Shall we raise our HD Lite, Captain?

Please reply by conversation.
Thread summary: "

"I wish he'd just sit back and enjoy the amazing picture clarity of the DirecTV HD we just hooked up." This is what was in the advertisement that Sean was quoting ... inaccurately I may add as is the basis of this thread.

Since the accuracy of a quote determines it's own validity, we can assume everything he posted to be invalid since it is likely to be inaccurate in one way or another. So I would have to agree with the majority ... it is not false advertising.

Now back to the hijack. Why must a staff member troll? See nice and clean, I'll say it again.

Why must a staff member troll?

It's rhetorical, like the how many licks to the center of a Tootsie Pop. However, like the Tootsie Pop ... the world may never know.
Gen Custer said:
I don't post much here but here goes.

I think there is something wrong and very unprofessional when a staff member on this site takes pleasure in bashing a particular service. Its one thing to give your opinion on the quality of a particular service vs another and to even expose the false marketing claims of a particular company (whether its the D* Star Trek Commercial or the E* NFL commercials) but its another to constantly bash a particular service.

The staff member should not run inflammatory signature lines that bash a particular company. Statements like TURD TV are not professional and should not be used by a staff member. Staff members should be held to a higher standard to maintain the integrity of this site. I am not saying that anyone should change what they say but a staff member should be careful how they say it.

Scott has worked very hard at making this the go to site on the web for satellite TV information and I think behavior like this just tarnishes SatelliteGuys as a whole.

I would hope Scott reads this thread and makes corrective actions.

(The signature line is not even accurate. If your ranking the services with respect to picture quality, most people would say that OTA has far superior picture quality then DISH or Direct). If your talking about amount of HD content then its a matter of perspective and depends on what you think of Sunday Ticket vs Voom)

YOU are far off, Sean is stating the unbiased facts.

And Sean did not call DIRECTV a TURD BIRD - HE is simply quoting what Rupert Murdch thinks about DIRECTV and all the customers he is using.
slacker9876 said:
I agree with Custer. The only reason I posted was to call Sean out, for which I am sure some mod will ban me, probably him. Sean has failed to post actual information here since about his 11,000th post. I think SatGuy of the Yr. bloated his big head and now he is pretty much a basher, and whiner with little to no valueable information.

Pretty much like me for about the last month. I became this way because I was censored.

censorship is wrong, stop censoring people just to toss your egos and power around,

let everyone say what they want, but the people who say it . should have no agenda like a certain staff member here does (and no it is not sean)
Sean Mota said:
Again you are wrong. On this thread, you haven't said anything that can get you banned or have you attacked me in any way to ban you. As a matter of fact, mods here on this site are very careful about banning members. The decision is not up to me or up to Scott but up to lots of staff member that will look at the arguments and threads very carefully. Only in situations that merit a ban, a member is banned and not by the person who made the request but by someone else. It will be unethical for me to ban you because I did not like your statement. Read my threads and posts and you will see that I rarely make such hasty decision and of course you haven't crossed the line. You are making an opinioin.

I agree sean, there is a staff member here and of other boards who personally bans people, you statement self banning is unethical
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Gen Custer said:
This all might not have occured if you did not have the signature line set up this way.

well if rupert hadd not bashed his own company and crapped on his customers, sean could have not made the signature line as it is, so do not blame sean, blame rupert
FlyingJ said:
Hate to say it guys but I am siding with Custer on this one. Scott, your statement " D* should be sued for false advertising" is absurd, naive, and almost juvenile. I hear these false advertising claims all of the time and those that keep making these statements on this site are completely out of touch as to what can be called false advertising and even more so on what it would take to prove it. Look at commercials, it is called spin, it is my business. All commercials, especially service commercials and of course at this time of year political commercials have misleading statements. The numbers for how few ever get sued for false advertising are telling. Sean, other than that you state that you are not biased, but just in fact are telling facts. You, me, members of this site, and everyone else knows damn well that you are not unbiased in your statements, try not to insult anyones intelligence by stating that you are. Oh and I am not bothered by the fact that you lean one way over the other, but good god man, admit it.

SPIN = FALSE ADVERTISING ... the reason more evil companies are not sued is because the ruthlesselly threaten, intmadate and try to crush honest people who try to go against them.
Gen Custer said:
An unbiased site with a staff member with a biased signature line?

He can express his opinion in a clear concise and professional manner.

You would never see a site like CNN or the New York Times allow a staff member to do this.

Why would you not have a problem with the signature line when one of your staff members is acting in a manner that is disturbing to many of your readers?

He did state it a professuonal manner, and restated what rupert said about his own company
slacker9876 said:
Sean, how can you laugh when E* has the same downrezzed programming. You need to update your signature "Better TV For All" is really OTA. Full 18Mbps transmissions ALWAYS. Why not bash E*'s ad campaign? I keep both services because neither of them has it all. They both suck if you ask me.

E* has false advertising with better TV for all also. Not only are they the 3rd place provider of the top 3 but they pull the same crap all the others do with HD.

24/7 Football is DEFINITELY questionable. That is like me saying I have sex 24/7 because it is "always on" in my mind. But like you (I'm sure) I spend most my time ja**ing-off NOT playing the game.

well in e* defense a little, it is "better" than some tv sources, thus the better part, they arnt say the best tv for all, or the greatest tv for all, because as well all know it would be a flat out lie.

d* is correct in saying, good tv, better tv then directv, because they have a quality level all their own. its not better, or worse that the outhers, and is by no means the best of the best.

and that leaves cable and ota. both of which have their pluses and minus depending on the cable system, or stations transmitting capabilities.

the end point is one provider will never be agreeded by everyone here or on the planet as the best, simply because everyone views the best diffrently and have diffrent varables in the decision.
riffjim4069 said:
Sean is just quoting what the CEO of DirecTV said about his own fleet of satellites...
No, Sean is quoting what CNBC said Rupert Murdoch was reported to have said... as of yet, I have not seen the original quote. Everyone is quoting this allegation as fact, when it is only a "friend of a friend of a friend..." situation.
Sean Mota said:
I agree with you Better TV for all maybe OTA...but that changes as well. However, that statement in my signature is saying more to what Ruppert Murdoch said about DirecTv in a press release--- "DirecTv is a Turd Bird".

What press release, Sean? Show it to me.

By the way, I just did some research on the "turd bird" quote. Do you know what I found? Here's the results (all emphasis mine): "CNBC reported that Murdoch even called DirecTV a "turd bird" - not exactly a term of endearment."
Rocky Mountain News: "CNBC reporter David Faber... claimed that Murdoch, whose News Corp. owns a controlling stake in DirecTV, has soured on the company and has taken to calling it "a turd bird."
Digital "One of the (CNBC) business channel's reporters, David Faber, said that Murdoch had called DirecTV a "turd bird."

These were all reported on 9/15 or 9/16... later reports changed the alleged quote into a de facto quote... just an example of sloppy writing by lazy journalists that didn't bother to do their research but just half-remembered a catchy quote. (Trust me, I've worked with enough journalists to know that it can and does happen.) Not to mention that all this was from a single source, which no responsible journalist would repeat, at least when I was working in the biz.

So, once again, Sean... show me the original quote... not a "reported", "claimed" or "said" (read alleged) quote.
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Sean Mota said:
So you do not like my signature :D Tough!!!! I stand by it... you can put me in your ignore list if you want to... Sorry but I do not see anything wrong with it and it has not violated in any shape or form the policies of the site. Sorry if you feel this way and this is the only objectionable statement you found.

Sean over 20,000 posts :bow here tells me that you REALLY need to get a life. As far as your posts they are so repetative at times that they have become boring. And what do you care if those of us who are experiencing excellent PQ overall say so? Or are you the self appointed critic of those opinions? :rolleyes: It must irk you to no end to see a satisified customer saying how they feel. Of course they aren't as knowledgeable as you when it comes to what their eyes are telling them. But then again I guess only an "expert" can tell us what we are really seeing. :neener
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Newshawk said:
By the way, I just did some research on the "turd bird" quote. Do you know what I found? "CNBC reported that Murdoch even called DirecTV a "turd bird" - not exactly a term of endearment."......
I did more thorough research....all birds happen to lay turds (seagulls are the worst). :D
(That includes E*). :neener

...and as an FYI....watched 20+ hours of HD on 11 different channels this weekend on D*(like any other weekend) pixelation, no dropouts, no sounds probems....only great HD and great Dolby...sorry...since this will probably cause some folks here to puke.... :yikes
I cannot believe this thread blew up like this. I feel bad for even responding to the moronic post that started this. It is amazing to me how Directv is accused of false advertising, but nobody saw the Dish "Football 24/7" add. You have to be kidding me.
The whole point here is that moderators/staff members need to at least project an image of being unbiased. When one revels in the shortcomings of a particular service the illusion of being unbiased disappears.

Either be a very biased reader/member here or be an unbiased staff member.

This does not mean that a staff member can not give an opinion. Just remove the venom and sarcasm from your posts.
crmlht said:
SPIN = FALSE ADVERTISING ... the reason more evil companies are not sued is because the ruthlesselly threaten, intmadate and try to crush honest people who try to go against them.

Crmlht, you are dead wrong. Advertising allows for opinion, anyones opinion. If Grandma says that Chunky Soup is the best can in fact say that "Chunky Soup is the best!", without even quoting Grandma in the ad.
You can, no matter what you "think" is ethical. Don't make statements like that because you "think" what your saying is correct. Besides that , nice job defending Sean, you didn't say anything new, or back anything up, you just said that my heroe is right!! LOL
crmlht said:
SPIN = FALSE ADVERTISING ... the reason more evil companies are not sued is because the ruthlesselly threaten, intmadate and try to crush honest people who try to go against them.

That statement was so twisted that I just had to post it again for my own entertainment.:eek:
Newshawk said:
What press release, Sean? Show it to me.
Newshawk said:
By the way, I just did some research on the "turd bird" quote. Do you know what I found? Here's the results (all emphasis mine): "CNBC reported that Murdoch even called DirecTV a "turd bird" - not exactly a term of endearment."
Rocky Mountain News: "CNBC reporter David Faber... claimed that Murdoch, whose News Corp. owns a controlling stake in DirecTV, has soured on the company and has taken to calling it "a turd bird."
Digital "One of the (CNBC) business channel's reporters, David Faber, said that Murdoch had called DirecTV a "turd bird."

These were all reported on 9/15 or 9/16... later reports changed the alleged quote into a de facto quote... just an example of sloppy writing by lazy journalists that didn't bother to do their research but just half-remembered a catchy quote. (Trust me, I've worked with enough journalists to know that it can and does happen.) Not to mention that all this was from a single source, which no responsible journalist would repeat, at least when I was working in the biz.

So, once again, Sean... show me the original quote... not a "reported", "claimed" or "said" (read alleged) quote.

Every news report is a "claim" :rolleyes:

Murdoch looks to release bird
Rupe considering DirecTV sale to Liberty



In a splattering blow to the satellite biz, Rupert Murdoch supposedly dubbed DirecTV a "turd bird" and is considering selling News Corp.'s controlling stake to Liberty Media.

FCC chairman Kevin Martin on Thursday shot down another possible outcome for the satcaster. He indicated regulators still would be reluctant to greenlight a merger between DirecTV and smaller rival EchoStar.

News Corp. owns 38% of DirecTV, the nation's largest satellite provider. But Murdoch's been down on the business lately. Cablers are successfully rolling out a triple play of video, Internet and telephone -- service that satcasters can't easily match.

DirecTV stock fell 3.23% Thursday to close at $19.19 after a Morgan Stanley analyst downgraded the shares.
A person close to the conglom said a DirecTV sale is being discussed as one of several possible ways to unwind Liberty's large stake in News Corp.

CNBC reported that Murdoch had made the "turd bird" remark.

For well over a year, News Corp. has been trying to find a way to buy Malone's stake in exchange for some combination of assets and cash. Liberty holds voting and non-voting stock worth $10 billion, making Malone News Corp.'s second largest shareholder after Murdoch.

Malone's position made Murdoch so nervous that News Corp.'s board adopted a poison pill, which is meant to deter hostile takeovers. Shareholders, including Liberty, will vote at News Corp.'s annual meeting Oct. 20 on whether to keep the poison-pill measure in place.

News Corp. wanted to resolve the issue before then.

Investors tend not to like poison-pill provisions, and some shareholders had sued News Corp. for imposing it and then extending it.

This past summer, the swap for News Corp. stock was going to include some Fox TV stations, but that option seems to have been tabled.

News Corp. chief operating officer Peter Chernin said earlier this week that "talks (with Liberty) are going pretty positively."

"We'd like to see this resolved, but we're not going to feel pressure to do a deal. We feel that investors are likely to vote in favor of a poison pill because no one wants us to do a deal that's not in our best interest," he said at a media conference.

Chernin also shot down speculation that DirecTV is looking to merge with EchoStar, saying there have been no substantive talks.

The satcasters tried to merge in 2002, but U.S. antitrust regulators killed the deal, and News Corp. swooped in.
Some industryites have argued recently that the entrance of telcos into the video biz has changed the competitive landscape and thus could render a satellite merger allowable. "Obviously, there's the potential for that in the future," Martin said, referring to the growth of the telco TV biz. "But I don't think it's been widespread enough to talk about changing our analysis of the nationwide video market," he said on a conference call with Wall Streeters sponsored by UBS.

From MultichannelNews,
Murdoch to Hand DirecTV to Malone? - 9/14/2006 7:30:00 PM - Multichannel News

Murdoch to Hand DirecTV to Malone?

By Steve Donohue 9/14/2006 7:30:00 PM

It may sound a bit far-fetched, but CNBC ace David Faber reported late Thursday that News Corp. is holding talks with John Malone's Liberty Media that could result in Malone taking control of DirecTV in exchange for Liberty's $10 billion stake in News Corp.

"The on-again, off-again talks have picked up significant momentum of late, according to people familiar with the situation. And the possibility of a tax-free exchange of News Corp.'s DirecTV stake for Liberty's roughly $10 billion voting and nonvoting stake in News Corp. is under consideration," Faber told viewers.

Although Murdoch has long sought to control the top direct-broadcast satellite platform on every continent -- News Corp. owns British Sky Broadcasting Group in the United Kingdom, Foxtel in Australia and Star TV in Asia -- Faber said the media mogul is frustrated at DirecTV's lack of a high-speed-Internet product to compete against rivals such as Comcast and Verizon Communications.

"Murdoch pursued DirecTV for years but has lately soured somewhat on the asset, calling it a 'turd bird,'" Faber said.

Liberty declined to comment, while News Corp. representatives couldn't be reached by deadline.

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Murdoch calls DirecTV a 'turd bird'[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Broadcasting & Cable[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Rupert Murdoch wants John Malone to get out of his hair. To that end, Murdoch might be offering Malone DirecTV. Murdoch's News Corp. is proposing to Malone's Liberty Media a tax-free exchange of its DirecTV stake in return for the $10 billion stake Liberty owns in News Corp., according to a report by CNBC's David Faber.

Both News Corp. president Peter Chernin and Liberty CEO Greg Maffei have been hinting to investors at a Merrill Lynch media conference today that a swap may be under way, according to the report.

With the satellite business limited in its growth, DirecTV has frustrated News Corp. lately which could explain the company's willingness to part with it. Murdoch aggressively went after DirecTV for years, but has been so disappointed with it lately, he has called it a "turd bird."
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bgilga said:
I cannot believe this thread blew up like this. I feel bad for even responding to the moronic post that started this. It is amazing to me how Directv is accused of false advertising, but nobody saw the Dish "Football 24/7" add. You have to be kidding me.
I saw and argued it, was told by Sean, it has nothing to do with this thread. So I searched the Dish fourm ... no mention there by Sean ... yet ...
Please reply by conversation.

Versus in HD

reintstall a cable line, any local techs here in az

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