Shall we raise our HD Lite, Captain?

Please reply by conversation.
Sorry Seans not changing his signature as its the way he feels, I have no problem with that.

Sean is a very well respected member of the HD world and h is opinion means a lot, and as always we feel its best to share our true feelings so that the consumers can make a better educated decission.
Hate to say it guys but I am siding with Custer on this one. Scott, your statement " D* should be sued for false advertising" is absurd, naive, and almost juvenile. I hear these false advertising claims all of the time and those that keep making these statements on this site are completely out of touch as to what can be called false advertising and even more so on what it would take to prove it. Look at commercials, it is called spin, it is my business. All commercials, especially service commercials and of course at this time of year political commercials have misleading statements. The numbers for how few ever get sued for false advertising are telling. Sean, other than that you state that you are not biased, but just in fact are telling facts. You, me, members of this site, and everyone else knows damn well that you are not unbiased in your statements, try not to insult anyones intelligence by stating that you are. Oh and I am not bothered by the fact that you lean one way over the other, but good god man, admit it.
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An unbiased site with a staff member with a biased signature line?

He can express his opinion in a clear concise and professional manner.

You would never see a site like CNN or the New York Times allow a staff member to do this.

Why would you not have a problem with the signature line when one of your staff members is acting in a manner that is disturbing to many of your readers?
Custer, I like this site so I don't want to jump down anyones throat here. But they stick together as they should, and defend one another. Your statements are correct and can not in my opinion be argued, the signature line, for a "Staff Member" is completely unprofessional. Not recognizing this, once again, in my opinion is childish.
I like this site as well. I've gotten a lot of good information here. My comments here today are merely meant to help improve the site and prevent it from degenerating into a constant DISH vs Directv situation.

Even if you want to say that DISH is better (for arguments sake), many of us are stuck with Directv because of sunday ticket or the YES network in my case. There is no reason for a staff member to rub the quality of one service vs another in our face. It is reasonable and proper for staff members to express their opinion regarding the services. They in no way should make someone feel inferior based on their choice of providers.

This needs to be a site that is an open source of discussion, information and rumors. Staff members should not act in a way that is detrimental to this.
Gen Custer said:
There is no reason for a staff member to rub the quality of one service vs another in our face. It is reasonable and proper for staff members to express their opinion regarding the services. They in no way should make someone feel inferior based on their choice of providers.

This needs to be a site that is an open source of discussion, information and rumors. Staff members should not act in a way that is detrimental to this.


There is also no need to continually over-hype the very, very minimal differences; and then do it over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, YOU GET THE POINT. Just create a sticky ONCE of your points and it will stay at the very top for all to see at their leisure as opposed to every other thread being hijacked WAY off topic.
Same goes for creating new thread after new thread on the exact same things; hell just repost the repetitive info in one of the 100 other threads already saying the same thing.

And really, how can there be a 100% non-bias staff or board when they own the; right? That in itself shows a built-in bias of some sort.

I agree with FlyingJ; be bias if you want, but just stop trying to hide the fact.

Also, what are the exact factual point(s) that DirecTV should be sued for false advertising? No personal perceptions, rumors or opinions, just facts. I am interested in this can of worms.
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I have decided to start over with post #1:

"Shall we raise our shield Captain?" At ease... Forget the Shield.... I wished he relax and enjoy the AMAZING PICTURE CLARITY OF THE D(ownresized)IRECTV HD I HOOKED Up. Star Flee just put up the BIG SCREEN TV... certainly for Cable it will be illogical.... For picture quality that beats cable, you have to get D(ownresized)IRECTV."

For picture quality that beats cable, you have to get DIRECTV: This statement is true. DirecTV has better overall picture quality than cable ... I did not see HD in this statement, nor did I hear it.

Part A: DirecTV claims

I wished he relax and enjoy the AMAZING PICTURE CLARITY OF THE DIRECTV HD I HOOKED Up: This statement is also true, DirecTV HD has amazing PQ when compared to SDTV.

Now ... we all know cable HD is better because of bitrate, it is technically and mathematically provable. We all also know know satellite TV is better than cable for SD programming even while it is raining and the sun is blasting gamma rays ... fact and again ... provable.

Part B: Dish Network claims

Now let look at "Better TV for all" : SAYS WHO?!?! Like E*, D* or C* have better TV. Better than what?!?! It is a factless statement and is completely subjective. Reminds me of a guy in the 1930's who thought blond hair and blue eyes were the better way.

I have heard both Jake "Mistake" Plummer and Tiki "I need a" Barber claim 24/7 football for Dish. If your talking NFL Network ... sure this is true. Everyone has NFL Network 24/7. However this is just as misleading and E* should be sued for acting like they have the most football which we all know they have 1/6th the PRO football of D*. A game every night of the week ... Well sure ... let's run a high school game each night to legitimize this. Perhaps they mean NCAA, and I am sure that is why they use pro football players and not a Division 2 QB form the community college.

Sean I must have missed your thread in the E* forum on this.

The point:
All cable and satellite companies engage in questionable advertising. If you feel the need to start a thread laughing it up about one ... you should start one for each provider, than nobody would be jumpin your ass.

I'll keep an eye open for your E* bashing threads (if I can find them through mine on that POS 622 DVR from this weekend) ... but I gotta say, I have been here for 3 years and the majority of the posts by you, that I have read, say either how bad D* is or how great voom is (was). since I have been in the D* forums all that time ... it leans toward you being a D* basher / D* Troll.

That is also an opinion ... and it's not just mine.
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This is stupid, I have never been on a forum where a staff member is allowed to make threads like this. I was a staff member for PCGAMER for 3 years, and I wasn't allowed to do this.
Gen Custer said:
I like this site as well. I've gotten a lot of good information here. My comments here today are merely meant to help improve the site and prevent it from degenerating into a constant DISH vs Directv situation.

Even if you want to say that DISH is better (for arguments sake), many of us are stuck with Directv because of sunday ticket or the YES network in my case. There is no reason for a staff member to rub the quality of one service vs another in our face. It is reasonable and proper for staff members to express their opinion regarding the services. They in no way should make someone feel inferior based on their choice of providers.

This needs to be a site that is an open source of discussion, information and rumors. Staff members should not act in a way that is detrimental to this.

I couldn't agree more, Funny you never see this from Ice.
Sean Mota said:
Can you find me a post where I have stated or try to defend any of the comments that you posted above? I actually agree with you on the above and I condemn E* for many of its own way of doing things. But I am not talking about E*on this thread and NEVER defend them when they were obviously in the wrong. However, I find people trying to defend D* when it is so obvious that they are in the wrong.

So now I can not open a thread because it damages the image of DirecTv? or shoul I have waited until someone else posted the thread to post my opinion? Is that how Satelliteguys operate? The last time I checked there is no rule that says that I have to wait until the topic is opened. I looked around to see if someone saw the commercial which was on national tv today and there was no thread. I decided to open the thread. Nothing wrong with that. I do not see your point.

Sean, you started this thread because of false advertising by D*, that's why I mentioned all the examples of false adversiting by E*.

And please show me where I'm defending D* since I've missed it. I don't like HD-Lite or any company that has false advertising. But compared to E* and their business practices and cable in our area D* is the best choice for me at the moment. If something was better out there I'd probably go to them. But I'm not going to start a thread that's just going to bait D* customers that are happy with the service that they have. You imply that you're doing a service for folks, "...the truth must be told." was one of your responses. The folks that have D* know about the PQ, you don't have to bring it up with your adding the "(ownresized)" to the quote you provided and adding a bunch of :D in the post.

OK, so I'm telling the truth, MANY D* customers are just sick and tired of your ranting about D*. When I left E* because of their BS I used to post negative responses for a few months but someone mentioned that since I'm no longer a E* customer that I should cool it, and I have. I'd like to make the same sugguestion to you, just leave the folks that are happy with D* in piece.

Now if you don't like the responses that you're seeing in this thread PLEASE just put us all on your ignore list and go away.
charper1 said:
Just create a sticky ONCE of your points and it will stay at the very top for all to see at their leisure as opposed to every other thread being hijacked WAY off topic.
Same goes for creating new thread after new thread on the exact same things; hell just repost the repetitive info in one of the 100 other threads already saying the same thing.

I recommened that to Sean months ago but I think he has more fun doing this. ;)
Gen Custer said:
This all might not have occured if you did not have the signature line set up this way.

So you do not like my signature :D Tough!!!! I stand by it... you can put me in your ignore list if you want to... Sorry but I do not see anything wrong with it and it has not violated in any shape or form the policies of the site. Sorry if you feel this way and this is the only objectionable statement you found.

That is quite interested that you are offended by it since it was Ruppert Murdoch who came out with the "Turd Bird" Statement. Maybe you should write to Mr. Murdoch to retract his statement and then I will change my statement as well. Until then, it will stand...
slacker9876 said:
For picture quality that beats cable, you have to get DIRECTV: This statement is true. DirecTV has better overall picture quality than cable ... I did not see HD in this statement, nor did I hear it.

It is there in a very clear way...

slacker9876 said:
I wished he relax and enjoy the AMAZING PICTURE CLARITY OF THE DIRECTV HD I HOOKED Up: This statement is also true, DirecTV HD has amazing PQ when compared to SDTV.

And who doesn't.... I mean what is the point of that.

slacker9876 said:
Part B: Dish Network claims

Now let look at "Better TV for all" : SAYS WHO?!?! Like E*, D* or C* have better TV. Better than what?!?! It is a factless statement and is completely subjective. Reminds me of a guy in the 1930's who thought blond hair and blue eyes were the better way.

I have heard both Jake "Mistake" Plummer and Tiki "I need a" Barber claim 24/7 football for Dish. If your talking NFL Network ... sure this is true. Everyone has NFL Network 24/7. However this is just as misleading and E* should be sued for acting like they have the most football which we all know they have 1/6th the PRO football of D*. A game every night of the week ... Well sure ... let's run a high school game each night to legitimize this. Perhaps they mean NCAA, and I am sure that is why they use pro football players and not a Division 2 QB form the community college.

Not sure what my first post on this thread has to do with this...

slacker9876 said:
Sean I must have missed your thread in the E* forum on this.

How could you??? I have about thousands of post in just HD Lite in that forum.

slacker9876 said:
The point: All cable and satellite companies engage in questionable advertising. If you feel the need to start a thread laughing it up about one ... you should start one for each provider, than nobody would be jumpin your ass.

Point is that D* was the one claiming Spectacular HD PQ. No one else.

slacker9876 said:
I'll keep an eye open for your E* bashing threads (if I can find them through mine on that POS 622 DVR from this weekend) ... but I gotta say, I have been here for 3 years and the majority of the posts by you, that I have read, say either how bad D* is or how great voom is (was). since I have been in the D* forums all that time ... it leans toward you being a D* basher / D* Troll.

You are really lost then and do not know how to use the search features here or you are missinformed. I am not going to do the work for you but I could post hundreds of posts by me stating basically the same about E*.
You just don't get it.

You have ignored what everyone else has written here.

This is just not behavior becomming of a STAFF MEMBER.

It doesn't matter who originally made the statement.

It's just unprofessional but I guess no one says that this has to be a professional and respected place.

Maybe those of us that have been critical just expect too much.

As per my previous posts, I guess I can't expect this site to be as reputable and professional as CNN or the New York Times.
rad said:
Sean, you started this thread because of false advertising by D*, that's why I mentioned all the examples of false adversiting by E*.

I can see your point about that. But I did not make comparison between E* and D* at any point. I am not naive about E* and know that they have done the same or even worse. However, the D* advertising claimed prestine HD PQ and that did not rub well with me and I decided to post their commercial. By the way that quote I made is from the commercial. I did not make it up.

rad said:
And please show me where I'm defending D* since I've missed it.

The mere fact that some of you accussed of being a D* basher points to the fact that you do not want me to post in the D* forum. Doesn't that constitute defending the provider?

rad said:
I don't like HD-Lite or any company that has false advertising. But compared to E* and their business practices and cable in our area D* is the best choice for me at the moment. If something was better out there I'd probably go to them. But I'm not going to start a thread that's just going to bait D* customers that are happy with the service that they have.

I have no problem with that. You, yourself, have to decide what is good for you. Nobody can tell you what to do.

rad said:
You imply that you're doing a service for folks, "...the truth must be told." was one of your responses. The folks that have D* know about the PQ, you don't have to bring it up with your adding the "(ownresized)" to the quote you provided and adding a bunch of :D in the post.

So you are in the thinking that rather than bringing up the HD lite and downresizing once again, it is better to stay quiet even though DirecTv has done a national TV commercial during the Football game that is telling us that their HD is outstanding. You do not think that people need to know that this commercial is incorrect. Of course, you yourself may know about it but there are others that do not. This is an information gathering forum. The more information the better. I see nothing wrong with re-hashing the HD Lite topic in the light of this new commercial put out by D*.

rad said:
OK, so I'm telling the truth, MANY D* customers are just sick and tired of your ranting about D*. When I left E* because of their BS I used to post negative responses for a few months but someone mentioned that since I'm no longer a E* customer that I should cool it, and I have. I'd like to make the same sugguestion to you, just leave the folks that are happy with D* in piece.

Now if you don't like the responses that you're seeing in this thread PLEASE just put us all on your ignore list and go away.

rad tough do not read my posts or do not read any HD Lite thread in the D* forum. No one is forcing you to read anything here. This is an HD Lite thread talking about a commercial put out by D*.
Gen Custer said:
You just don't get it.

You have ignored what everyone else has written here.

This is just not behavior becomming of a STAFF MEMBER.

It doesn't matter who originally made the statement.

It's just unprofessional but I guess no one says that this has to be a professional and respected place.

Maybe those of us that have been critical just expect too much.

As per my previous posts, I guess I can't expect this site to be as reputable and professional as CNN or the New York Times.

Maybe you do not get it... If you do not like it, ignore me... it is very simple. This is an HD Lite thread in the D* forum. If you do not like it, do not read it others will.
Sean Mota said:
It is there in a very clear way...
It was probably so clear because it was in HD. I got lucky and the ad-space just played ... so I TiVo'ed it. It says "For picture quality that beats cable, you've got to get DirecTV." Funny thing, I rewound and no matter how many times I watched and listened, I never heard "For {HD or High Definition} picture quality that beats cable, you've got to get DirecTV." I reckon that invalidates your thread and is probably the reason it was hijacked and why D* folk have been provoked. So no sir, they never stated their high-definition was better than cable.

Sean Mota said:
And who doesn't.... I mean what is the point of that.
I don't know, I did not bring it up ... you did, so tell us, what does it have to do with anything?

Sean Mota said:
Not sure what my first post on this thread has to do with this...
Befor the thread was hijacked, nothing. Now everything, It shows bias from a person whom is supposed to be objective and unbias.

Sean Mota said:
How could you??? I have about thousands of post in just HD Lite in that forum.
Is this English? Either way, I must have missed the HD Lite forum, I only see "Dish HD Discussion." Even in there there is no sticky or sub-forum titled HD Lite. I did see the thread link in your signature ... not quite as derogatory as even the title of this thread.

Sean Mota said:
Point is that D* was the one claiming Spectacular HD PQ. No one else.
Really ... than explain this. Blurb 2 clearly states "DishHD Programming" is one of the 3 must haves. So yeah ... it's in print.

Sean Mota said:
You are really lost then and do not know how to use the search features here or you are missinformed. I am not going to do the work for you but I could post hundreds of posts by me stating basically the same about E*.
Why would I use the search function to read, what has already been read by me, in the DirecTV forum section.
I for one liked the Directv commercial with William Shatner. If I didn't know any better and didn't have DISH Network, I might be getting Directv right now because of the commercial.

But everyone wants to be what they are not...

Directv wants to be the HD leader when Dish has more HD

Dish wants to be the leader in football when Directv has more games

Pepsi wants to be more like Coke and Coke wants to be more like Pepsi.
Please reply by conversation.

Versus in HD

reintstall a cable line, any local techs here in az

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