Shall we raise our HD Lite, Captain?

Please reply by conversation.
I don't post much here but here goes.

I think there is something wrong and very unprofessional when a staff member on this site takes pleasure in bashing a particular service. Its one thing to give your opinion on the quality of a particular service vs another and to even expose the false marketing claims of a particular company (whether its the D* Star Trek Commercial or the E* NFL commercials) but its another to constantly bash a particular service.

The staff member should not run inflammatory signature lines that bash a particular company. Statements like TURD TV are not professional and should not be used by a staff member. Staff members should be held to a higher standard to maintain the integrity of this site. I am not saying that anyone should change what they say but a staff member should be careful how they say it.

Scott has worked very hard at making this the go to site on the web for satellite TV information and I think behavior like this just tarnishes SatelliteGuys as a whole.

I would hope Scott reads this thread and makes corrective actions.

(The signature line is not even accurate. If your ranking the services with respect to picture quality, most people would say that OTA has far superior picture quality then DISH or Direct). If your talking about amount of HD content then its a matter of perspective and depends on what you think of Sunday Ticket vs Voom)
Last I recall, Sean was being bashed for stating the truth about E*'s HD-Lite offerings...let's face it both are sucking bits, but D* is sucking them faster and harder from both its SD and HD. Cable SD generall looks worse than D* and E*, but there HD is generally passed through unfettered (although your mileage may vary by cable provider). It seems the only ones offering consistently good PQ these days is Verizon FiOS and OTA.
Gen Custer said:
The staff member should not run inflammatory signature lines that bash a particular company. Statements like TURD TV are not professional and should not be used by a staff member. Staff members should be held to a higher standard to maintain the integrity of this site. I am not saying that anyone should change what they say but a staff member should be careful how they say it.
Sean is just quoting what the CEO of DirecTV said about his own fleet of satellites...
I agree with Custer. The only reason I posted was to call Sean out, for which I am sure some mod will ban me, probably him. Sean has failed to post actual information here since about his 11,000th post. I think SatGuy of the Yr. bloated his big head and now he is pretty much a basher, and whiner with little to no valueable information.

Pretty much like me for about the last month. I became this way because I was censored.
I look at alot of sites on the net, but I like this one the best. I get good info on here and the staff is pretty much neutral, but this D* bashing gets under my skin. I have seen E's PQ and it is good, but so is D's. I got mad a couple of weeks ago and thought about switching, but what does Dish have that Directv doesn't that I want. Nothing. I want sports in HD, not Frankenstein. To have a staff member bash a company is a shame. It is starting to get old. I hope things change around here real soon.
Sean, I'm so glad that you're for truth in advertising. So you back a company that consitently tell their customers one thing and then do another thing, such as Echostar/Dish Network? Let's see, some of the things I remember them telling their customers:

- The 6000 STB would have the OpenTV interface on it, the box even had the logo on it. Never happend.
- You'd be able to copy/download HD content from your Dish 921 receiver via the Dishwire port. Never happened.
- We're going to sell a Superdish and put all HD programming at 105, no more 61.5/148 necessary. Oh, we changed our mind we're going to put it on 110/119. Oh, we changed our minds we're putting it on.... you get the drift.
- The 501/508/510 will be getting a software download to allow for NBR. How many dates has E* missed on this one?
- Voom channels are being downrez due to a fiber cable problem, if you believe that you also believe in the tooth fairy.

OK, so points 3, 4 and 5 weren't actually advertised, just things that were said on the Charlie/Tech chats, but 1 and 2 were, and people spent money on those boxes expecting what they were told would be coming that never did.

And about the troll comment, I wouldn't have said it if you and responded to a thread that someone else had started, but you had to go out of your way to get on your soapbox again. So if you're going to start the D* PQ issues again expect some heat for it, espically since you are not a D* customer and have no vested interest in it anymore.
I like most am just tired of all the crying, mis-statements, twisted statements, and over-hyped bashing from BOTH sides.. It sounds like a bunch of 5 year olds. Neither is more or less than a percentage point or 2 better OVERALL than the other at this point the rest is hype and personal preference about programing and how you perceive customer service. Just go watch and enjoy what TV you pay for.
Here's a point that all of you who are attacking me are missing. NEVER did I say that the PQ on E* was better and E* does not have a commercial that they have better HD Picture than D* or Cable. I would condemn anything that E* has done in advertising as well but that was not the point of the thread. The thread simply is stating what D* claims. It claims that their HD PQ is better than cable which we all know that is not true. Since Cable changes so much by the region, I can tell you at least two places where the PQ of HD channels on D* does not even come close to the better HD PQ of cable. No question about it. This is not an E* vs D* thread and my whole intention is to point out in how D* is misleading consumers in their claim that they offer the best HD PQ in the market or at least compare with Cable.

If E* makes the same claim (which they haven't in any commercial I have seen), I would immediately do the same thing and call it as it is. Now to the person who question my signature.... I am only stating what the big CEO of DirecTv said "DirecTv is a Turd Bird" according to him and not me.

This is thread is about D* and their claim that their HD PQ is outstanding and prestine but according to whose standard? Well according to them. Nothing wrong in my part because I only quoted what they are claiming as fact. Not my opinion but quote the facts. And we all know that the Facts according to D* advertising are misleading to consumers and anyone on this site that is a DirecTv customer or will be a potential customer deserves to know Facts from Fiction.

I do not care what is the customer ultimate decision but at least the information has been posted about the continuous deceiving practice of DirecTv in making believe us that their HD PQ is prestine and outstanding.

And by the way, if you watch the Dish Network forum, you will see that I make the same type of statements about Dish Network and look at my signature more closely and you will see a declaritive statement about how the PQ of Dish Network is as well. I do not sit behind any company and I will write about what is Fact.
I actually found the commerical quite entertaining, I am old Star Trek fan.

That being said I am considering Verizon FIOS TV and leaving Directv (I have FIOS internet already), but my wife and daughter have Tivo boxes which we own, so.........well you know. I guess I could sell all the equipement on E-bay, but then that presents a whole new learning curve for the family.

Peace and blessings,

slacker9876 said:
Sean, how can you laugh when E* has the same downrezzed programming. You need to update your signature "Better TV For All" is really OTA. Full 18Mbps transmissions ALWAYS. Why not bash E*'s ad campaign? I keep both services because neither of them has it all. They both suck if you ask me.

I agree with you Better TV for all maybe OTA...but that changes as well. However, that statement in my signature is saying more to what Ruppert Murdoch said about DirecTv in a press release--- "DirecTv is a Turd Bird".

It looks like you haven't seen my posts on the Dish Network forum. Look for them and you will see. Also pay close attention to my signature I am all over them as well.

slacker9876 said:
E* has false advertising with better TV for all also. Not only are they the 3rd place provider of the top 3 but they pull the same crap all the others do with HD.

Big difference ist that E* is not claiming prestine HD PQ or better than Cable,. We know what "better Tv" means but they do not claim that their HD is prestine. The minute they do that I will be the first to call it as it. I do not stand behind any company.

slacker9876 said:
24/7 Football is DEFINITELY questionable. That is like me saying I have sex 24/7 because it is "always on" in my mind. But like you (I'm sure) I spend most my time ja**ing-off NOT playing the game.

not sure what you mean but my thread had nothing to do with football...
Gen Custer said:
I don't post much here but here goes.

I think there is something wrong and very unprofessional when a staff member on this site takes pleasure in bashing a particular service. Its one thing to give your opinion on the quality of a particular service vs another and to even expose the false marketing claims of a particular company (whether its the D* Star Trek Commercial or the E* NFL commercials) but its another to constantly bash a particular service.

Where did I bash the company on this thread. You accussed me because I provided a quoted statement from DirecTv about their company and that is bashing. If you notice Satelliteguys do not stand behind any company and does not give any company any lead way in deciding how the site is run. To do so will be dishonesty on the part of Satelliteguys. Satelliteguys is an information gathering site and the minute satelliteguys takes sides with any company, the minute that the site will die. But that is not the case because Satelliteguys give it as it is. Where did I bash DirecTv?

Gen Custer said:
The staff member should not run inflammatory signature lines that bash a particular company. Statements like TURD TV are not professional and should not be used by a staff member. Staff members should be held to a higher standard to maintain the integrity of this site. I am not saying that anyone should change what they say but a staff member should be careful how they say it.

Did I make the TURD TV statement? Please do your research and you will find out that it was Ruppert Murdoch who did it. I am just using his own quote. It is a free country and a free site and you are free to post anything as long as it does not attack anyone. The last time I checked my signature it was not attacking anyone but re-stating what the big boss of DirecTv said about his own company.

Gen Custer said:
Scott has worked very hard at making this the go to site on the web for satellite TV information and I think behavior like this just tarnishes SatelliteGuys as a whole.

I would hope Scott reads this thread and makes corrective actions.

(The signature line is not even accurate. If your ranking the services with respect to picture quality, most people would say that OTA has far superior picture quality then DISH or Direct). If your talking about amount of HD content then its a matter of perspective and depends on what you think of Sunday Ticket vs Voom)

Again Satelliteguys do not take sides with any company and hopefully won't ever. The minute that happens it will die a slow death.
slacker9876 said:
I agree with Custer. The only reason I posted was to call Sean out, for which I am sure some mod will ban me, probably him. Sean has failed to post actual information here since about his 11,000th post. I think SatGuy of the Yr. bloated his big head and now he is pretty much a basher, and whiner with little to no valueable information.

Pretty much like me for about the last month. I became this way because I was censored.

Again you are wrong. On this thread, you haven't said anything that can get you banned or have you attacked me in any way to ban you. As a matter of fact, mods here on this site are very careful about banning members. The decision is not up to me or up to Scott but up to lots of staff member that will look at the arguments and threads very carefully. Only in situations that merit a ban, a member is banned and not by the person who made the request but by someone else. It will be unethical for me to ban you because I did not like your statement. Read my threads and posts and you will see that I rarely make such hasty decision and of course you haven't crossed the line. You are making an opinioin.
bgilga said:
I look at alot of sites on the net, but I like this one the best. I get good info on here and the staff is pretty much neutral, but this D* bashing gets under my skin. I have seen E's PQ and it is good, but so is D's. I got mad a couple of weeks ago and thought about switching, but what does Dish have that Directv doesn't that I want. Nothing. I want sports in HD, not Frankenstein. To have a staff member bash a company is a shame. It is starting to get old. I hope things change around here real soon.

May I ask where is the bashing on this thread? Where did I bash DirecTv to offend you so much? I was merely quoting the commercial. I haven't said anything else. It is your ultimate decision to decide what you want to do. Nobody here is trying to make you to change a particular service. We provide information to help you in that decision or any other member but we do not want to sway you or anyone one way or the other.
General Custer, welcome to SatelliteGuys, where we call it as we see it, and if its a Turd Bird expect us to call it a turn bird.

None of the staff is asked to make statements to please any company. They are asked to tell things the way they see them. If you want us to kiss the butts of any company just because we are staff, then I got to tell you that your at the wrong site.

I got a laugh out the the Star Trek Commercial, a commercial about HD thats not even in HD itself.

I believe that DirecTV SHOULD be sued for false advertising.
rad said:
Sean, I'm so glad that you're for truth in advertising. So you back a company that consitently tell their customers one thing and then do another thing, such as Echostar/Dish Network? Let's see, some of the things I remember them telling their customers:

- The 6000 STB would have the OpenTV interface on it, the box even had the logo on it. Never happend.
- You'd be able to copy/download HD content from your Dish 921 receiver via the Dishwire port. Never happened.
- We're going to sell a Superdish and put all HD programming at 105, no more 61.5/148 necessary. Oh, we changed our mind we're going to put it on 110/119. Oh, we changed our minds we're putting it on.... you get the drift.
- The 501/508/510 will be getting a software download to allow for NBR. How many dates has E* missed on this one?
- Voom channels are being downrez due to a fiber cable problem, if you believe that you also believe in the tooth fairy.

OK, so points 3, 4 and 5 weren't actually advertised, just things that were said on the Charlie/Tech chats, but 1 and 2 were, and people spent money on those boxes expecting what they were told would be coming that never did.

Can you find me a post where I have stated or try to defend any of the comments that you posted above? I actually agree with you on the above and I condemn E* for many of its own way of doing things. But I am not talking about E*on this thread and NEVER defend them when they were obviously in the wrong. However, I find people trying to defend D* when it is so obvious that they are in the wrong.

rad said:
And about the troll comment, I wouldn't have said it if you and responded to a thread that someone else had started, but you had to go out of your way to get on your soapbox again. So if you're going to start the D* PQ issues again expect some heat for it, espically since you are not a D* customer and have no vested interest in it anymore.

So now I can not open a thread because it damages the image of DirecTv? or shoul I have waited until someone else posted the thread to post my opinion? Is that how Satelliteguys operate? The last time I checked there is no rule that says that I have to wait until the topic is opened. I looked around to see if someone saw the commercial which was on national tv today and there was no thread. I decided to open the thread. Nothing wrong with that. I do not see your point.
Sean Mota said:
Where did I bash the company on this thread. You accussed me because I provided a quoted statement from DirecTv about their company and that is bashing. If you notice Satelliteguys do not stand behind any company and does not give any company any lead way in deciding how the site is run. To do so will be dishonesty on the part of Satelliteguys. Satelliteguys is an information gathering site and the minute satelliteguys takes sides with any company, the minute that the site will die. But that is not the case because Satelliteguys give it as it is. Where did I bash DirecTv?

SatelliteGuys doesn't take sides but as all of the other posters have noticed, you apparently do. You are a staff member and shouldn't take sides because it gives the appearance that Satellite Guys takes sides. You are held to a higher standard then the rest of us.

Did I make the TURD TV statement? Please do your research and you will find out that it was Ruppert Murdoch who did it. I am just using his own quote. It is a free country and a free site and you are free to post anything as long as it does not attack anyone. The last time I checked my signature it was not attacking anyone but re-stating what the big boss of DirecTv said about his own company.

I know where the statement came from. My objection is that you display it front and center with every post. See above comments why a staff member shouldn't do this

Again Satelliteguys do not take sides with any company and hopefully won't ever. The minute that happens it will die a slow death.

Again, your statements with the fact that you are a staff member gives the appearance that you are taking sides. So we can only hope that you are not striking one of the first blows in the slow death of SatelliteGuys.

You are entitled to your own opinion but when you combine the tone of your typically negative (justified or not) directv comments with the signature line it comes accross as vindictive and unprofessional. My comments are not meant to attack you but to point out that this is the way people perceive you here on the site. To maintain the integrity of the site we would encourage you to moderate the tone of your statements and tone down the signature line. If you don't want to do this then you should consider severing your officail ties to the site as to not tarnish it.
Gen Custer said:
You are entitled to your own opinion but when you combine the tone of your typically negative (justified or not) directv comments with the signature line it comes accross as vindictive and unprofessional. My comments are not meant to attack you but to point out that this is the way people perceive you here on the site. To maintain the integrity of the site we would encourage you to moderate the tone of your statements and tone down the signature line. If you don't want to do this then you should consider severing your officail ties to the site as to not tarnish it.

how do you want me to tone my statement where it was a quoted statement from the commercial? Please teach me I am all ears and reading at this point.
Scott Greczkowski said:
General Custer, welcome to SatelliteGuys, where we call it as we see it, and if its a Turd Bird expect us to call it a turn bird.

None of the staff is asked to make statements to please any company. They are asked to tell things the way they see them. If you want us to kiss the butts of any company just because we are staff, then I got to tell you that your at the wrong site.

I got a laugh out the the Star Trek Commercial, a commercial about HD thats not even in HD itself.

I believe that DirecTV SHOULD be sued for false advertising.

No one is asking him to change his opinion and kiss anyones ass. All I am saying is the signature line and the tone of the comments are not appropriate for a staff member.

I am a Directv customer and agree the picture quality needs to be improved. That commercial and the DISH NFL commercial are very missleading. It is ok to point this out to others but just be careful how you do so.

Some sites have staff members that are fanboys of a particular company and do not tolerate criticism of said companies. They gloss over the negatives of the service and the hardware. That does not go on here. It is great to tell it like it is, but a staff member should be more even toned and professional when discussing things.
I've seen Insight cable's HD offering side by side with D*.

D wins hands down everytime. I can't say how well D* holds up against any other cable company, but insight's offering sucks ass. So D* claiming they are better than cable is true in my area.
This all might not have occured if you did not have the signature line set up this way.
Please reply by conversation.

Versus in HD

reintstall a cable line, any local techs here in az

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