Sci Fi Goes for Cool as Syfy New Name

I went with satellite back in the 90s because of the Sci-fi channel that showed Dark Shadows, Bionic Woman ,6million dollar man, etc. I watch Sci-Fi now for :

Battlestar Galactica-soon to end.
Dr. Who- When is it coming back?
Stargate Atlantis -cancelled.

I barely ever watch their monster of the week movies that they come out with each Saturday. They are always computer generated creations that are stupid like a giant squid . So I won't be watching Syfy much at all anyway in the future.
Stargate Universe: Coming soon
Dr. Who- When is it coming back?

From Wikipedia (with a couple of edits to help with context):

A Christmas special, entitled "The Next Doctor", was broadcast (in the UK) in 2008 and will be followed by four more specials in 2009 and early 2010, the first being an Easter special titled "Planet of the Dead"; the next full series, Series 5, has been confirmed to air in 2010.

David Tennant (the current Doctor) announced at the 2008 National Television Awards that after appearing in the four 2009–2010 Doctor Who specials, he will leave the role.

The Eleventh Doctor will be portrayed by Matt Smith, the youngest actor to portray the role at 26 years old.
I went with satellite back in the 90s because of the Sci-fi channel that showed Dark Shadows, Bionic Woman ,6million dollar man, etc. I watch Sci-Fi now for :

Battlestar Galactica-soon to end.
Dr. Who- When is it coming back?
Stargate Atlantis -cancelled.

I barely ever watch their monster of the week movies that they come out with each Saturday. They are always computer generated creations that are stupid like a giant squid . So I won't be watching Syfy much at all anyway in the future.

Yea thats why I watched Sci-Fi is for Dark Shadows. I wish they would bring it back. Now all it is good for to me is ECW on tuesday nights.
Yet MTV, with basically no music at all, still is MTV.....

MTV's brand is a strong one, so much that many people who watch it would say no if you asked them if they watched 'music television'... and that is the point. If you asked someone if they watched Sci-Fi they'd say 'yeah I like the Terminator movies' or something like that even if they watched the TV channel 2-3 hours a night. The problem still exists with a similar name, but you cant trademark SciFi and you can SyFy, so that's what they're doing and they'll build their brand around it.
You can trademark "Sci-Fi Channel" though.

Why don't we just go ahead and save the time and effort and rename all cable channels to generic names and drop the theming, which is apparently where they all want to go anyway.
:eureka Empty V, See Empty, Tea BS.... Yeah, they should rename the other stations; funny, never noticed how accurately named some of these stations really were :D

(They say if you have to explain a joke it's best to not tell it.... but if you are looking for an answer key, it's MTV, CMT and TBS)
I really wouldn't care what they call it if they would only stick to it's roots as in Science Fiction. I am heartily tired of game shows, wrestling, etc on a channel that is supposed to be airing science fiction.

Yeah, it might was well have been renamed "G4.2". Not that I have any idea what the hell G4 is supposed to stand for, but that's OK because I don't know what its theme is supposed to be anyway.
Themes are good but limiting. If anything, change the name but have 'Sci Fi Night' or something like that. Maybe two days out of the week. One of them could be weekly shows and the other for double feature movies of the week. Perhaps also do the occasional marathon. And then..... stick to it. Thats a bit caveat because often channels dont.

Albiet its not 24/7 but for me right now Friday nights is mostly about it. Also much of the time their movies (other than originals) show up uncut on the high def non-commercial channels either before or after so I dont even bother. For example, Resident Evil 3 was on Sci Fi 2 months ago and this month its on Encore or HDNet movies (I forget which). Yes I know most people dont have these channels but its just to show that these things rotate around. I expect Dawn of the Dead to be on SciFi eventually even tho its uncut on another channel this month.

Since it was mentioned above, I wouldnt call Jericho a scifi show per se. But I wish SciFi would pick it up anyways simply because it was a great show. Just like I wouldnt strictly call Lost scifi. Both are just about people in extreme modern day 'what-if' situations. I wouldnt call anything having to do with super heroes sci fi either. In 1950 maybe but not these days. This year Star Trek will be sci fi but Wolverine will not. The threshold has changed. No pun intended about that show.
That's why they're changing it, they don't want to be narrowed to a specific bucket (ie Jericho doesnt belong it's not SciFi' despite appealing to a relevant audience for the channel), while at the same time making a larger overall brand. From the press release:

Syfy also creates an umbrella brand name that can extend into new adjacent businesses under the Syfy Ventures banner, such as Syfy Games, Syfy Films and Syfy Kids.

The name change is just the beginning.
I consider Comic book heroes Sci-fi. Always have. Jericho is sci-fi also since it takes place in an alternate U.S.A. ,where the homeland security director comes up with a plot to nuke major U.S. cities in order to grab power and start a new country; Allied States of America.
Oh great. It's going to be another channel full of "reality" shows, car restoration shows, and other such crap. With a handful of Sci-Fi shows and movies thrown in. If that's what they plan on doing they should change the name to the VSFR Channel (Vaguely Sci-Fi Related Channel) Just like they should change MTV to VMRT.
Science Fiction is fiction based on scientific speculation. I REALLY want to call Jericho sci-fi, but it is hard to do that because it is (somewhat) plausible and rooted in actual science (Nuclear Devices are real - now if it was terrorist detonated cobalt devises that have the cities hit still contained within a blackhole like shround of darkness, then yeah sci-fi). However, super heroes, yeah... science fiction. Until you can show me the reality of a proliferation of widely varried and beneficial mutations spreading amongst the populace; superheroes remains science fiction in my book.
As long as they don't touch the Ghost Hunter shows. That's all I really watch on it anymore.

I also hope they don't mess with the general theming. I.e. coming back from commercial shorts and sounds.

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