Review: Sonicview SV-HD8000


I won't comment on other things, but the SV 8000 firmware bugs listed above were reported on various forums and of course sent to Sonicview official support multiple times over 2+ years by many people. It changed nothing. Why? I assume, fixing these bugs requires spending some cash, while not necessarily delivers more STB sales. That's why people "wanna complain" in open forums quite loud. And again, what seems to work for bug fixing most efficiently is market realities, i.e fast dropping STB sales.

To give some examples, one of the most notorious bugs is continuous split second audio dropouts on almost half of clear Radio channels. Same channels play excellent when converted to dummy Video channels. But this overheats the main proc, probably due to a memory leak. People on sub also reported the same issue with half of sub Radio channels. Volume level on S/PDIF Out port must also be raised if possible. SV never commented on this bug and neither did anything to fix it. Despite they do know, plenty of folks like listening to the music.

Another notorious bug often reported is defaulting to External Module after the STB reboot, despite Internal Tuner was selected manually before the reboot. This Module at times required to watch clear HD channels. Many reported External Module being prone to overheating, especially its older versions, hence desire to switch it Off, when not required. But the STB can't save the setting, and goes back to default after reboot. Why would External Module needs to be default in the first place? It should pick up only when a supported signal is detected. Is it that hard to fix memorizing the setting properly? Now, when one wants to listen to the Radio via an HT Audio Receiver, he has to switch On TV first only to turn Off the External Module on screen to avoid overheating. Does it make sense to you?

Also, some people reported that despite being advertised as supporting DiSEqC 1.1, SV 8000HD firmware does not support it in practice, or that code was removed in newer releases I guess to make space for something else, which limits the STB use for FTA. So, there is a valid point in posting never fixed ever ignored bug lists in open forums: to inform consumers and get these things hopefully fixed. If the company didn't want to fix these bugs while the STB was sold in huge numbers, the chance is slim they'll do it now, unless its openly discussed.
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Complaining in open forums won't help. I don't believe that Sonicview realizes the potential market without request to them for improvements to the software. Those complaints are negative to sales-complain to SV if necessary. I use my SV8K as a hobby, but have full service cable and a sat sub to watch TV, and have run into the same issues you have posted as bugs. Some don't have other choices, I understand.
The market is limited, but I feel the market is expanding, so if more individual request are made to them, I'm quite sure they will take notice.
At present, and at the present price point, I will say that the SV8K is the best value of anything on the market ,and has the best potential of any brand of HD STB.

Complaints won't help-usually don't. The more request they get from current and potential users/ sales will.
I finally got around to "upgrading" from firmware version 4.43 to the one currently on their website, 2.57. So far it seems to work just as well and usals may work just a bit better. The ota atsc tuner seems to work fine with this firmware.

I also ordered a replacement fan from ebay and installed it to replace my noisy one. It is a San Ace 109P0405H906. It works fine but if you use the same person I did remember to ask them to switch the wires back to standard black-red-yellow configuration since you have to specifically request this.
What makes you think I'm from the dark side?

Because you are a moderator on Sonicview's main satellite piracy discussion forum & hacked firmware release site as stated on the screenshot I included with this post. :yikes As this is a delicate subject, only people with some sort of connection to Sonicview and/or staff are chosen to be moderators.

This post confirms absolutely nothing that you have posted because most of it are Lies.

What I meant by that is that by you joining this forum and replying to this thread, it proves my theory that SonicView is actually reading this thread.

Someone had hacked into the site and posted files without their knowledge. They immediately removed the files and replace them the proper versions.

A likely story... :rolleyes: Why then was the file in question posted on your and several other discussion forums as a "Factory file"?

Why did SonicView not post a public statement on their website advising their customers that their website was hacked? Why isn't there an advisory for anyone who downloaded and flashed v4.43 to their SV8000 receiver to flash it with the "correct file" again?

I asked you not to release that information when I PM"ed you because it is embarrassing to them. you asked for a gift in your PM to me. I thought that was appropriate, because the information was important. I sent you the elite out of my own pocket it is not from sonic view. It was sent as a gift, not as a payoff. But you have blabbed the fact that it was posted there anyway ,so I have learned what you really are.

I did not release any information while it was not made public by someone else so I respected our agreement. However, now that this information was made public in Echostar's court filing documents, there is nothing more to hide. And before you go on and accuse me, no I did not contact Echostar or anyone else with this information. They discovered it themselves or someone else reported it to them.

I have absolutely no respect for people like you. You have a right to your views and values as I do, but when you inflict them on other people and stand on your table preaching your values to other people, that is what causes wars. Some people have chosen a different path than you. They have their reasons for doing that, and that is not wrong in their viewpoint.

So you are saying that you respect people who steal satellite programming?

For those of you that desire improvements in the software of sonic view products, e-mail the factory site. A third-party site has nothing to do with the sonic view factory site. If they can accommodate your request, fine, if they can't, find and buy receiver that can.

Many of us did email and/or even called Sonicview in order for them to fix these outstanding bugs but they simply do not care as their main objective is to ensure that their hacked firmware is working well when receiving encrypted satellite programming.

Bugs are only fixed on occasion when they have the time. Even worse, no release notes are provided with these firmware releases so we don't even know which bugs were fixed with each release! If SonicView wants respect from legitimate FTA users then they need to open the lines of communication and be more proactive in ensuring quality of their products by fixing these outstanding bugs.

P.S. Nice collection of dishes! Are you using your Dish 1000+, 500 and 300 just to watch NASA, ION and ANGEL on 119? :rolleyes:


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I can answer every point you quoted above and come up with a legitimate legal answer. I see no point in doing that. I stated the facts as I know them previously.

I will state however, loud and clear that I have no connection with the Sonicview Factory site, it's owner's or representatives either direct or indirect. Didn't know who they were until the court doc was released. I have no idea if anyone their has ever visited this site.

I have also read the court document and do not recall any reference to 3rd party software being posted at the factory site. If you could point me to that, I would appreciate that.

I will also state clearly that I do not agree with someones decision to use 3rd party software, but I do respect it-it's their decision.

The equipment I have is used to test various types of set ups and hardware to help others do it correctly. I don't need to watch TV from it and I don't.

I'm quite sure that I will not respond to you again-it could go on forever, and accomplish nothing. But I would like the info from the court doc.
I stand corrected

The factory site is named in the court doc along with a 3rd party site claimed to controlled by the defendants each and every time.
The only specific reference to the factory site is on page 11, lines 21,22, and that isn't crystal clear as to what code it is.
Initial fillings are always as open ended as possible.

Looks like wait and see at this point.
The factory site is named in the court doc along with a 3rd party site claimed to controlled by the defendants each and every time.
The only specific reference to the factory site is on page 11, lines 21,22, and that isn't crystal clear as to what code it is.
Initial fillings are always as open ended as possible.

Looks like wait and see at this point.

FYI, the main court filing document you are referring to only summarizes the case and does not go into detail. However, the various appendixes which were filed as supporting evidence DO contain very detailed information, including details on version 4.43 of the factory firmware for the SV HD8000 which was on and had piracy features enabled on it by accident. :eek:

I have the PDF here and could post it but I won't since you did not answer all the questions I asked in my previous post. :( Also, posting it would be off topic as this thread should be focusing more on review related topics for the SV8000.
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As a forum participant, just wanted to remind you guys that this thread is devoted to technical aspects and review of Sonicview 8000HD STB. It may be a good place to talk about some firmware bugs as well. But any talks about legal issues and the STB Importer actions are better suited and usually moved to the FTA Shark section, and this forum is obviously not the right place to discuss your own posts on satellite piracy sites or any other sites for that matter, and disagreements about such posts content. SV 8000HD is just one of many STBs that different people seems to use for various purposes, and it was discussed on this site many times that STBs should not be labeled one way or another. As an example, one broadcaster demanded all Coolsat STBs being scrapped as designed for signal piracy, but experienced FTA fans claim it's some of the best equipment for FTA out there.
As a forum participant, just wanted to remind you guys that this thread is devoted to technical aspects and review of Sonicview 8000HD STB. It may be a good place to talk about some firmware bugs as well. But any talks about legal issues and the STB Importer actions are better suited and usually moved to the FTA Shark section, and this forum is obviously not the right place to discuss your own posts on satellite piracy sites or any other sites for that matter, and disagreements about such posts content. SV 8000HD is just one of many STBs that different people seems to use for various purposes, and it was discussed on this site many times that STBs should not be labeled one way or another. As an example, one broadcaster demanded all Coolsat STBs being scrapped as designed for signal piracy, but experienced FTA fans claim it's some of the best equipment for FTA out there.

I agree with what you said. Lets all refrain from posting any new legal related posts to bring this thread back on track with technical and bug related posts for the SV8000.
Since posting a comment that the inherent bugs in this product were only mildly annoying compared to its limitations due to poor programming I purchased a V2 8PSK Module. That addition has elevated its status to the most annoying chunk of equipment still in use in my house. The board was purchased specifically for LBP but didn't help. One new feature is the loading of the 8PSK module as default thereby screwing up many other channels until it is set to the internal unit. It is a good unit gone bad from my point of view.
Since posting a comment that the inherent bugs in this product were only mildly annoying compared to its limitations due to poor programming I purchased a V2 8PSK Module. That addition has elevated its status to the most annoying chunk of equipment still in use in my house. The board was purchased specifically for LBP but didn't help. One new feature is the loading of the 8PSK module as default thereby screwing up many other channels until it is set to the internal unit. It is a good unit gone bad from my point of view.

The older firmwares don't have this bug and correctly save whatever selection you make in the External Module menu, even after a reboot. I don't remember off hand since what version that it doesn't save anymore but will try to find out when I have the chance.
I guess the "coders" were asked to make 8psk Turbo module default based on the importer's assumptions about the STB usage pattern, and to avoid delay in channels switching. However, the STB owner should be given a fare chance to correct such assumptions by saving Internal Tuner as default.

As to inability of the 8psk module based on a Broadcom demod to process some signal streams, good examples of popular channels "screwed up" would help. I assume, under "inherent bugs" you mean popping caps in earlier versions of the STB Power Supply, earlier 8psk boards overheating, and loud internal fan with low airflow capacity. It's all fixable however with some user effort.
I have not had any hardware problems such as overheating but think the unit is an example of lost revenue resulting from poorly tested firmware. I always recommend purchasing other products that follow the traditional flow; design-test-sell rather than the costly silly loop; design-sell-test-sell-test-sell...
The older firmwares don't have this bug and correctly save whatever selection you make in the External Module menu, even after a reboot. I don't remember off hand since what version that it doesn't save anymore but will try to find out when I have the chance.

The LPB channel mentioned in jww post is in dvb-s2 "standard" 8PSK demodulation, and I'm not sure if the A-1 add on board for the sonicview 8000 supports that format. I am personnally still looking to yet find concrete proof (based on testing) that it supports regular 8PSK demodulation as it does for Turbo 8PSK, but with dvb-s2 system and not just dvb-s Turbo 8PSK.

A few interesting true fta channels (i.e., NBC AMC 1 (103 W)) are now broadcasting in dvb-s2 "standard" 8PSK format.

I am only interested in TRUE FTA, and i'm wondering if the present 8PSK add-on module of sonicview 8000 (or a different one, if it exists) supports DVB-s2 8PSK (not only Turbo 8PSK) broadcasts. I have searched in many places, and I couldn't find clear information on this subject. I'm certain that sv 8000 able to tune MPEG 4 HD, but I was not able to tune dvb-s2 8psk (modulation) with either MPEG 2 or MPEG 4 (SD and HD).

Before I go ahead and acquire an module (like the A-1), I need to find out if this same module that supports Turbo 8PSK (and I have no interest in hacking dick or bev) can support standard dvb-s2 8PSK. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Several STB importers offer 8psk Turbo add on boards for their STBs. Sonicview is one of them, and at least 3 generations of such add on module were offered over time for SV 8000HD, all based on different Broadcom demodulator chipset models with varying capabilities. However, NONE such board supports DVB-S2 standard (at least in firmware), since it is not required for their presumed purpose, and would impose extra requirements on the STB (such as DVB-S2 tuner and blindscan capability), it can't handle.

Btw, what sat and TP transmits LPB channel, and who is the content provider?

I am only interested in TRUE FTA, and i'm wondering if the present 8PSK add-on module of sonicview 8000 (or a different one, if it exists) supports DVB-s2 8PSK (not only Turbo 8PSK) broadcasts. I have searched in many places, and I couldn't find clear information on this subject. I'm certain that sv 8000 able to tune MPEG 4 HD, but I was not able to tune dvb-s2 8psk (modulation) with either MPEG 2 or MPEG 4 (SD and HD).

GoSatellite, where I bought it, states FTA 8PSK capability on their website ("The Sonicview 8000 HD 8PSK module board enables the Sonicview 8000 HD to receive high definition DVB (8PSK) free to air channels"). Now when I look at mode selection in the transponder list there are DVB QPSK, Turbo 8PSK, Turbo QPSK, DVB-S2-8PSK, DVB-S2-QPSK. I am ordering a larger dish in an attempt to get Louisiana. If that works I will post here. If it fails I will have a serious talk with GoSatellite.
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Its nice to have dummy UI options to encourage buyers, and Sonicview is not the only one in that category - just read through AZBox section threads. As a first step of your interesting adventure, I'd suggest you to find out, what model of 8psk Turbo add on Board you have installed in your SV 8000HD receiver? When you look at it under the STB cover, take a note of the exact model of Broadcom labeled chip soldered on it, and also of all other chips on that Board you can read legibly. Let us know your finding pls. :)

Keep in mind however, 8psk modulation is often opted for by broadcasters using DVB-S2 signal broadcast standard, but it is not a part of that standard, and can be used to broadcast DVB-S compliant signals as well. In fact, its widely used to broadcast DVB-S signals, while using some variants of FEC Error Correction algorithms, like Turbo FEC. ;)

Anyone can suggest, what stations accessible from NA currently broadcast in DVB-S 8psk? Also, what one can possibly do to GoSatellite website, if Sonicview site for example claims for the STB to support DiSEqC 1.1, while it does not so far? Having said that, reports suggest this box performs very well in a majority of tasks it was designed for.
Its nice to have dummy UI options to encourage buyers, and Sonicview is not the only one in that category - just read through AZBox section threads. As a first step of your interesting adventure, I'd suggest you to find out, what model of 8psk Turbo add on Board you have installed in your SV 8000HD receiver? When you look at it under the STB cover, take a note of the exact model of Broadcom labeled chip soldered on it, and also of all other chips on that Board you can read legibly. Let us know your finding pls. :)

Keep in mind however, 8psk modulation is often opted for by broadcasters using signal broadcast standard, but it is not a part of that standard, and can be used to broadcast DVB-S compliant signals as well. In fact, its widely used to broadcast DVB-S signals, while using some variants of FEC Error Correction algorithms, like Turbo FEC. ;)

Anyone can suggest, what stations accessible from NA currently broadcast in DVB-S 8psk? Also, what one can possibly do to GoSatellite website, if Sonicview site for example claims for the STB to support DiSEqC 1.1, while it does not so far? Having said that, reports suggest this box performs very well in a majority of tasks it was designed for.

LPB is broadcasting in dvb-s2 8psk format (and so others like NBC at 103.0 W), and jwwbrennan may be out of luck here. Nevertheless, it is still intersting to see the result of his testing. You never know!

I personally wish Sonicview gets busted by Dish for the IKS side of its business, and hopefully, if that ever happens, force them to pay more attention to the TRUE fta side of the business (like providing support for dvb-s2, 8psk, 4:2:2).

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