Sci Fi Goes for Cool as Syfy New Name

The name change is ridiculous. Probably is the first shot in making the channel non-themed and it makes it easier for the texters (that must have demographic) to spell. Most of the cable channels that started with a theme have moved to general trash programming, thus losing their initial audience, but allowing them to compete for the overall cable crown. Think it is working? I don't! Probably why USA and Fox News dominate the cable ratings. The bottom line is that there are just too many cable channels.

As to what falls under the theme of science fiction I've always considered stories about the future to be science fiction. Thus, Jericho, which postulates one bizarre future, can safely be considered science fiction. OTOH, Lost is only science fiction if there really is some strange creature roaming that island. Otherwise, it is just another prime time soap opera.
Science Fiction generally means something is very unlikely or simply not possible in the near future. Either that or something like finding a stargate somewhere with Egyptian pharaohs actually being aliens. And point taken about comic book heroes considering that the biggest of them all is an alien.

But Jericho can happen right after you read this post and is highly plausible if the right conditions are met and there really is a big huge conspiracy. How many people these days still truly believe and try to prove that JFK was killed by a huge conglomerate of interests that wanted to take over the US... and succeeded? Then again, 24 has had this country face untold dangers including several exploded nukes and conspiracies all over the place at least one of which that included a president. There hasnt been 10 nukes.... yet.
It's not because it wants to start airing stuff like wrestling, it's because 'geeks and space aliens' are more than what SciFi is about. They have a lot of supernatural and paranormal programming like Ghost Hunters.
Yeah. More crap shows that have nothing to do with Sci-Fi. Didn't those idiots air that scam talking-to-dead-people show, Crossing Over, too?
This is yet another example of channels straying away from their roots. Channels who no longer carry "programming of the type" we wanted them for originally. This is one of many reasons for Ala Carte. Ala Carte allows viewers to get the "type" of shows they like. Having only packages makes channels sink to the level of "Neilson commonalty". Viewers should be able to choose the content type they WANT and not what "Neilson suggests you SHOULD want".
Hmm... How many boxed DVD sets can you buy for your annual Dish subscription cost? I think I could wait to see Stargate Universe after the series is over and save some serious coin. Other than the premium channels I get, pretty much everything else is worthless these days with more advertising than programming.

And ever since wrestling showed up on SciFi, it seems a trend toward more junk movies was in the works. Oh well, it's an NBC franchise and that shouldn't surprise anyone. :(

Syryously Sykynyng

I consider the channel on solid footing.


With Ghost Hunters (Domestic and International) and the newly launched stupid gamer shows I see SyFy soon being deleted from my guide just as I did to TechTV when they went to G4.

SciFi is one of the last channels that keeps me subscribing.

Time to hook the computer up to the TV full time and go the non-subscription totally free streaming route for my TV fix.

My library has free DVD loans of the newest movies.

With CNN et. al. dumping the news business in the toilet and getting stupid as twit I just saved a bunch of money on my entertainement.
Wow, some of you taking this a bit far.

They're just changing up their branding. They're not the next Spike TV.

No, its worse than that. They are the next "TNN-The Nashville Network" to "TNN-The National Network" (Before they dropped the whole idea of TNN and changed to Spike to shake the "nashville" compleley.

As mentioned before, this is another niche channel that decided it doesn't like its niche and soon will be crapping all over their core viewership. This isn't the first station to do this and wont be the last.

See ya
Sci Fi is broadening its niche. Once it gets far enough away from science fiction into psychological fantasy, almost anything can fit the new genre.

The grand thing is that for folks who thought Sci Fi was their niche, a new channel will spring up trying to capture the original Sci Fi viewing group. I used to watch TNN until the channel lost its roots; now I watch CMT when I want country. But I'm more into the Alison Krauss/J.D. Crowe sound anyway. And I like Sci Fi when it actually is Sci Fi.

As long as they don't touch the Ghost Hunter shows. That's all I really watch on it anymore.

I also hope they don't mess with the general theming. I.e. coming back from commercial shorts and sounds.

Ghost hunting is really know as paranormal. Which I'm not even sure if that is SciFi. I think in literature circles that is a completely different genre.
Wrestling that isn't even close to being Sci Fi but they still have it why? L if I know, but I guess some one is watching it.
Yea thats why I watched Sci-Fi is for Dark Shadows. I wish they would bring it back. Now all it is good for to me is ECW on tuesday nights.

I loved Dark Shadows on Sci-Fi Channel as well, but hated they way they began cluttering the show with animated blurbs for other programming. MPI began releasing the series on DVD several years ago, and I started collecting the volumes as they were released from
Whatever they call the channel, the content quality seems to be headed the wrong direction. With the cancellation of the Stargates, Battlestar Galactica, and Flash Gordon to name a few, now they have even more time to fill with your favorite insect monster movie. Once BSG finishes up this week, I don't think I'll have any more reason to tune in.

Are they still doing Scare Tactics? That was one of the only shows I watched on the channel and you'd probably call that dumb but I thought it was very funny. I am not into movies of any kind on commercial TV. I'll either watch it on the premiums or get the DVD/Bluray or not watch it. I am just not going to settle for commercial interruptions during shows. I do like original science fiction shows, but haven't really watched the channel enough to know their content. They should advertise more outside their channel to promote these wonderful shows you are talking about. If I had the time and saw a commercial or read an article about how wonderful Battlestar Galactica is on SciFi (or Syfy), I would give it a shot probably. It is more so that I just didn't really know anything about it. I only knew about Scare Tactics as far back as Shannon Dorety hosting it and have seen some with the newest host but not sure if they are still on this year. Somebody told me about Scare Tactics. I loved it. Good idea, but again, that is reality TV, which sounds like the wrong direction for the channel in your opinion.
Wow, some of you taking this a bit far.

They're just changing up their branding. They're not the next Spike TV.

Wanna bet? Here's from their press release.

By changing the name to Syfy, which remains phonetically identical, the new brand broadens perceptions and embraces a wider and more diverse range of imagination-based entertainment including fantasy, paranormal, reality, mystery, action and adventure, as well as science fiction.

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