I lose signal for about two hours. It's been happening for the last week.... :confused:
I've been having signal loss for about a week now from about 1:10pm edt to about 1:45pm. The antenna has been in the same place for 4 years so I replaced it with a new one, I have a few new ones laying around, It did not help at all.OH well:)

Mailman, Were you going up the evens then down the odds when this happened??

If so what unit are you using??// I was thinking of getting a portable unit, Stiletto 2 when I go down the odds then up the evens.. Does anybody have any input on the portables, How good is reception when you are mobile? Thanks
loss here

I have a mirge radio in my car set on XM. I am now getting looking for a antennta signal. It has been going on for two days.
Here it is, 1:30 pm and it's down again. I called them yesterday and they keep telling me to move the antenna - but it happens with *all* our radios, no matter which one we're using!

There is something going on....
Jim - I wasn't doing anything, just listening. Like usual. It's really getting aggravating....I want to figure how much they'd owe us in time if we don't get an hour's worth of Sirius every day for a month....grrr
Is there any way to get in touch with someone who knows anything there? I can't talk to the dude in Bangladesh when he has no idea what I am talking about...
They activated the new geostationary satellite. It's south of Texas so point any fixed antennas south or move receiver to a southern window. I think the receivers can only receive three signals at a time, used to be two active satellites (out of three) and the repeater network. Now with a fourth satellite, I wonder what they had to turn off so it could be received. Could be the repeaters or more likely, only one of the three existing satellites is now activated when it's over the US instead of two of them.

How is the reception now that they have the new satellite? When did it go online? What part of the country are you in that it cuts out. Does anyone know how the reception is in the Chicago area ?
How is the reception now that they have the new satellite? When did it go online? What part of the country are you in that it cuts out. Does anyone know how the reception is in the Chicago area ?

Sirius 5 adds a geostationary satellite (XM is all geostationary) to the Sirius fleet.

Chicago is one of the problem areas they specifically note in their license application.

Their License and Tech Description detail how the satellites hand off to provide coverage. There has been problems with loss of signal in various areas which Sirius 5 is supposed to address..

License and Tech Details Sirius 5

The Sirius 5 coverage area is shown in the attached photo.


  • Sirius 5 Footprint.jpg
    Sirius 5 Footprint.jpg
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We are in the Philly area. Where "W 70" is. So if the one poster above is in NJ he is in basically the same area. And if for some reason we are in a dead zone - does it include NY?

I came here because I can't find any place else to complain!! Sirius has no one you call knows anything.... Every Single Day at 1:00 - Off.

Why can't they do this in the middle of the night??? Once I turn on the terrestrial radio or put in a CD, Sirius goes off. Not a good move on their part if it's happening to large amounts of people at one time....
We are in the Philly area. Where "W 70" is. So if the one poster above is in NJ he is in basically the same area. And if for some reason we are in a dead zone - does it include NY?

I came here because I can't find any place else to complain!! Sirius has no one you call knows anything.... Every Single Day at 1:00 - Off.

Why can't they do this in the middle of the night??? Once I turn on the terrestrial radio or put in a CD, Sirius goes off. Not a good move on their part if it's happening to large amounts of people at one time....

There's a new sat up there that I think may be responsible for some of the problems. The antenna I had in the same place for 4 years I moved it to a south facing window and that is giving me a much better signal. This was at my work.
Just for the heck of it I played with my antenna at home, I have one mounted to my OTA mast, Disconnected it from the home dock and plugged in another antenna and got 3/4 up on the signal meter in the middle of my living room. So try facing the antenna south.BTW I was listening at the time of dropouts with the experimental antenna with no dropouts.
Chicago area

I used to use TimeTrax with their setup about a year ago. I got great reception all the time. Since I couldn't get it to work after a hard drive crash and a upgrade to Vista I just record off the net using replay a/v8 then listen on mp3 player. I want to go portable and buy a Stiletto but am cautious if the reception is now spotty. Anybody in the Chicago area know anything about the reception since the new Satallite? I used to have full bars most all the time with hardley any dropouts.
I don't have a south window. Only north and east. :/ The north one is kind of northwest, so I never had a problem before. This is so frustrating. I haven't had Sirius today for the last hour.
I don't have a south window. Only north and east. :/ The north one is kind of northwest, so I never had a problem before. This is so frustrating. I haven't had Sirius today for the last hour.

Did you try aiming it south, Forget about a south facing window. Give it a shot. I got great results in the boiler room were I work just facing it south,The room is cement and steel and it still worked.
I'm having signal issues too. The Sat signal bar usually was always at 3 to full strength. Now I'm only getting 0,1 to 2 bars on the Sat. Good thing I'm in a major metro area (Seattle) with the repeaters around. I've noticed this for the last couple weeks. Why it caught my attention was is it was cutting out in lots of places it didn't before. I'm guessing their having Sat. issues on the western bird. Any feed back on my thoughts?



Anyone Know when the 3rd quarter report comes out ?

SIRIUS XM Radio Reports Third Quarter 2009 Results
