Shall we raise our HD Lite, Captain?

Please reply by conversation.
bgilga said:
I cannot believe this thread blew up like this. I feel bad for even responding to the moronic post that started this. It is amazing to me how Directv is accused of false advertising, but nobody saw the Dish "Football 24/7" add. You have to be kidding me.

See this is what I mean.... You are calling me a "moron" which I have not used one term to attack you or anyone here. Now this has become personal. There's no need for personal attacks. If you do not like my statements, you do not need to read them or agree with them. I am all for that but to call me a MORON is beyond what I consider "professional" in your part.
Sean, I'd love to put you on my ignore list, but since you're a mod here and can post info about the operation of this site I can't do it. So how about you get another ID that's used for just moderator type posts so I can ignore your other one?
vurbano said:
You must be blind.
Another intellectual "gem" (recycled X 10000). :D
FlyingJ said:
That statement was so twisted that I just had to post it again for my own entertainment.:eek:
LOL :haha
bgilga said:
I cannot believe this thread blew up like this. I feel bad for even responding to the moronic post that started this.
Its just another episode in the "continuing whiney saga" threads from the D* bashers....just ignore 'em and enjoy your D* HD - it kills 'em that you do, you know... :rolleyes:
crmlht said:
censorship is wrong, stop censoring people just to toss your egos and power around,...

Boy isn't this a true statement in the DirecTv forum at Satelliteguys. It seems like there are few DirecTv members here on this forum that feel attacked by the negative publicity that DirecTv has created by the "HD Lite" factor. Censoring posts about this could lead to a condition of kissing DirecTv's behind which is not the way Satelliteguys operate.

Sad that these members claim to be the portal front of DirecTv and can't take critism of FACTS already discussed but have to use the "personal attacks" and hold on to other believes like "unprofessional conduct" in order to make a point. It seems like there is nothing wrong with the FACT that:

1.Murdoch calls his own company a "Turd Bird"
2.DirecTv claims to have best HD PQ.
3.All 1080i channels are downresized to 1280x1080i

It was all made up by ME. I told Murdoch to call DirecTv a "Turd Bird". I told DirecTv to downresize the 1080i channels to HD Lite levels, I told DirecTv to do the commercial with the Best HD PQ.

It does not matter. For these members DirecTv is "wonderland" and they will keep backing up DirecTv which I do not have a problem with but do not ask me to censor information because it is not to your liking. How sad it is that now they are asking for censorship of information. How low can it go?
rad said:
Sean, I'd love to put you on my ignore list, but since you're a mod here and can post info about the operation of this site I can't do it. So how about you get another ID that's used for just moderator type posts so I can ignore your other one?

not a chance... sorry...
slacker9876 said:
Why must a staff member troll?

Who is the Troll here? is it you or me? I started the Thread. You and others hijacked the thread because you did not like what I had to say. You and others troll the entire thread into a dislike of my signature which had nothing to do with the topic at hand. So how can you call me a troll when you were the one who was trolling in a HD Lite thread.
Gen Custer said:
The whole point here is that moderators/staff members need to at least project an image of being unbiased.

Where is my bias? how can you say anything I said is biased. I really trying to understand your point but show me the bias. If you had a problem with my signature you did not have to hijack this thread to tell me. You could have started your own thread to do so. I tell it as it is. I have no vested interest in any satellite/cable company. None of them put food on my table. So I have very little interest in being biased one way or another.

Gen Custer said:
When one revels in the shortcomings of a particular service the illusion of being unbiased disappears.

so according to your statement, we should not discuss the shortcomings of anyone because it will be consider biased? :rolleyes:

Gen Custer said:
his does not mean that a staff member can not give an opinion. Just remove the venom and sarcasm from your posts.

Again where is the Venom and Sarcasm on my post... please point this to me. I asked you before where did I bash DirecTv and you did not answer. I ask you again where is this Venom and Sarcams. If you are accusing me of something, at least show proof of what you are saying. It is only fair that you can show me the Venom, Sarcasm and the bashing.
slacker9876 said:
I saw and argued it, was told by Sean, it has nothing to do with this thread. So I searched the Dish fourm ... no mention there by Sean ... yet ...

I never said that there was a thread about this all any dish advertising in the Dish Forum. What I said to you was that you need to read more if you want to know about my posts and not accused of being biased blindly. If anyone knows or have read my posts in the Dish Network forum, they will know that I have been very critical of Dish Network as well about the "HD Lite" factor. Like here they want to censor my posts as well but they do not like it when I bring it up. You need to research about my posts before accusing me of something I am not.
Satmeister said:
just ignore 'em and enjoy your D* HD - it kills 'em that you do, you know... :rolleyes:

And you guys should do that and stop being so critical of those that want to bring the HD Lite problem in its own thread. Enjoy it all you want. Nobody is telling you not to.
Satmeister said:
6 Moderator posts in a row... a new record? LOL :D

I try to answer to all your critism of me in a professional manner and not by making personal attacks of any of you. :D If it took 10-20 it will be my pleasure to do it since I take every single posts about my personal very seriously. ;)
Sean....almost none of us require this defensive posturing. We have a high regard for you. But your credibility diminishes slightly when you join the same ranks of a few posters on this site who live their entire lives for the sole purpose of attacking, name-calling, insulting, posting inflamatory threads, etc. anyone who says anything positive about D* - its like they cannot live another day knowing someone out there is happy with it. It's called "no-life" syndrome. We know you are not one of those people.

You are a great moderator, and I've seen you join in the "fun" some of us have from time to time - none out of hand. I suspect a few folks here simply feel there is some "guilt by association" when you line up even a bit close to the same 6-7 D*bashers who are so insecure they have to attack at every turn.

You are part of the solution, not part of the problem. Keep on moderatin' :hatsoff:
Solution: create "DISH is Great" and "DirecTV is Good" forums (or vice-versa) and let the fanatical D* and E* elements enjoy their filtered view of reality where nothing but blind goodness is said in their respective lovefest forums. No facts, no logical arguments, and no common sense observations that cast their God-like worship of a video service will be tolerated ~OR~ your posts will be deleted and you will be wished away.:rolleyes:

Seriously, it's almost sickening listening to the HD-Lite Apologies and Forum Terrorists rant maniacally as they dance naked around their evil fires. If it weren't so sad and pathetic, it would almost be funny watching them sit around their incestuous flames counting eleven toes.

Anyway, since we're not in a close-minded, closed-forum, it's my opinion that D* PQ really sucks....both SD and HD; it's crap! It's also my opinion that E* SD PQ really sucks...that's why I don't watch it unless necessary; and their HD has been going down hill for the past year. These are the facts. If some people can't understand these, then please feel free to remove the blindfold, pull out the ear plugs, and you know where to insert the cork.;)

thanks for the post. However, I do not agree about the "credibility" issue. I rarely (or do not do it) attack, call-name, or insult anyone. That is not the way I handle myself even in very difficult moments. I do feel that even those that seem to have the "no-life" syndrome deserve to have a voice in the DirecTv forum or anywhere else. As you have seen from time to time (and many times) when the discussion stray into these personal attacks or feuds, moderators intervene because there is an absolute necessity to do so. Anyone of us has the right to say anything as long as it is "appropiate" to forum conducts. As you may know at satelliteguys we do not have a "rule of conduct" written because we believe that everyone is an adult and everyone is responsible for what they write. We only moderate what we consider harmful to the discussion without censoring information that would be useful to the forum members.

Some of us have burned lots of bridges with companies representative, techs or employee because we have posted information that was not good to consumers. We have done it because we felt there is no other recourse to the matter. This has cost us to lose lots of good sources but we do not feel intimidated by that. We feel that everyone deserves to know the good/bad of a product. It does not matter whether the same topic is brought up millions of times or the same discussion is brough up more than millions of times. We encourage everyone not to read what they don't want to. I myself do that a lot. I try to keep up with the discussion of the forum but some I just disregard because I do not like them (for whatever personal reason I have). However, it is not in the best interest of satelliteguys to tell people not to express their opinion. We all have a right to express our opinions and we all have the choice to read them or not.

Thanks again for your opinion and hopefully in the future we won't be so critical of others posting their "disagreement". We all deserved to be heard.

BTW, I do not have a problem with your signature "FIOS = Forget (about) It Anytime Soon". It think it is funny and original even though some FIOS folks may not like it I am not going to tell you to delete it since it is not breaking any rules and it is not attacking anyone in particular. It is just expressing your own opinion of what you think FIOS is. I do not agree with you about it but that does not give me the right to tell you to delete it because I do not like it and it does not violate any rules.

If someone is telling you that something you are saying or doing is having a negative effect on your credibility then it is something you must address. Is doesn't matter that you don't have issues with your credibility. If others do then in fact your credibilty is ruined. You have been a respected member of the community here. You run the risk of people ignoring what you say because you are a D* basher or E* fanboy.
DirecTV sucks.

There now Sean is not the only one who lost his credibility. :D

How many times are you goinig to say the same thing Custer?
Scott Greczkowski said:
DirecTV sucks.

There now Sean is not the only one who lost his credibility. :D

How many times are you goinig to say the same thing Custer?

Real mature.

I am only pointing out how people perceive him and the effect it is having on his credibility. This was meant to help and not be hurtful.

This is your site and if you want it run that way then fine.

People don't take forums and information boards seriously in the real world and this is an example of why they do not. (People calling each other names, moderators who are not impartial and take sides and others who constantly promote or bash a given company, product or idea.)

Keep the status quo and he credibility of the entire site is affected.

Bu then again its your site and you can run it into the grond if you want.
Gen Custer said:
You run the risk of people ignoring what you say because you are a D* basher or E* fanboy.

Scott answer but I really would like to you to prove to me and others who are reading this thread where is your proof. I asked you several times in this thread to not just speculate but to show me where I have bashed D* or used Venom against D*. Now I asked again show where I have been a D* basher or an E* fanboy? Show me the statements and do not just speculate with empty statements. I asked you the same questions about three times and have yet to receive a response that is adequate.
Please reply by conversation.

Versus in HD

reintstall a cable line, any local techs here in az

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