Scott Greczkowski said:DirecTV sucks.
Ah, now we know why this site is so biased against DirecTV.
Scott Greczkowski said:DirecTV sucks.
Scott Greczkowski said:Too bad I was on PDA mode. I would have typed Dish Sucks too.
Its hard typing on a telephone![]()
SEAN - Please note that I specifically indicated you did not partake of these practices as others have.Sean Mota said:I rarely (or do not do it) attack, call-name, or insult anyone. That is not the way I handle myself even in very difficult moments.
You have not. Others have. Unfortunately, tolerating others actions to attack personally is like condoning their behavior and statements to some, so that's what's perhaps caused the misunderstandings.Sean Mota said:Now I asked again show where I have been a D* basher or an E* fanboy?
No, he didn't Sean. Neither of those artcles quoted Murdoch. They just regurgitated the CNBC claims. Let's take a look:Sean Mota said:Vurbano did![]()
Note the "reported". That's equivalent to saying "a friend told me his friend heard someone else say that Ruper Murdoch said..." The others, in fact all the reports, all come back to one comment made by CNBC's David Faber. Perhaps Faber is projecting his own bias against D* or Murdoch?vurbano said:CNBC reported that Murdoch had made the "turd bird" remark.
Newshawk said:No, he didn't Sean. Neither of those artcles quoted Murdoch. They just regurgitated the CNBC claims. Let's take a look:
Note the "reported". That's equivalent to saying "a friend told me his friend heard someone else say that Ruper Murdoch said..." The others, in fact all the reports, all come back to one comment made by CNBC's David Faber. Perhaps Faber is projecting his own bias against D* or Murdoch?
I'm still not convinced, Sean. Neither you nor vurbano has fulfilled my request. I say it's because you cannot. End of story.
Satmeister said:SEAN - Please note that I specifically indicated you did not partake of these practices as others have.
You have not. Others have. Unfortunately, tolerating others actions to attack personally is like condoning their behavior and statements to some, so that's what's perhaps caused the misunderstandings.
There are 2 sides to this HDLite issue, and a 3rd position as to whether or not its really an issue. Agree or disagree. But allowing the calling of people morons, blind, stupid, etc. stretch the imagination of a "fair board. To reitereate, Sean, the point was that you are not the one doing it, only allowing it to happen from others.
Now we can move on to bigger and better things, I guess. Heeeee Haaaaa.Sean Mota said:I totally agree. No one should be called those names just because of a disagreement.
vurbano said:
Every news report is a "claim"![]()
The hell he did, He posted an article! A press release will be listed under investor info on their page and will start "AP Release" ... so no ... he showed nothing.Sean Mota said:Vurbano did![]()
You are the troll in this case, I have DirecTV and Dish Network, YOU DO NOT. This provides me 1st hand knowledge about DirecTV, that you do not and cannot have unless you subscribe.Sean Mota said:Who is the Troll here? is it you or me? I started the Thread. You and others hijacked the thread because you did not like what I had to say. You and others troll the entire thread into a dislike of my signature which had nothing to do with the topic at hand. So how can you call me a troll when you were the one who was trolling in a HD Lite thread.
Newshawk said:vurbano, you're an engineer. I'm a journalist (or, I was until Comcrap shut down our operation in favor of their crappy CN8 channel.) You deal in a world of measurements and absolutes. Just as you would never take a single measurement and declare you have the answer, I would never take a single source (especially one of dubious quality) and present it as fact. Sadly, many so-called journalists of today don't hold to the same standard. You've posted some of them. They treat Faber's allegation as fact only because they can find it in Lexis/Nexus and don't bother to research it further. Besides, it becomes a poke in the eye at Murdoch, a person they don't like for a raft of reasons.
Basically, vurb, you haven't done what I asked... you just regurugated the same old crud that everyone else is regurgitating.
slacker9876 said:You are the troll in this case, I have DirecTV and Dish Network, YOU DO NOT. This provides me 1st hand knowledge about DirecTV, that you do not and cannot have unless you subscribe.
That is a great way to treat the bread-winner for one of your sponsors (VE), especially in light of his contributions to your CEDIA party.Scott Greczkowski said:DirecTV sucks.
There now Sean is not the only one who lost his credibility.![]()
Your other posts are not on topic to this thread and I see no need for me to introduce them.Sean Mota said:You see you do not read my past posts. Please do a search and read my previous posts. You call me a troll because you have both providers and you are able to compare both. Well, if that is the only thing you can stand on to back up your troll statement, you are going to fall very quickly.
I am not going to do the work for you. Use the search engine on Satelliteguys and in Five seconds you will find out how wrong you are about your first "Hand knowledge".
How many times are you goinig to say the same thing Custer?
vurbano said:You must be blind.
I am sorry Slacker but if you don't like the way things are run then maybe it IS time for you to go.slacker9876 said:That is a great way to treat the bread-winner for one of your sponsors (VE), especially in light of his contributions to your CEDIA party.
Just bow out Scott ... let us deal with Sean the way we see fit. If he needs a Kinght in shining armor you should toss a subordinate into the flames, not yourself.