GEOSATpro 1.2M Dish and SL2BLT Dual LNBF Video Review

nice and informative video.
only comment i can think of is -
when comparing KU linear LNB's, I think i would set up 2 to 3 dishes such as
1. a superdish
2. a 4 ft dish
3 (my) 9 ft dish
My feet fit some of my shoes better then others for a variety of reasons.

but i do understand that it was asked specifically for the 4 ft.
i like close ups of elevation readings very much
Glad you liked the review..:)
I should look at the picture before speaking, but...
sounds like you're fixed, so can you just invert the dish?
That's the (a, one) easy way to get to zero elevation. ;)
Nice to see this video. Almost like looking at the dish yourself in person. This is the dish I need. I wonder how much to ship all the way to eastern Canada. Inverting the dish is an easy procedure and a practical solution for fixed dishes for viewing lower elevation satellites. Attached photo shows dish on 121W at 14 degrees elevation. I was worried about not having a scale once you invert, but after you find your first satellite and make a reference mark, it's easy to simply move up or down by the calculated amount for your location.


  • Elevation 14 degrees.jpg
    Elevation 14 degrees.jpg
    366.4 KB · Views: 601
Ouch. A new 1.2m Fortec Star FC120CM locally that I can bring home in the car is $159. Or a local refurbished 1.2m Prodelin is available for $345.
Ouch. A new 1.2m Fortec Star FC120CM locally that I can bring home in the car is $159. Or a local refurbished 1.2m Prodelin is available for $345.

Go with either one of those :)

It costs $150 for shipping in the States.
No. The formula is 90 - (elevation to sat + dish offset) = Take-off angle.

For example, if aiming at a satellite at 14 degrees elevation using a dish with offset of 27 degrees:
90 - (14 + 27) = 49
The dish will point up at angle of 49 degrees with respect to horizontal. See Post #24.
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This is the dish I need. I wonder how much to ship all the way to eastern Canada.

Call Glorystar Canada toll-free and find out. They will quote ground freight within two days. Then, you will know.


$177 US (shipping & duty) from SatAV in california as per
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I'm confused. This ebay listing is from satellite_av in Roseville, CA. That's you, isn't it?

Yes it is us. Ebay took liberty to post that we ship to Canada. No we don't :( There is no economical way to ship to Canada. But e-bay claims they can deliver until customer places order and we actually ship to e-bay. Then e-bay facility in Kentucky of all places reports to customer they are unable to deliver. We don't loose any money, but customer doesn't get the dish.

I updated the listing, if you look at it again, it has a warning we do not ship to Canada.

I did notice the ebay listing changed. It originally said you shipped to Canada for $180. This "shipped price" of $325 total was the good deal. On ebay, I've never experienced a vendor shipping to ebay and them forwarding to purchaser. The concept is seller to purchaser direct. I would not buy off ebay with this forwarding arrangement. I'll stick with Canadian sellers.
I did notice the ebay listing changed. It originally said you shipped to Canada for $180. This "shipped price" of $325 total was the good deal. On ebay, I've never experienced a vendor shipping to ebay and them forwarding to purchaser. The concept is seller to purchaser direct. I would not buy off ebay with this forwarding arrangement. I'll stick with Canadian sellers.

It's a new deal Ebay themselves started awhile ago to "get around" sellers who say they will ONLY sell to continental US buyers. It's such a hassle to do all the paperwork, and the costs are high. So, Ebay started their own forwarding business where they CLAIMED they could do this re-shipping cheaper, so now "all you sellers can sell world-wide".
It's a new deal Ebay themselves started awhile ago to "get around" sellers who say they will ONLY sell to continental US buyers. It's such a hassle to do all the paperwork, and the costs are high. So, Ebay started their own forwarding business where they CLAIMED they could do this re-shipping cheaper, so now "all you sellers can sell world-wide".
Glad to know. This breaks ebay business model. I would be hesitant to order outside country via ebay now.
Do you get more feeds with the 1.2 m
Compared to 36"?

Good review and video
Yes for sure! Also, stuff that is intermittent on a 36 is solid on a 1.2M.