Sci Fi Goes for Cool as Syfy New Name

Unbelievable: The new and improved SyFy channel??

I almost though today was April Fool's Day, when I read this story from

SCI FI Channel to become Syfy; "Imagine Greater" is new message | SCI FI Wire

"SCI FI Channel to become Syfy; "Imagine Greater" is new message"

Building on 16 years of water-cooler programming and soaring ratings growth following its most-watched year ever, SCI FI Channel is evolving into Syfy, beginning this summer, Dave Howe, president, SCI FI, announced today.

By changing the name to Syfy, which remains phonetically identical, the new brand broadens perceptions and embraces a wider range of current and future imagination-based entertainment beyond just the traditional sci-fi genre, including fantasy, supernatural, paranormal, reality, mystery, action and adventure. It also positions the brand for future growth by creating an ownable trademark that can travel easily with consumers across new media and nonlinear digital platforms, new international channels and extend into new business ventures.

"Imagine Greater" will become the new brand message and tagline, inviting both consumers and advertisers into a new era of unlimited imagination, exceptional experiences and greater entertainment.

Syfy more clearly captures the mainstream appeal of the world's biggest entertainment category, and reflects the network's ongoing strategy to create programming that's more accessible and relatable to new audiences. Syfy will continue to celebrate the traditional roots of the genre, while opening the brand to accommodate a broader range of imagination-based entertainment.

Are you kidding me? Syfy? It sounds like the way our beloved GoalieBob would spell it (no offense to Bob; he knows he can't spell). Then again, its par for the fraking course: Kill SG1, Kill SG:Atlantis; prematurely kill Battlestar Galactica way before its time, and take 15 months to show the final season, after huge hiatuses.... what is actually left on the channel to watch? Eureka?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

And to think, we whined and moaned for 2 years wanting the syfy channel in HD. Sad. Just sad.
Just realized there is a thread in the Dish Forum, but I had fun writing this so, I'll keep it here for the time being. Moderator's prerogative. ;) :D
No, its worse than that. They are the next "TNN-The Nashville Network" to "TNN-The National Network" (Before they dropped the whole idea of TNN and changed to Spike to shake the "nashville" compleley.

As mentioned before, this is another niche channel that decided it doesn't like its niche and soon will be crapping all over their core viewership. This isn't the first station to do this and wont be the last.

See ya

Stupid name and even worse logo.

Brainstorm from someone...:rolleyes:
Hmm... How many boxed DVD sets can you buy for your annual Dish subscription cost?

You should look into Netflix - two DVD's at a time for $15 a month. All the boxed sets are available and in my area I can turn the two DVD's in on Monday and have new ones delivered by Wednesday. Great system plus you have access to all the instant watch stuff - great deal!

Actually for real science fiction fans the prefered abreviation was SF. Sci FI was pronounced as skiffy. The Sci Fi channal has little to do with good science fiction. Which is to bad as there is a real market I think.
By changing the name to Syfy, which remains phonetically identical, the new brand broadens perceptions and embraces a wider and more diverse range of imagination-based entertainment including fantasy, paranormal, reality, mystery, action and adventure, as well as science fiction.

I still don't get it. They are keeping the exact same name, just spelling it wrong.

I get the point of being able to trademark it, which is probably the real point. This is all just marketing gobbledygook.

-"What channel are you watching?"


-"I don't like Science Fiction. How is it spelled?"


-"Oh, OK. That broadens my perceptions of the range of entertainment included!"

Realize that shows such as BSG and the Stargate series' cost a relative fortune to make due to the sets and special effects. Plus, you are doing it on a cable channel and getting 2-3 million viewers, so sponsors aren't beating down your door with suitcases full of money. Cranking out cheapies such as wrestling shows, chasing ghosts with handheld cameras, and horrible made-for-TV movies bring in basically the same amount of money at a substantial production savings. Only thing lacking is critical acclaim, which has done little to boost BSG out of niche fandom. Eureka will be back this summer (goofy but OK) and Stargate: Universe will start. Next January, Caprica (the BSG prequel) is scheduled to start with a miniseries (available this spring on DVD, if you don't want to wait) and then an 18 episode run. Economics keeps them from cranking out 10 space shows, so I'll avoid the bad movies, reality shows, and wrestling just like I have the reruns of shows I have already seen and continue enjoying the new sci-fi shows they crank out regardless of the logo they insist on plastering on the screen.
How about Journeyman? Pulled after one season but really caught my attention. It seems that anything that shows some imagination and has potential for some really interesting plots gets killed before it can catch on.

Jericho was excellent.

It seems everything good is canceled prematurely. Nothing good has ever received a long enough run. TV sucks for this reason.
Jericho was excellent.

It seems everything good is canceled prematurely. Nothing good has ever received a long enough run. TV sucks for this reason.

Any shows that makes people think to hard are canceled promptly. Shows like : Jericho & Journeyman, Battlestar Galactica are prime examples. Its easier to appeal to the lowest common denominator or viewer in this case. They like to dumb down everything to very easy terms like the bad, less than B status Sci-Fi Monster movie of the week that are shown every weekend on Sci-Fi. Bad monster eat people , people find way to kill said monster, good guys win. Same premise told over and over again in every movie or show they come up with. The sad thing is even the niche channels like Sci-Fi are being sold out and dumbed down to appeal to the lowest common viewer and those people are on the same iq as the Jerry Springer audience members as well as the guests.
BSG had 5 seasons and has spawned a prequel series! How is that a "prompt" cancellation? As far as shows like Jericho and Journerman, dumb people make ratings. How else do you explain American Idol and Dancing With the Stars as the top rated shows for the last several years? If you want to put out a smart show, you better get HBO or Showtime to pick it up because quasi-stars and fart jokes rule network TV.
Nothing good has ever received a long enough run. TV sucks for this reason.

Old debate but long enough is always in the eye of the beholder. I know many people wish BSG would be around for a 5th season but really its a good time to end it on a high note. That said, the way its looking it could probably do well with another 2 episodes to round it out for the finishing touches. I certainly hope after this friday it isnt ended in such a way as to allow for obvious sequels (meaning post-BSG) other than totally new situations outside of anything having to do with the fleet.

Oh speaking of channels wanting to spend only a small amount of money for programming.... network reality shows anyone? The only difference in this case is that more people actually watch them and advertisers pay to show them their wares. Really, I cant stand American Idol but compared to its ratings and advertising dollars the show must be dirt cheap to make.
If you want to put out a smart show, you better get HBO or Showtime to pick it up because quasi-stars and fart jokes rule network TV.

HBO is one of the worst offenders for canceling EXCELLENT shows prematurely.

Two that come to mind are Carnivale- barely two seasons with an excellent storyline, and Lucky Louie with Louie CK. That was one of the best comedies ever. Right up there with Arrested Development and The Office. HBO is horrible about ruining a good thing.

I like my share of dumbed down shows like Family Guy, American Dad, and to a lesser extent, The Simpsons, but unfortunately the thinking shows often do get canceled too soon.

I am just hoping that Breaking Bad sticks around for a while. Excellent show for those that haven't seen it.

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