Showtime half-price

Starz is also available for half price. I already had hbo so the csr removed it from my account and added it back at half price.
I was able to add HBO at half off for 6 months. Did this via chat. I also have starz for half off, but I will cancel that as soon as spatacus is over
Be careful taking any offers for discounts on programming or freebies. DISH will hold that against you if/when you decide to upgrade hardware.
Just did online chat and operator referred to it as the stair step offer. I already had HBO and Showtime and he gave me the offer for HBO, Showtime, Starz and Cinemax. Bill went up $1.50
I don't see this under "my offers" online, so I'll assume you just have to know to call. After this weekend's free preview, we can decide. I doubt we'd get it. We had it before and dropped it when our son moved out. At that time, they honored our "no locals" grandfathering, as the rule was that you'd lose that grandfathering if you made a change to your basic programming package. I hope that hasn't changed to "if you make any programming change."

Besides, we have more than we can watch now. And we might shift to Hopper in a few months, as it looks like SWMBO's interest in Fios is waning. I wonder if we'd lose that grandfathering if we moved to Hopper. Maybe I'll PM a DIRT member.
I don't see this under "my offers" online, so I'll assume you just have to know to call. After this weekend's free preview, we can decide. I doubt we'd get it. We had it before and dropped it when our son moved out. At that time, they honored our "no locals" grandfathering, as the rule was that you'd lose that grandfathering if you made a change to your basic programming package. I hope that hasn't changed to "if you make any programming change."

Besides, we have more than we can watch now. And we might shift to Hopper in a few months, as it looks like SWMBO's interest in Fios is waning. I wonder if we'd lose that grandfathering if we moved to Hopper. Maybe I'll PM a DIRT member.

I also had a "no locals" package but I lost it when I added the multi-sport package. However they did give a credit so the first year of my locals were free. I would still to prefer not to have them/pay for them but I thought this was a fair compromise.
Because they don't always know, or have the power to make the changes.
Last year i emailed one of the dirt members about the free multi sports package trial. I was told I didn't qualify for it, yet i pay $180 a month and am not a new customer.
After talking to a member of Dish Executive team last week he actually told me that I was refused for the multi sports package due to a system error. I didn't even mention anything about it

I can't understand why members of satguys don't contact Dirt first.They have a great reputation of getting customers taken care of first try.With phone or chat its hit or miss and mostly miss.
I got 50% off for HBO/Showtime/Starz/Cinemax. I just asked on a chat for it and got it ! But few weeks ago 50% off Startz after 12 months free I was told NO.
Just did online chat and operator referred to it as the stair step offer. I already had HBO and Showtime and he gave me the offer for HBO, Showtime, Starz and Cinemax. Bill went up $1.50

I did almost the same thing. I already had HBO but I asked the online chat to give me the half off deal for HBO and Starz because I want to watch the second season of Spartacus on demand. Basically I added Starz to what I already have and my bill will go down $1.50 for 6 months.

I'm not worried about losing hopper upgrade discounts because I already upgraded.
Because they don't always know, or have the power to make the changes.
Last year i emailed one of the dirt members about the free multi sports package trial. I was told I didn't qualify for it, yet i pay $180 a month and am not a new customer.
After talking to a member of Dish Executive team last week he actually told me that I was refused for the multi sports package due to a system error. I didn't even mention anything about it

My point being they are much more likely to help a customer out the first time than doing an online chat or making the dreaded phone call.Nothing is perfect but Dirt imho is the best option of the 3 choices.

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