Its nice to have dummy UI options to encourage buyers
The UI options were first noticed after the purchase and were taken as a better sign than if they were not there but never thought to be ipso facto.
Keep in mind however, 8psk modulation is often opted for by broadcasters using DVB-S2 signal broadcast standard, but it is not a part of that standard, and can be used to broadcast DVB-S compliant signals as well. In fact, its widely used to broadcast DVB-S signals, while using some variants of FEC Error Correction algorithms, like Turbo FEC.
That is why I continue to doubt the S2 until it is tested with a dish that gets at least 12140. I just decided that at $70 Cdn it was worth a go for LBS and might circumvent the cost of a new dish. Another option - Bell - costs more than that a month without Al Jazeera or Russia Today. A new dish costing much more than the card is already in the works.
Anyone can suggest, what stations accessible from NA currently broadcast in DVB-S 8psk? Also, what one can possibly do to GoSatellite website, if Sonicview site for example claims for the STB to support DiSEqC 1.1, while it does not so far? Having said that, reports suggest this box performs very well in a majority of tasks it was designed for.
I will consider my options if it proves to be a product that does not deliver as the firmware implies.
All for all as my only source of television beyond really poor reception of CBC this FTA thing is working out quite well.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.